Der Deutsche Wellenreiter Verband schreibt:
Präsentiere Deinen Surffilm den besten Surfern Deutschlands: Ende September ist es so weit! Deutschlands beste Wellenreiter treffen sich vom 27. September bis 4. Oktober in Seignosse / Südfrankreich zu den Quiksilver German Championships – den Deutschen Meisterschaften im Wellenreiten.
Wir nutzen diese Gelegenheit und starten die erste Kurzfilmnacht „Peaks & Points“ auf den Quicksilver German Championships.
Das Genre ist nicht festgelegt. Dokus, Surftrips, Action Videos, Geschichte, Comic etc… alles ist erlaubt, solange es mit Surfen zu tun hat. Kram in Deinen Archiven und schneide dein bestes Footage zu einem kurzen Filmchen zusammen.
Bewertet wird nach Qualität, Originalität, Stil und Kreativität des einzelnen Filmes. Nachdem eine Jury die Vorauswahl getroffen hat, werden die besten Filme auf den Quicksilver German Championships präsentiert und vom Publikum vor Ort bewertet. Der Gewinner sahnt ein nigelnagelneues Surfbrett der Marke Bufo ab. Außerdem gibt es noch zahlreiche weitere attraktive Preise zu gewinnen.
Hier die Teilnahmebedingungen:
– Limitierte Länge der Videos: 4 bis max. 6 Minuten
– Format: DVD und MiniDV-Tape
– Anzahl: Mehrere Videos pro Teilnehmer sind möglichEinsendeschluss ist der 1.September 2008.
Du willst das Brett und den Ruhm? Dann schicke Deinen Film an:
Kolja Frase
Nostitzstr. 50
D-101568 BerlinHinweis:
Die Filme können nicht zurückgeschickt werden. Sie werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Eure Filme werden bei der Kurzfilmnacht “Peaks & Points“ präsentiert. Die Gewinnerbeiträge werden außerdem noch einmal am 6. Dezember auf der großen DWV “Surf-O-Rama” Party in Köln einem breiten Publikum vorgestellt.Die „Peaks & Points“ Kurzfilmnacht wird unterstützt durch bufo, fritt Boards, BLUE JUICE, Go Pro, Drop In und strandgut.
Weitere Informationen gibt es im Internet unter .
Eure Ansprechpartner sind Stefan Schieb, Mobil: +49 178 524 37 88, und Birgit Axler, Mobil: +49 163 252 63 45, Mail: pr at, die Pressesprecher des DWV.
The thing I like about old surf instrumentals is that it was all about the theme. Strong themes carried it.c
Slacktone Interview
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Grande Plage Biarritz is the beach where I learned to surf, like countless others. I found a great site by a french surf pioneer documenting the beginning of european surfing.
find more historic pictures here
Here’s a great little article on the southeast asian Jaguar and Jazzmaster forgeries of the 60s.
A View from the Back of the Rack
Of Forgeries and War!
By Michael Wright, The Different Strummer
One of my favorite ‘student anecdotes’ involves a young lady who dated World War I to around 5 Million BC on a test because ‘it was, like, the first one, right?!’ I hope she got an A for effort! Anyhow, as wars recede their meanings change with each succeeding generation. Ask a young person today about the Viet Nam War and you might be lucky if he’d ever heard of it. For some older folks among us it seems to have happened only yesterday, transforming their lives so much that they live with it every day. For others of us, it has just become a murky bad dream that we’re only reminded of when a guitar like this ca. 1965 ‘Pinoy Jazzmaster’ forgery comes around! …
Even today some people try to sell them as Fenders on eBay, but I am sure they must have their own place being made of very different woods.
Legendary Surfers made me aware of the Wax Cylinder Preservation Project, which features many a hawaiian recording from back in the days.
Hawaiian Guitar cylinders
Ukulele cylinders
Xylophone cylinders
Marimba cylinders
Hawaii topic cylinders
while we’re at it:
Japanese cylinders
Guitar cylinders
And they sent this article right along, which describes the dawn of modern surfing in the islands, in the 1910s.
I read the Spectro Pop site is recommending this highly. And the author, Stephen J. McParland, has been a prolific historian of the subject of Surf-, hotrod-, Skateboard-, Motorbike and related early to mid 60s musical styles since 1979, when he started his California Music magazine, from Australia.
read more about this book here.
Check out CMusic books while we’re at it!
A guitar belonging to David Nowlen was stolen from his son’s apartment in Los Angeles on July 29. The guitar is a Jonathan Rose Tele with serial #57 stamped on the neckplate and “Rose” on the headstock. It’s been signed by James Burton, Duane Eddy and many others.
Nowlen, pictured here with the guitar, is a longtime friend of Brian Wilson and was a member of “The Survivors” – a group produced by Brian consisting of himself, his roommate Bob Norberg, their next door neighbor Nowlen, and Rich Alarian. Their single “Pamela Jean/After The Game” was released by Capitol Records in January of 1964.The person suspected of taking the guitar lives in Alabama, so the hot guitar is probably somewhere between here (L.A.) and there. If you have a message for Dave about the whereabouts of the guitar, email me at and I’ll forward your message to him.
Atomic Cocktail At 40: Fit, Trim & Brimming With Bossness!
Time has certainly crept up on Atomic Cocktail. The popular online radio show celebrates its 40th episode this Wednesday, August 6, with a plethora of pop, soul and rock ’n’ roll. The all-live extravaganza gets under way at 6 p.m. California time at Luxuriamusic. Join resident mixologist Vic Tripp as he counts down the Frostbite 5000 (“the coolest records ever made”), reads your personal dedications and spins more songs about love, dancing, protest and pro wrestling. Re-rebroadcast Saturday, August 9, from 2 to 3 p.m. Forty: It’s the new twenty.
from LuxuriaMusic