Tiki Kon Finale Party featuring The Insanitizers, July 10, 2016, 6-7pm
Why is a ton of trash washing up on beaches in Hong Kong? It’s a mystery!
But we have a guess.
Source: Why is a ton of trash washing up on beaches in Hong Kong? It’s a mystery!
Whether you are shouting “tax the rich” into a megaphone or urging mass copyright infringement against he MLK estate it’s still important to wear your pearls! “Progressive…
Atlantic City circa 1908. “Bathing beach and Steeplechase Pier.” With signs advertising Vaudeville as well as what may or may not be the restrooms. 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.
Source: The Human Tide: 1908 | Shorpy Historic Picture Archive
Video: Surfing the Eisbach
Vogue’s 21st Century Man (1939)
Tiki Joint Super Power Gets Its Origin Story in Crown Heights
This bijou coastal retreat on stilts owes a debt to wartime sea forts
Source: Redshank beach house review – in deepest Essex, cork tiles are back | Art and design | The Guardian
Most cities are indigenous, insofar as they are built on the lands of dispossessed first peoples. Paul Daley, Guardian Australia’s leading voice on Indigenous history, explores whether a city’s ‘indigeneity’ is just a matter of population – or if culture and equality count just as much
Source: Which is the worlds most indigenous city? | Cities | The Guardian
Recent research provides a better understanding of urban populations throughout history, digitising almost 6,000 years of data for the first time
PineappleGate in Madagascar is much more than meets the eye.
Source: Why Everyone in Madagascar Is Making Jokes About Pineapple · Global Voices
Video: Roadfino / Duct Tape Invitational
In classic art, the Ocean is frequently featured as a dark and dangerous entity, waiting to destroy ships and lives. Marine art progressed along with the evolution of ocean going vessels. Swell-pro…
Source: Brush Strokes: The Classics | Swell Lines
Surfboards. Aloha. Rock n Roll
Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events
Scientist on honeymoon in Thailand stumbles on ‘horrific-looking’ creature that is the first one known to swim
Your daily guide to all things hip, retro and vintage
Source: Now available: Star Trek Original Series Bluetooth Communicator at Firebox
If tests of the 100m-long barrier that collects rubbish on the sea’s surface are successful, it could be deployed at a larger scale in the ‘great Pacific garbage patch’