A film about aging gasoline enthusiasts? Sounds boring, but what’s so cool about it, is that they all race vintage vehicles for their hobby. On the surface the message appears to be about the use of fossile fuels for fun, but the greater underlying topic is a whole sub-culture seperated from our modern day throw away economy. So there is an idea here bound to transcend into a better future!
If the name Daniel Soares rings a bell, it’s because you’ve probably seen the awesome night photography series of his that we’ve previously posted, where Soares captures New York City’s night owls on the prowl. For his latest creative offering that we’re sharing with you sees Soares take on a totally different medium: video–although as a whole, Soares is Known for both his photography and filmmaking. For the projec the’s officially entitled The Normal People, the Brooklyn-based creative manages the document the annual event of American hotrod enthusiasts that meet up once a year to put pedal to the metal on a beach in Wildwood, New Jersey. Beautifully captured and captivating in its results, we the viewer delves into the lives of these passionate hotrodders who puts on quite a show with their vintage beasts, many of which date back to the 1920’s and 1930’s. Filled with artistic close up, slow mo action and a badass soundtrack to boot, we get to enjoy a snippet of what it must feel
Source: Watch This Beautifully Captivating Documentary on America’s Hotrod Enthusiasts | Unrated
Yet another use for public beaches!