Links for 6/7/19

Scarborough Bay: 1905


A Brief History of the Acoustic Guitar


Protect Our Ocean


Portable Wind Turbine charger that allows you to charge your devices in nature


‘Gas Is a Loser and It’s Time to Move On’: Report Debunks Myth That Natural Gas Can Help Fight Climate Crisis


Billy Childish Man In The Mouth of A Cave Exhibition Prints


UN chief concerned nuclear ‘coffin’ leaking in Pacific


Los Angeles, Sunset Strip, 1965-1969

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Vintage Hawaii 8mm ’69 pt 3

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Links for 5/7/17

“My life has been one non-stop unfolding miracle – and I don’t believe in time.” Billy Childish begins his weeklong takeover.

Source: Billy Childish – Interview — Coney’s Loft | Culture magazine & creative studio


Animal Sound Recordings


Dakota Access Pipeline Now Has Oil Beneath Missouri River | PopularResistance.Org


Hey, Computer Scientists! Stop Hating on the Humanities


With decreasing freshwater supplies, Egypt may face nationwide shortages by 2025

Source: Report: Nile Delta’s increasing salinity and rising sea levels may make Egypt uninhabitable by 2100


GDP is no longer the gold standard for measuring a country’s progress.

Source: Measuring What Matters: GDP, Ecosystems and the Environment