Thank You Songwriters Of North America (SONA)
Source: Gently Down The Stream (Songwriters Streaming Royalties Explained) | Video
Thank You Songwriters Of North America (SONA)
Source: Gently Down The Stream (Songwriters Streaming Royalties Explained) | Video
Source: Hawai’i – Independent & Sovereign
Here’s a link with the related subject of Ghandi and the struggle in India: 129 of Gandhi’s speeches on India and self-rule
Video: Last Week in Namibia
Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events
I just checked if this video works with a random track of mine (I picked Magic Fly), and if you start the music the moment he first gets barrelled it’s quite on cue throughout. There’s overhang at the end, but that’s nice, too.
Bill Wurtz made this fun and informative 9-minute history of Japan.
Intelexit is an initiative that helps people leave the secret service and build a new life. It is civil society’s response to the lack of oversight and undemocratic practices of intelligence agencies.
Source: Intelexit — The backdoor to democracy
At the UN 2015 Paris Climate Conference governments of more than 190 nations will meet for a new global agreement on climate change. Here’s why it could be the real deal this time around
Source: A 60-second guide to why the Paris climate summit will succeed – video