Links for 9/15/14

Who Owns the Ocean Floor?

This Legendary Accounting Firm Just Ran the Numbers on Climate Change

Why You Should Be Paying Attention to Flooding in Kashmir

Miami port dredging damaging sea life, state inspectors say

Study maps 15 years of carbon dioxide emissions on Earth

Celebrities and billionaires left powerless as their multimillion-dollar Malibu homes are mercilessly battered by huge waves

Solar and wind hybrid power generation system &…

Links for 9/5/14

The Pacific Climate Warriors – Pacific Climate Warriors will Block the World’s Largest Coal Port

The Lava Lamp Just Won’t Quit

Stop Fashion from grinding up forests to make clothes.

5 terrifying facts from the leaked U.N. climate report

Dramatic Photos of California’s Historic Drought

Highly venomous white cobra is on the loose in Los Angeles suburb

‘Mission Blue’: New documentary makes a powerful case for saving the oceans

33 Things to Do Before Climate Change Ruins Everything — Matter — Medium

Joël de Rosnay. Surfer and Futurist, A Look Back.

People’s Climate March – Introducing the Global Climate Ambassadors!

Links for 9/1/14

These Breathtaking Sculptures Revive Dying Coral Reefs

Protect our oceans, urges Samoa minister

The history of the stereotyped “Asian” melodic riff

How Your Sunscreen Hurts Coral Reefs

Old Wood but faster th an the Wind! 1950`s sailing hydrofoil Monitor 3D model

Hydrofoil — The Amazing Boats of Kotaro Horiuchi. Video posted by Ray Vellinga

Monster highs: Massive summer swells bring out surf legends, gawkers, destruction

Links for 8/29/14

The Dying Tradition of Sri Lankan Stilt Fishing, Captured in Powerful Photos

Where’s the Beach? Orange County’s War Over Public Sand

‘Ooho,’ Tiny Edible Water Blob, Could Be A Major Solution To Plastic Bottle Waste (video)

Chinese shovel-who needs swiss army knife

Tiki’s Essential Secret Ingredient: DIY Falernum

Six Tiki Drinks to Take You Away

The Wedge 8-27-14

Damage from global warming will soon be irreversible, says leaked UN report

El Salvador has the greatest density of population—and right points—in Central America

Links for 8/28/14

[Sunset Tower Records, Los Angeles]

Australian renewable energy industry facing destruction

Live mermaid and other underwater crochet creations

Aloha shirt featuring critters from Ernst Haeckel’s Kunstformen der Natur

Pope Francis urged to rid the Vatican of investments in fossil fuels

Scientists Discover Hundreds of Methane Leaks Bubbling from the Floor of the Atlantic Ocean

Irreversible Damage Seen From Climate Change in UN Leak

Drought Leaves 100s Of Central CA Homes With No Tap Water

Europe is burning our forests for “renewable” energy. Wait, what?