Links for 2/12/17

Follow the money: Will Trump repay Putin by ending Russian sanctions and killing the Paris climate deal?

Source: Did Putin help elect Trump to restore $500 billion Exxon oil deal killed by sanctions


Is buying something with the click of a mouse worse for the planet than picking it up off the shelf and taking it home yourself? And if it is – would it change the way you shopped?

Source: Online vs offline shopping: which is better for the environment? | DW Environment




I was delighted to see giant basking sharks on a recent trip to Scotland, but such moments of wonder are rare. Creating fishing reserves would allow our oceans to recover – and preserve this incredible feeling

Source: The primal thrill of sharks: the emotional case for rewilding the sea | The Guardian


At current rates of deforestation, rainforests will vanish altogether in a century. Stopping climate change will remain an elusive goal unless poor nations are helped to preserve them

Source: We are destroying rainforests so quickly they may be gone in 100 years | The Guardian


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Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events