Links for 2/27/18

Surf Rock alla Turca




White Settlers Buried the Truth About the Midwest’s Mysterious Mound Cities


scott foss, mellows ditch, hawaii @ ozzieausband


New waves: make a break for the ‘crown jewel’ of India’s surf scene in Tamil Nadu


The million-dollar mouse: navy heads to remote Antarctic islands to hunt out pest


25 years ago, a mutant American crayfish turned to asexual reproduction, and all of Europe’s lakes are filling up with its clones


Plastics Sicken Coral Reefs


Houses that can float, to survive climate flooding

Links for 2/11/18

Social Justice from the Twilight Zone: Rod Serling as Human Rights Activist


Beaded Vans Slip-ons by Standing Rock Sioux Artist Charlene Holy Bear featured in <em>Vogue</em>


Study confirms carbon pollution has ended the era of stable climate


Neanderthals Were People, Too


Plastic Not Fantastic: How I Tried To Curb My Consumption


Brain damage in fish from plastic nanoparticles in water


In the Maldives, the Virtues and Limitations of Pole-and-Line Tuna Fishing


Winter surf in the land of volcanos


Oceans suffocating as huge dead zones quadruple since 1950, scientists warn

Links for 1/31/18

Within The Context Of All Contexts: The Rewiring Of Our Relationship To Music


After The Vinyl Revival, The Vinyl-Playing Jukebox Is Back


These 11 innovations will tackle the causes of ocean plastic pollution, not just the symptoms


Pacific Beach locals – another day in San Diego


The story behind Cecilia Ann


Scotty Moore’s Royal Legacy: Bearing Witness at the Birth of Rock and Roll


‘Soul-crushing’ video of starving polar bear exposes climate crisis, experts say


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Links 1/5/18

‘If there’s an ocean, maybe there’s surf’: Bruce Brown on making The Endless Summer


Ensuring Climate Data Remains Public


Lance, Miki and Bruce Brown’s brilliant voice-over – the set-up of The Endless Summer


Declaración sobre la Visita a EE. UU., por el Profesor Philip Alston, Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre la pobreza extrema y los derechos humanos*


Why Glitter Must Be Banned | Alternet


Cheapest electricity on the planet is Mexican solar power at 1.77¢/kWh – record 1¢/kWh coming in 2019, sooner | Electrek

Links for 12/31/17

Photos: Malick Sidibe Shows Mali’s Youth With A Groovy ‘Twist’


Wan Chai: Sex, Dives and Bar Cards From 1970s Hong Kong


Seaside Casino: 1905


How Big Oil Lost Control of Its Climate Misinformation Machine


New lab-bred super corals could help avert global reef wipeout




Sustainable Package Design is a Must to Tackle Pollution Crisis


Barracuda and surfer dude… 1964 Plymouth press release photo


New evacuations ordered as California Thomas wildfire rages


After You Finish Your Drink, You Can Eat This New Edible Straw


The Downtown LA that just won’t quit


The Fight Against The Tiny Plastic Pellets Choking Our Oceans


Ice Apocalypse | Grist





Links for 12/23/17

Roots vs the Future


Stanley Black Sophisticat in Cuba 1958


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The New People (1969 Promo)


Mapuche Leader Moira Millán: “We Mapuche people don’t fight for land ownership but for a way of living on the land”


California wildfires: 120,000 forced to flee as blazes tear through south of state


Are You Ready to Consider that Capitalism is the Real Problem?


How 5 African-American Women Are Shaking Up Atlanta’s Cocktail Scene
Nelson and Ashley Ahina, Laniakea 15 Nov 2017


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DownHill SkateBoarding Freeride Lacets Montvernier


This British gent lives life like it’s the 1940s / Boing Boing

Links for 12/19/12

Checkmate: how do climate science deniers’ predictions stack up?


This skate company is turning guns into skateboards


Climate change has created massive blooms of ecologically disruptive jellyfish, but luckily they’re delicious


Bartend Against: Helping Communities Across the Globe


“Pacific Vibrations” 1970 “Brave Ulysses”, Ashish & Randy’s Music


Bros go to LA city council to speak for house parties


The problem with nuclear waste


Source: House Preparing to Sacrifice Right Whales for Big Oil


MCS joins 150 organisations backing call to ban oxo-degradable plastic packaging | Marine Conservation Society