The inconvenient truth about the US-bound migrant caravan
Interview with Wingnut
Lake Michigan Surf Trip, Fall ’01
50 of the greatest Trojan Records
The Master Logging “Jared Mell”
The Gang’s All Here (1943) – “The Lady in the Tutti-frutti Hat”
The inconvenient truth about the US-bound migrant caravan
Interview with Wingnut
Lake Michigan Surf Trip, Fall ’01
50 of the greatest Trojan Records
The Master Logging “Jared Mell”
The Gang’s All Here (1943) – “The Lady in the Tutti-frutti Hat”
Remote Hawaiian Island Wiped Off The Map
The Bosnians who speak medieval Spanish
Full-color Basil Wolverton Cards Rejected By Topps In 1968
How Manhattan Became a Rich Ghost Town
iHaveit – A New Vinyl Music Collectors And Trading Platform
What 61,000 hidden structures reveal about Maya civilization
Which cities will sink into the sea first? Maybe not the ones you expect
I’m always working to incorporate longboard surfing movements into my skating. To be somewhat ready once the right wave comes my way. I guess. After starting to figure out a tail first drop-in (or take-off) carving into the subsequent 180 on a bank or transition, I now start to work on drop-knee turns. The proper hard one, which is a cross-stance. It’s about as hard as a switch foot kick-turn. So, being a good 21st century skater, I searched for tips on the internet and this site is basically all that comes up. But it’s great putting it all into perspective, surfing and history wise!
Drop Knee Tribute | Background information on the drop knee turn
How Capitalism Torched the Planet and Left it a Smoking Fascist Greenhouse
This is not a drill
Alternative museum tours explore colonial loot, biased narratives
Waste Watch: US Dumps Plastic Rubbish in Southeast Asia