Links fro 12/14/19

Beatles, Jimi, Stones, Endless Summer – who’s the link? John Van Hamersveld!


New stuff from CJ Nelson by Steve Cleveland


The Extremely Fast Peopling of the Americas


Wie sind Tote auf Urlaub!


In Hawai’i, Plantation Tourism Tastes Like Pineapple


Climate change could end mortgages as we know them


Global Warming Will Drown Bangkok, Shanghai, Mumbai


Florida GOP leaders finally utter ‘sea level rise,’ lament ‘lost decade’


Lord Thing (1970, DeWitt Beall)


Ebony Steel Band – The Model


Surfing in Peru – in pictures

Links for 11/29/19

Orville Peck: ‘I grew up feeling alienated – so I became a cowboy’


‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’: The Ongoing Saga of Pop’s Most Contentious Song


Joe Davies outta Jersey on a Nuuhiwa Noserider replica – David would be impressed


Bruce Welch


Sumatran rhinoceros now extinct in Malaysia, say zoologists


Uncontacted tribes


Poorly planned Amazon dam project ‘poses serious threat to life’


Is global warming real?


Teenage Werewolf


As Climate Crisis Threatens to Put More Homes ‘Literally Underwater,’ Study Warns Big Banks Offloading Risky Mortgages Onto Taxpayers


Black America saddles up to own its cowboy heritage

Links for 11/8/19

Forged in Fire: California’s Lessons for a Green New Deal


Costa Mesa’s Troy Elmore, half a dozen leedle lefts at Blackies


The Land of the Basques Orson Welles Full documentary with Basque subs


Bob Ross


Take a Sneak Peek Inside Max’s South Seas Hideaway


Thanks, Lalo


Media Stability Ratings


Scientists’ Advice to People Living in Coastal Areas? Move.


Japan To Dump Radioactive Water From Fukushima Reactor Into Pacific Ocean


Benidorm the Learning Years

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Can We Survive Extreme Heat?


The Bells Beach Surf Film Festival announce their first short film contest

Links for 10/12/19

Coca-Cola Is Making A Bottle Out Of Ocean Trash and We’re Supposed To Act Like it’s OK


How extreme sea level events are going to increase in Australia


“The Tragedy of the Commons”: how ecofascism was smuggled into mainstream thought


The World’s Oceans Are in Danger, Major Climate Change Report Warns


The Walks on Water


Cocktail of the week: Southside Scran’s pearfect


Scientists set out how to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030


California Mexican-Spanish Cookbook


“Camel Finds Water” on Vimeo


Surfing in Ballinskelligs Bay, Kerry 1967


Killing the Ocean


Everything New is Old, The History of Psuedoarchaeolgy and Archaeology.


Europe is burning just as new research offers a chilling truth about the volatility of climate change


Climate change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months


The California coast is disappearing under the rising sea. Our choices are grim

Links for 9/22/19

America’s Great Climate Exodus is Starting in the Florida Keys


How the Surfers of Ireland’s Favourite Surf Town Are Championing Sustainability


This is what climate change looks like in Australia – in pictures


Charleston musicians are challenging Spotify’s business model at rallies across the country


Ten Unsung Italian Library Music Composers


How the Women of Standing Rock Are Building Sovereign Economies


Polynesian seafarers ‘discovered’ America long before Europeans, says DNA study


The Koch brothers tried to build a plutocracy in the name of freedom




Ocean Film Festival


João Gilberto, a pioneer of bossa nova, has died at 88