Links for 6/29/24

Despite living a walkable distance to a public pool, American man shows how street and urban design makes it dangerous and almost un-walkable

How sets travel across the ocean

Why the world’s oceans are changing colour

The world’s oceans just broke an important climate change record

What Is a Steady-State Economy? How Do We Achieve It?

The Unortho_docs | Episode 1 – Richie Jackson

The Ideology of Human Supremacy

Sun Hips

Big Oil Ignores Millions of Climate Deaths When Billions in Profit Are at Stake

Degrowth: The Vision We Must Demand

Video: Goodbye, snow?

‘Future studies could validate more of Thor Heyerdahl’s hypotheses on the Pacific’

They Lost Their Land to the Park Service. Now They’re Losing It to Climate Change.

Links for 6/15/24

Creating a throw-away culture: How companies ingrained plastics in modern life

‘Underwater bicycle’ propels swimmers forward at superhuman speed

‘We’re in our 20s but live in the 1940s’

A response to Hannah Ritchie:  How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Economic Growth  

2-5 years to sci-fi level AI? Former OpenAI employee sounds alarm

Papa Doo Run Run America’s Music ~ California’s Band

Public has no right to swim in sea, claims firm that dumped sewage at bathing spot

“I Don’t Believe in Growth”

Why We Need “Degrowth” ? Current Affairs

California town asked to return a beachside hotel

Spencer’s Shenanigans