Links for 7/9/16

Why is a ton of trash washing up on beaches in Hong Kong? It’s a mystery!

But we have a guess.

Source: Why is a ton of trash washing up on beaches in Hong Kong? It’s a mystery!


Whether you are shouting “tax the rich” into a megaphone or urging mass copyright infringement against he MLK estate it’s still important to wear your pearls!   “Progressive…

Source: 90% White Hudson Valley Elects “Progressive” That Organized Mass Copyright Infringement Against MLK Estate | The Trichordist


Atlantic City circa 1908. “Bathing beach and Steeplechase Pier.” With signs advertising Vaudeville as well as what may or may not be the restrooms. 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

Source: The Human Tide: 1908 | Shorpy Historic Picture Archive


Video: Surfing the Eisbach

Links for 7/5/16

Vogue’s 21st Century Man (1939)


Tiki Joint Super Power Gets Its Origin Story in Crown Heights


This bijou coastal retreat on stilts owes a debt to wartime sea forts

Source: Redshank beach house review – in deepest Essex, cork tiles are back | Art and design | The Guardian


Most cities are indigenous, insofar as they are built on the lands of dispossessed first peoples. Paul Daley, Guardian Australia’s leading voice on Indigenous history, explores whether a city’s ‘indigeneity’ is just a matter of population – or if culture and equality count just as much

Source: Which is the worlds most indigenous city? | Cities | The Guardian

Links for 7/4/16



Recent research provides a better understanding of urban populations throughout history, digitising almost 6,000 years of data for the first time

Source: The rise and fall of great world cities: 5,700 years of urbanisation – mapped | Cities | The Guardian


PineappleGate in Madagascar is much more than meets the eye.

Source: Why Everyone in Madagascar Is Making Jokes About Pineapple · Global Voices


Video: Roadfino / Duct Tape Invitational


In classic art, the Ocean is frequently featured as a dark and dangerous entity, waiting to destroy ships and lives. Marine art progressed along with the evolution of ocean going vessels. Swell-pro…

Source: Brush Strokes: The Classics | Swell Lines

Links for 7/2/16

Surfboards. Aloha. Rock n Roll

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Scientist on honeymoon in Thailand stumbles on ‘horrific-looking’ creature that is the first one known to swim

Source: Giant swimming, venomous centipede discovered by accident in world-first | Environment | The Guardian


Your daily guide to all things hip, retro and vintage

Source: Now available: Star Trek Original Series Bluetooth Communicator at Firebox


If tests of the 100m-long barrier that collects rubbish on the sea’s surface are successful, it could be deployed at a larger scale in the ‘great Pacific garbage patch’

Source: Dutch prototype clean-up boom brings Pacific plastics solution a step closer | Environment | The Guardian