Pacificlongboarder Announcing Article on Surfmusic

Whether it’s about Aussie Atlantics type, Jack Johnson mode, California instro, Beach Boys style or all of them was not specified yet.

Volume 7 Number 4
80 pages plus cover

Face Moves: Twelve Longboard Apostles
The Kingdom of Tonga
Surf Music Lives
Once Were Groms
Profiles: Beau Young & Manly Malibu Club

Higher Than Fi Article at Rake Magazine

Great thorough article on Jet Set Planet Radio Show.
Quote from Rake Magzine:

Higher than Fi
Spinning the sounds of thrift store vinyl, Jet Set Planet sends radio into a new John ErvinDecember 12, 2007The European sun shines on James Coburn, his lean frame in a white Mod jacket with red turtleneck. Putting on enormous sunglasses and flashing his classic chops, he sidles out of the palm-tree fringed villa, where he has just spent the night with Monica Vitti, and slips into his silver Ferrari. Bound for another criminal adventure involving diamonds, art, or cold hard cash, he speeds onto a cliff-side road, which just happens to overlook an endless body of crashing blue water.

Read all at Higher than Fi | The Rake Magazine

Great Quotes From a Legendary Jazz Drummer

These quotes are from a recent interview Evolution of Media made with Chico Hamilton, who happens to be one of my favorite drummers.

…I hear many drummers today, who have amazing chops, but who ultimately leave me cold because they never settle down long enough to get a pocket going, to keep some time. Some consider it old fashioned, but for my own listening pleasure, I enjoy hearing a band that swings. I think you will enjoy it too.

I’m told that people still dance to my music in nightclubs. There’s no greater compliment than that!

…But I can tell you one thing that I do know, which is that if this ‘so called’ industry becomes more about the format, than it is about the music, then it’s a dead end industry.

Chico Hamilton on iTunes and MySpace

When Tiki Meets Surfboard

Some of these look good to me, of course they’re impracticle as surfboards, more like ritual paddles, spears and guaras.

*HUA Sculptured Surfboards

HUA (Polynesian Soul) SCULPTURES are the work of Aaron Kereopa – a young Maori surfer and artist.
Aaron designs and then carves these characters into stripped back, old – dis-used surfboards. Each of them represents a part of a Maori warrior tree.
Aaron’s works are now only available by commission. – the Art, the Sport and the Lifestyle of Surfing

Finger Board Dream Pool

From Have You Seen Him:

actually …It’s a glass coffee table designed and built by non other than Lance Mountain himself. This little pool has so much detail you’d think it’s a real pool, with the hand painted scum line, wheel marks, diving board and stairs to the working mini pool light ( battery operated) in the deep end. It is displayed in my toy room and is one of my prize possessions in that room. I sold an 80’s Lance Mountain deck i had stored in my attic collecting dust for years to pay for this “one of a kind” art piece from Lance. This was definitely worth the trade.

View Original Article

Fan Tools Page Added

A new page with goodies you can put anywhere on the web, or on your MySpace profile, or comments, bulletins – whatever. This took the place of the Merchandise page, the merch widget is among the supporter goodies there. So you’re welcome to help yourself. Feel free to ask if something is unclear – there are little links to pages with the widget/player codes. Often there are special MySpace editions, you will want to use there. The players can be editied with different skins and measurements.

Berlin Beatet Bestes

I found this blog by accidents – looking for the publisher of a Chubby Checker song. The first time I stumbled across a great blog by someone I know personally and I didn’t know he was doing it!

Berlin Beatet Bestes is where Andreas Michalke presents his odd vinyl findings. I think it’s just 7”s. He has a talent for finding incredible stuff of all kinds (and not just records). Often with great sleeves – being a comic book artist he wouldn’t let a nice artwork illustration pass by. It took a while until I gathered how to listen to his samples in the stream player on the right sidebar. Maybe this would be a good plug-in for his WordPress? He could have the sound where the article is – and not alphabetically crammed into a small box. Anyway, I totally dig this. Check out the thorough descriptions he writes for the records. He loves vinyl oddities. If you’re similarly adjusted have a look and a listen.

Trestles – They Still Don’t Get It!

Here’s a quote from

The TCA isn’t done with their toll road through Trestles yet. They’ve successfully appealed to the US Fish And Wildlife Service to reject the findings of the Coastal Commission. There is some insight into how the agency has been infiltrated by capitalistic pigs on the erBB. Keep fighting. » Blog Archive » The TCA Thinks You Are Lazy And Powerless

older articles 1, 2 and 3.

My Playlist at Wassermusik Preview

I could have played all night, the audience was great, but since the public transportation was going on strike in the morning people made the effort to catch the last rides. This list is not in the correct order, I will find a way to ensure the correct posting order for my next playlist.

  1. La Mer d’Hawaii – Die Gitarros
  2. Sake Rock – Martin Denny
  3. Blue Rain – The Islanders
  4. Beach Boy – Martha Shanklin
  5. On Your Marks – Santo & Johnny
  6. Sansar Ki Har Shae – Van Shipley
  7. Phantoma – The Silver Bullets
  8. Beauty Hula – Ray Kinney and his Famous Hawaiian Orchestra
  9. 55 Days of Peking – Rob-E. G.
  10. Atlantis – Norrie Paramor and his Orchestra
  11. Rosarita Surf – Jerry Cole
  12. Hero – Kai Winding
  13. Taboo – The Keymen
  14. Main Title From: Ride The Wild Surf – The Astronauts
  15. Volare – Santo & Johnny
  16. Adios – Xavier Cugat
  17. He Ain’t Heavy… He’s My Brother – Basil Henriques and the Waikiki Islanders
  18. Perfidia – Xavier Cugat
  19. Spooky – Santo & Johnny
  20. Rockambo Baby – Tarragano & his Orchestra
  21. Tequila – Lloyd Lindroth
  22. The Twist – The Parleys
  23. La Paloma – Ken James
  24. Hawaii Five-O – Roberto Delgado
  25. Doin’ The Cha Cha Cha – Preston Epps
  26. Caribbean Nights – Arthur Lyman
  27. Staccato – The Eliminators

I also played a track by The Stylers and The Melodians (Maurice Patton) each, but don’t know the titles since they are set in chinese on the covers and labels.

It was really great to see hawaiian slack-key master Harry Koizumi, with his traditional hawaiian music. Very beautiful. Berlin Surf-band Space Dog showed much potential. They rocked so well towards the end. They just need to hit the stage more often.

‘Woody’ Brown Died

From the Honolulu Advertiser:

KAHULUI, Maui — Renowned surfer Woodbridge Parker “Woody” Brown died Wednesday at Hale Makua, Kahului. He was 96.

“He was the essential surfer, an iconoclast: extremely independent, futuristic and, most especially, healthy — which explains why he lived for 96 very productive, wonderful years,” said Hemmings, the 1968 world surfing champion who inaugurated the world professional surfing circuit in 1975. “… I only hope more of us who call ourselves surfers can live the way Woody lived.

Brown, who surfed regularly until he was 90, rubbed shoulders with Charles Lindbergh, Duke Kahanamoku and old Hawaiians who lived the life of a former era, he said.