Links for 10/10/15

Ghostly underwater images capture the third global coral-bleaching event in less than two decades

Source: Ghostly underwater images capture the third global coral-bleaching event in less than two decades


Color photos from Brazil seven decades ago, when the beautiful, troubled nation was enduring “growing pains” not dissimilar to what it’s going through today.

Source: Brazil in the Fifties: Portrait of a Beautiful, Troubled Country | TIME


A third global bleaching of coral reefs is underway following a massive and persistent underwater heatwave

Source: World’s oceans facing biggest coral die-off in history, scientists warn


They’re homing in on the gigantic Thwaites Glacier, which is bigger than Pennsylvania.

Source: Scientists declare an ‘urgent’ mission – study West Antarctica, and fast


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Source: Near-Total Meltdown of Fukushima Reactor 2 Confirmed


The Kermadec ocean sanctuary, in the South Pacific and spanning 620,000 sq km, expands an existing reserve surrounding the Kermadec Islands

Source: New Zealand’s new ocean sanctuary will be one of world’s largest protected areas