Links for 9/16/17

Health Canada has advised the band council of Potlotek First Nation in Cape Breton to issue a water advisory after recent water tests showed high levels of iron and manganese. Meanwhile, the band is trying to get its new water treatment facility up and running.

Source: Potlotek First Nation advised its water unfit for drinking or washing – Nova Scotia – CBC News


Source: Strikers, Scabs, and Sugar Mongers


For centuries, journalists, academics, and even politicians have been obsessed with the idea of the untouched tribe.

Source: The Dangerous Myth of Utopian Societies


The Jersey Shore resort town of Asbury Park circa 1900, channeled through vintage high-resolution glass negatives and set to music, produced by the illustrious Ken B. Click Play, then the “Full Screen” icon for the full effect.

Source: Vintage Video: Asbury Park | Shorpy | #1 Old Photos


Source: Why We Must Stop the Flow of Tar Sands Oil | NRDC


Rapa Nui have written a new chapter in their history based upon their cultural values of guardianship, responsibility and accountability for the natural environment

Source: The Rapa Nui have shown us that conservation can protect …


Source: Plastic fibres found in tap water around the world, study reveals | Environment | The Guardian


Diogenes’ Lantern, near the Brockton Arcade, also boasted imported teas, Italian soft drinks and folk singers

Source: Back in the Day: Riverside joined the Beat generation with 1950s coffeehouse – Press Enterprise