Links for 11/7/15

I wonder what their fossil fuel overlords make of this:

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Tom the Dancing Bug, IN WHICH Hollingsworth Hound infiltrates a meeting of climatologists, and learns the TRUTH!

Source: Hollingsworth Hound Learns the Truth About Climate Scientists!


The best Goldfinger (1964) The gold standard1 for themes. Sweeping, sultry and backed by urgent jazz orchestra horns and quotes from the iconic Bond theme. This John Barry song is not just a Bond theme it is the Bond theme. It defines an entire genre. Its close association with the film and Dame Shirley Bassey’s iconic performance has kept it from becoming a standard, but it’s among the great movie songs of all time. It also casts a long enough shadow that attempts to match it have led to a string of dreary copies and retreads. Dr. No (1962) It’s borderline cheating to rank this one. In a literal sense this is just the Bond theme everyone knows and has heard dozens of times. Duh duh duh-duh, da da duh – the seven notes that denote Bond told with blaring horns and guitar jangle. Is this song venerable because it’s great or great because it’s venerable?

Source: David Putney | Bond title songs, ranked


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