Links for 6/30/14

The Chairman of the Largest Private Company in America Just Told the 1 Percent to

Worry About Climate Change

What our descendants will deplore about us

Will Europe Follow in President Obama’s Footsteps to Create Marine Protected Areas?

How ‘friluftsliv’ can help you reconnect with nature

World Wide Waves

El Gas De La Muerte (Gasland)

To address climate change, nothing substitutes for reducing CO2 emissions

Bobby Womack

Human skull lyre

A Map of the Dirties (and Cleanest) Beaches in the U.S.

Lost Then Found: Sierra Leone’s Return to Surf Perfection

Help the Oceans Catch a Break

Film Project Draws Attention To Peru’s Oil Barons

What really annoys scientists about the state of the climate change debate?

Sochi: The Russian California

Links for 6/17/14

Taming Wild Bores: Surfing’s 5 Longest Non-Ocean Waves

The rise and fall of America’s climate deniers: How politics hijacked the fight against global warming

WildLeaks attracts major wildlife crime leads in first three months

Climate change will ‘cost world far more than estimated’

It’s Privacy vs. the People in the Battle for Martin’s Beach

Moths of unusual size in Southeast Asia

How Do People Not Believe in Climate Change, and How Can I Become One of Them?

Nipper Williams | Bondi Stories

Plastic debris causing new rock formations in Hawaii

10 ways to make life on the go more eco friendly

Links for 4/7/14

Vintage Photos of The Ink Well, Santa Monica Beach during the Early 20th Century

Surf Legend Kelly Slater Attacks GMOs and Biotech Giants in Hawaii

How Jack London Introduced Surfing to California


Furniture made from recycled boat-wood : Forums : Interesting shows at SURFER JOE DINER next weeks

Two maps that show the evolution of global shipping

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 search shows extent of ocean trash

Real-life Indiana Jones busted with thousands of cultural artifacts

Links for 3/14/14

Farm to fork: California drought to drive up food prices in the long term

Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, Evacuate the Economy

Climate change activist speaks to UW students


To the Beach, Holland, 1953.

The Internet Empowered Artist? What 1 Million Streams Means To You! #sxsw

3 Inconvenient Facts That Make Libertarians’ Heads Explode

Working Man’s Death trailer

Live & Restaurant? Mosrite Cafe

Fukushima: They Knew

“Secret” Tiki Room at Tonga Hut Palm Springs

Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events.

Wildlife Across the Globe Rely on Pristine Antarctic Waters

Fiji latest country to relocate climate refugees

Ant Farm as seen by Germano Celant

Links for 2/13/14

The Sixth Extinction: Elizabeth Kolbert on How Humans Are Causing Largest Die-Off Since Dinosaur Age

Coastal flooding could cost $100 trillion a year by 2100

Beachapedia:Factoid/2014/02/12 – Beachapedia

Miniature midcentury media center (Just add iPad Mini)

Unburnable carbon 2013: Wasted capital and stranded assets | Carbon Tracker Initiative

Amid Epic Drought, South Americas Largest City Is Running Out Of Water

‘Priceless’ bronze statue of Greek god Apollo found in Gaza Strip

Arctic News: A Runaway Greenhouse Event