Smartphone app gives public access to Malibu’s illegal “private” beaches
Burger Boogaloo 2013: Trashwomen, Redd Kross, Jonathan Richman, Oblivians coming to Oakland’s Mosswood Park!
Global Wave Conference: #gwc2013 | Surfrider Foundation
Noticed SF bands now say, “we’re from San Francisco/Oakland” because no one, particularly musicians, can afford to live in SF these days.
Surf Daddies
Atommüllfässer im Ärmelkanal entdeckt
Sierra Surf Music Camp » Welcome to Camp!
Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog Slam Free Culture on Art-Grinder ‘Masters of the Internet’
Makaha in East-Berlin
Three years after BP oil spill, USF research finds massive die-off
Crabs, supersized by carbon pollution, may upset Chesapeake’s balance
Time is Running Out for New England’s Iconic Groundfish!
260 tones of contaminated water leaked from reservoir No.1 ? | Fukushima Diary
Starving Baby Sea Lions Flood Southern California Shores
Nord by Nordwest: The Evolution of Surf in Germany
The Atlantics Will Be in Europe Summer 2013
The Remains of a Hollywood Playground wiped off the Map
Katherine Hepburn Skating in The 60s
English Longboard Hotdoggers Club Report – Comp One
Big Oil’s Wikipedia cleanup: A brand management experiment out of control
Value of Waves At Heart of International Gathering
Making Your Roof Pay Your Mortgage: Why Buying Solar Makes Sense Now | Design on GOOD
Beach Access In California Scores a Win
Event: The Crisis in Climate Coverage | Free Press
The 16 scariest maps from the E.U.’s massive new climate change report | Grist
Sonoma Clean Power
A Swing Set That Powers An Electric Light With Every Pump
Nirvana for Longboard Collectors
Pumping water and cash from Delta | Revive the San Joaquin
Superstorm Sandy: New Jersey Beaches 30-40 Feet Narrower After Storm, Survey Finds
Global Carbon Dioxide Levels Hit New Record in 2011, Survey Shows
London’s Best Beach Day Trips (CheapOair) Tiki Chris
Walton Family Foundation Sunk $71.4 Million into Greenwashing Schemes | California Progress Report
How One Company Gives Flip-Flops a More Sustainable Footprint | Business on Good