Links for 6/9/17

Seit mehr als 100 Jahren paddeln Kajakfahrer auf den Kanälen in Thalkirchen, das Flusssurfen wurde hier erfunden. Doch es gibt immer wieder Ärger.

Source: Thalkirchen: Die verreckte Welle an der Floßlände – München – Sü

Indigenous Canadians face a crisis as climate change eats away island home | World news | The Guardian

Boppadoppadoppadoppadang! | L.A. Weekly


Could governments and oil companies get sued for inaction on climate change? | Toronto Star

I would like to draw attention to the Immigrants who wanted to live a better life in America. I tried to connect past and present with visualising these people in today’s environment.Last year I’ve been to Ellis Island and I immediately had a bad feeling about that place. Approximately I knew what happened in Ellis Island and later I’ve been thinking about the likeness of current the immigration reforms in the United States. I made a research and it’s really sad what happened to many Immigrants. Many of them died in Ellis Island while waiting and hoping for an opportunity for a new life. In this way their dream came true. I created this project as a reminder and commemorate to the 3,500 people who died there.Black and white images from the previous century are often forgotten, so I colorised them and retouched the damages to make more connected to the present. The images are fictional, many people couldn’t ever get into Manhattan or live in America. Migration is an ongoing situation and the story of Ellis Island is still relevant nowadays.This is not history. This is today.

Source: Flora Borsi

Links for 6/2/17

Australian convict pirates in Japan: evidence of 1830 voyage unearthed | Australia news | The Guardian


Vintage Air India route map on a souvenir hand fan

Source: Boing Boing



Source: Forget Everything You Learned In Economics. You Were Totally Lied To.


Dakota Access Pipeline already Leaking Oil & not Completed


We just discovered A Future on Wheels, a longboarding project in Cambodia, that teamed-up with local NGO OBT (Organization for the basic training) to bring

Source: A Future on Wheels – Longboarding Project in Cambodia » Blog Archive » Longboard Girls Crew


The Decolonial Atlas | Re-imagining the world.

Links for 6/1/17

Cadillac Wheels wurde mit der Erfindung des binnen weniger Jahre zum Marktführer. Aber nichts ist für die Ewigkeit. VENI.VIDI. VICI.PERII.

Source: Cadillac Wheels – Wie das Rad neu erfunden wurde.


The Fallacy of Endless Economic Growth – Pacific Standard


While restoring one of the exploration huts in Antarctica, Conservators of the New Zealand Antarctic Heritage Trust discovered a box that turned out to be a remarkable treasure. It contained 22 never-before-seen cellulose nitrate negatives

Source: 100-Year-Old Box of Negatives Discovered Frozen In Block of Antarctica’s Ice – Abandoned Spaces




We all know that spending time outdoors is good for you on both a physical and mental level, but the benefits of spending time specifically at the beach have just been revealed. That incredible feeling of peace and calmness that you experience at the beach is now being referred to as “blue space.” That’s what […]

Source: According to scientists, visiting the beach can change your brain in an incredible way


Shoreline variability of an urban beach fronted by a beachrock reef from video imagery


This is Mohammad Mohiedine Anis 70, who has parked his classic collection of American cars in the al-Shaar neighbourhood of Aleppo while civil war raged all around.

Source: Meet Aleppo’s classic car collector who refused to leave | Daily Mail Online