Links for 3/14/14

Farm to fork: California drought to drive up food prices in the long term

Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, Evacuate the Economy

Climate change activist speaks to UW students


To the Beach, Holland, 1953.

The Internet Empowered Artist? What 1 Million Streams Means To You! #sxsw

3 Inconvenient Facts That Make Libertarians’ Heads Explode

Working Man’s Death trailer

Live & Restaurant? Mosrite Cafe

Fukushima: They Knew

“Secret” Tiki Room at Tonga Hut Palm Springs

Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events.

Wildlife Across the Globe Rely on Pristine Antarctic Waters

Fiji latest country to relocate climate refugees

Ant Farm as seen by Germano Celant

Links for 3/11/14

Ukraine crisis is about Great Power oil, gas pipeline rivalry

[100 m3 overflow] “Who turned on the wrong valve and why ?” / Still not identified

The Elegant Secrets Of Flying Snakes : The Protojournalist

Dangers of Fracking

BUSTED! Largest whale shark slaughter house found in China

Oil Sands Raise Levels of Cancer-Causing Compounds in Regional Waters

Study finds sea levels rising fast; concerns grow about Shore

GMOs Are Killing the Bees, Butterflies, Birds and . . . ?

Four years after oil spill, 1,250-pound tar mat washes ashore in Florida


Links for 3/8/14

Global warming may imperil Statue of Liberty, Tower of London

Tidal flooding in Marshall Islands has caused widespread damage

Extreme weather is ‘silver lining’ for climate action: Christiana Figueres

Greening China’s power brings down cost of renewable energy for all

Eme Tiki – Bill Justis: “The Dark Continent Contribution”…

BBC News – ‘Carbon bubble’ threatens stock markets, say MPs

Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

Oil From the Exxon Valdez Spill Lingers on Alaska Beaches

IEA Report: Wind and Solar Can Carry Bulk of Energy Transformation