posted by: Berlin Surfguitar
post categories: General
In case you don’t manage to handle her accent until the end, she wishes for nuclear power. Exchanging a problematic source of energy with another problematic source of energy, for which accumulating waste we don’t have places to put. She also says some humans will still be there “when the worst is over”, not saying which year that is going to be. Not a very holistic wish list she has. Reducing energy use or cattle didn’t seem to be worthy enough for her.
A critical talk about sustainability, technology, society, growth and ways ahead
English speakers please use an AI tool.
While the quantity of fossil fuels in the ground is underestimated at several points in the video, the composition of the atmospheric layers around us is not mentioned (much). This might lead some to dismiss the concept of limits. So a portion of people concerned with the environment didn’t think about the consequences of burning because it would all end in time anyway?
Maybe some out there still need some info to finally be able to admit this is a serious matter.