Links for 2/2/25

Climate change increased the likelihood of wildfire disaster in highly exposed Los Angeles area 

An archeological revolution transforms our image of human freedoms | Aeon Essays

Domenic Priore on The Rise of Counterculture in West Hollywood (video)

Truckin’ From ACS to X Caliber

How to lose your home In a changing climate, the instinct is to save everything you can. But maybe letting go is braver – and better for the future?

Planetary Crisis: We are not all in this together

Te Rua-o-te-Moko Fiordland is no place for cruise ships

The Red Nation with John Redhouse: Resource Extraction Brought Hate Crimes to Bordertown

America’s Shaman-Poets’ Vision for a Better Future

What a Tunisian exodus says about the future of global migration

Plastics companies blocked mitigation efforts and may have broken US laws – study

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Links for 12/8/24

‘The atmosphere was electric’ – the fall and rise of Morocco’s cinemas

Planetary Crisis: We are not all in this together

Report uncovers disturbing role tech giants are playing in mass misinformation scheme: ‘An increasingly dangerous future’

Archeologist takes Joe Rogan to task in open letter addressing Rogan’s embrace of pseudo archeology

Sounding the Climate Change Alarm: Lessons from Carl Sagan

How Data-Fueled Neurotargeting Could Kill Democracy

What’s in tattoo ink? My team’s chemical analysis found ingredients that aren’t on the label and could cause allergies

Links for 10/20/24

Evidence confirms an anthropic origin of Amazonian Dark Earths

Holding the California Oil Industry Accountable

Millan Millan and the Mystery of the Missing Mediterranean Storms

A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow

History of Hobie Skateboards (Explained) | Concrete Waves

What Happened To Longboarding? (Industry Report)

What Greenland’s nine-day mega-tsunami tells us about climate change

‘Absolutely incorrect’: The evidence is in on whales and offshore wind farms

New research shows surfers, swimmers and runners face higher risk of melanoma

The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI.

Stealing Paradise: Sand Mafias, Beach Thefts

Locals in Imsouane under threat by mega resort development

Kapitän Harmsen – Adios, Kopenhagen!

Shocking Wake-Up Call: First Marine Fish Declared Extinct Due to Humans

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Links for 10/5/24

The Plastic Crisis | Jane van Dis

Pacific islands submit court proposal for recognition of ecocide as a crime

The surfer and tribal chief fighting to save a 550km South African coast

A critical system of Atlantic Ocean currents could collapse as early as the 2030s, new research suggests

Facing a Future of Fewer and Less: “Tell Them at Least What You Say to Yourself”

Program: Climate change threatening Australian live music

Find out how illegal miners in the Amazon use Elon Musk’s internet to evade surveillance

‘Underwater bicycle’ propels swimmers forward at superhuman speed

Community attempts to use sand to stop the ocean and fails

Plastic industry knew recycling was a farce for decades yet deceived the public, report reveals

Links for 6/1/24

The world’s oceans just broke an important climate change record

B.C. government affirms Haida Nation title over all of Haida Gwaii in draft agreement

Brandi Morin: The Apache stronghold standing in the way of a massive copper mine

Enough Is Enough: Full Film

Read Steve Albini’s famous essay on the music industry’s problems

Guitar amps made with home-made vacuum tubes

The Hawaiian steel guitar changed American music. Can one man keep that tradition alive?

The climate is doomed if we continue to be fixated by economic growth

Tech doesn’t make our lives easier. It makes them faster

Morocco’s Imsouane and its wonderful righthander and thriving surf tourism – the shock development for locals

Radioactive waste, baby bottles and Spam: the deep ocean has become a dumping ground

Kapitän Harmsen – Adios, Kopenhagen!

‘More unzipping of the landscape’: Arctic permafrost could crumble into rivers, unleashing devastating feedback loop

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Links for 5/20/23

Time-lapse map of the colonization (and decolonization) of Africa

How the Parking Garage Conquered the City

Ocean Ramsey on what to do in a shark attack

Hawaii’s beaches are disappearing due to climate change

Mexico celebrated through the eyes of designers – in pictures

Could Niche Web Communities Come Back?

The Oceans Are Missing Their Rivers

@theblakemorgan on AI Bros

America’s Prehistoric High Rise Apartment Complex

Inside big beef’s climate messaging machine: confuse, defend and downplay

The Oldest Surviving Los Angeles Restaurants

When an oil spill hits an island – in pictures

Tales of the Rat Fink

Revealed: how world’s biggest fossil fuel firms ‘profited in Myanmar after coup’

How to make swimwear sustainable: check the material, wash smart, and make it last

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Links for 1/8/23

Project Moon Base: The Kirchin Experience (Podcast)

Das Meer und der Müll – Treibgut in der Tiefsee – Dagmar Röhrlich (2008)

Jim ‘The Genius’ Phillips

What’s gone wrong with England’s water?

Must See Documentary: The Way the Music Died: Why You Should #DitchSpotify

The History Of The Polynesian Panthers: A Fight For Social Justice In New Zealand

Early Civilizations Had It All Figured Out

A 1959 Cadillac bicycle

The Lost Surfers of the Black Sea

Seeking proof of China’s ancient trade with Africa

Links for 31/12/22

Bastards of the Party: a ­documentary about why gangs emerged in L.A.

‘Seas are becoming landfills’: the Senegalese surfer saving a beach – and a way of life – from plastic

Mass of Microplastics Raining on Auckland Weighs as Much as 3 Million Plastic Bottles Yearly, Study Finds

Man Who Drew Bug Eyed Monsters at

John Oliver points out some problems with tech monopolies

With Love…The James Hunter Six

Travel By Air, The Golden Years: 1920s-1960s

Summertime – The Royals