Links for 9/30/13

The Obit Patrol: Sebastian “Billy” Mure

Surfer’s Guide to the Climate Change

Scientists discover ‘black holes’ in Earth’s oceans

Climate change? Try catastrophic climate breakdown

Bee Deaths May Have Reached A Crisis Point For Crops

Tepco “We don’t watch Tokyo bay contamination” | Fukushima Diary

Bali’s Trash Problem Subject of New Film

Cost savings of renewable energy might outweigh costs of adapting to renewable energy

vintage everyday: Advertisement for Atabrine during WWII

Links for 9/25/13

Sea Change – Faun Kime

Aunt Tiki’s – New Orleans, LA

See Coral Reefs Like Never Before Thanks To Gorgeous New Panoramas

Forbidden Island: Parking Lot Sale This Sunday!

At the Tonga Room, Mai Tai sales soar

Global Warming Deniers Drop Their Bombshell–And It’s A Dud

Four Horsemen – Feature Documentary – Official Version

Rare humpback whale spotted off Australian shores

Endless Summer: 7 Classic Tiki Drinks for Summer’s Final Days

Breaking Underwater Waves Cause Mixing in Deep Ocean

IPCC issues stark warning over global warming

25,000+ fish killed by Hawaii molasses spill

Week 38 – Hurricane Slams Mexico, 10 Oil Pipeline Leaks in Colorado, Typhoon Man-yi Forces More Radiation Water into the Sea

Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

Dave Glasheen: The Lost Boy of Restoration Island | New Republic

The 5 stages of climate denial are on display ahead of the IPCC report | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment |

Links for 9/23/13

The Crisis at Fukushima’s Unit 4 Demands a Global Take-Over | Common Dreams

Urgent international petition calling for immediate action on the uncontrolled radioactive discharges at Tepco’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

Are You Drinking Too Much? The Myth Of Moderation – Forbes

Overfishing of sharks trashing coral reefs | Herald Sun

Overfishing a threat – Fiji Times Online

How Deep is The Costa Rica Shark Finning Rabbit Hole? | The Costa Rican Times

Maili Masters

Speaker Week(s) Begins with Jordan Watts | Preservation Sound


Links for 9/21/13

Coral reefs suffer as the relentless hunt for shark fins takes its toll | Environment |

Journalism and Climate Change: A conversation about this bad relationship and ideas about what might help – Faun Kime

vintage everyday: Fashion on the Street of Singapore, ca. 1969

Japan Meteorological Research Institute “60,000,000,000 Bq of Cs-137 and Sr-90 is leaking to the open ocean everyday” | Fukushima Diary

Locking in the locked-out generation – The Drum Opinion (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

bella vita

Miniweb Earth League News

Lost & Found on Vimeo

Arctic Ocean Acidification – Faun Kime

Links for 9/19/13

Stop Dirty Energy Development in Santa Barbara! | Campaigns

Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

NHK: Attempts to stop Fukushima contamination flowing into ocean have failed — Japan Nuclear Expert: “Most likely flowing fairly quickly into sea” from nearby Reactor No. 2

The Most Controversial Chart in History, Explained | Mother Jones

vintage everyday: Beautiful Women’s Swimwear Fashion in the 1950’s

Forget zombies; we should be fighting jellyfish | Grist

Climate change to have double impact – study | Nafeez Ahmed | Environment |

Wildlife vulnerable to climate change teeters on edge of extinction

Links for 9/17/13

How Much More Can Polar Bears Take?

Hawaii Molasses Spill: Sen. Brian Schatz Wants Review After Honolulu Accident

Unprecedented rate and scale of ocean acidification found in the Arctic

Elliot Easton’s Tiki Gods invite you to Easton Island

Prince Jefri of Brunei: how to blow billions – Boing Boing

Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

Satellite reveals ‘hidden’ 1000-ha oil palm plantation in Amazon rainforest in Peru

Europe importing more palm oil for biofuels, raising risks for rainforests

Rolling Stone Mobile – Politics – Politics: Global Warming Is Very Real

Japan Typhoon Threatens Fukashima Nuclear Plant

The Real Mermaids of San Marcos, Texas – Boing Boing