Links for 1/16/25

Watch Design for Disaster, a 1962 Film That Shows Why Los Angeles Is Always at Risk of Devastating Fires

‘We’re Fine’: Lying to Ourselves About a Climate Disaster

Updates to my book The Divide

Are we drowning out the sounds of the sea?

40″ “Big Board” Complete

Makai Side: A History of Hawaiian Surfing

Our planet is choking on plastic

A new plan seeks to protect California’s coast against a rising ocean: It doesn’t require sea walls

E-waste: Latest threat to beaches

Randy Nauert

Climate models can’t explain 2023’s huge heat anomaly — we could be in uncharted territory

Vintage Ski Movies: Early Snowboard Segment at the Monashees

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Links for 12/22/24

Spotify uses ghost artists to “shape listening behavior” and avoid paying real ones

Navajo Nation Uranium Waste

San Diego band ‘The Unknowns’–on the verge of success in 1981

A Glimpse into the Future: The 2023 Ocean Temperature and Sea Ice Extremes in the Context of Longer-Term Climate Change

Ocean spray emits more PFAS than industrial polluters, study finds

Argentina cult worships “King” President Milei as peso becomes worthless

Pluralistic: Unpersoned (22 Jul 2024)

Mapped: Reform UK’s Anti-Green Network

Study Warns of ‘Irreversible Impacts’ From Overshooting 1.5°C, Even Temporarily

John Fullerton: “Regenerative Economics: New Economic Paradigms, Living Systems, & Holistic Thinking”

How Plastics Fuel Climate Change

Links for 10/20/24

Evidence confirms an anthropic origin of Amazonian Dark Earths

Holding the California Oil Industry Accountable

Millan Millan and the Mystery of the Missing Mediterranean Storms

A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow

History of Hobie Skateboards (Explained) | Concrete Waves

What Happened To Longboarding? (Industry Report)

What Greenland’s nine-day mega-tsunami tells us about climate change

‘Absolutely incorrect’: The evidence is in on whales and offshore wind farms

New research shows surfers, swimmers and runners face higher risk of melanoma

The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI.

Stealing Paradise: Sand Mafias, Beach Thefts

Locals in Imsouane under threat by mega resort development

Kapitän Harmsen – Adios, Kopenhagen!

Shocking Wake-Up Call: First Marine Fish Declared Extinct Due to Humans

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Links for 9/7/24

A new plan seeks to protect California’s coast against a rising ocean: It doesn’t require sea walls

Power-hungry AI is driving a surge in tech giant carbon emissions. Nobody knows what to do about it

A Brief History of South American Surf Rock

What Earth Could Look Like in 2050 If We Do Nothing About Climate Change

How climate change is messing up the ocean’s biological clock, with unknown long-term consequences

Marc Andreessen Is Wrong About Everything

Lab-grown meat is now approved for sale in the US. Will it help the climate?