Links for 3/8/17

Steve McQueen’s long missing ‘Bullitt’ Mustang found / Boing Boing


I pledge to stand in resistance to Donald Trump’s assault on America’s clean air, clean water, climate, wildlife, civil rights, reproductive rights, gender and racial equality, and freedom of speech and religion.

Source: Pledge of Resistance to Donald Trump’s Assault on America’s Environment, Democracy and Civil Rights


Iron dissolved by air pollution may increase ocean potential to trap carbon




Defend California from Federal and Civil Rights Rollbacks | NRDC


Links for 3/5/17

After the fires killed 11 and devastated vast swaths of land in January many are asking if subsidised timber plantations are to blame

Source: Did Pinochet-era deregulation cause Chile’s worst-ever wildfires? | World news | The Guardian


Mozambique Surf Guide | GoSurfAfrica


“Awful,” says writer and painter Ben Shattuck – but in the good way.

Source: What’s It Like to Be the Artist-in-Residence at America’s Least Visited National Park? | NRDC


Climate change: Apocalypse by 1000 cuts


“I’m glad I packed extra anti-depressants on this trip.” – Mark Cunningham

Source: Jack Johnson’s Film On Ocean Plastic Pollution | The Inertia


Housed in a memorial lighthouse, this museum relays the history of surfing, beginning with the antics of royal Hawaiian teenagers.

Source: How Surfing Was Brought to Santa Cruz By Three Teenage Hawaiian Princes

Links for 3/2/17


In a new film, famous Canadian designers from the ’60s and ’70s will finally get their due.

Source: Revisiting The Golden Age Of Canadian Graphic Design | Co.Design | business + design


Scientist leading ‘de-extinction’ effort says Harvard team just two years away from creating hybrid mammoth-elephant embryo

Source: Woolly mammoth on verge of resurrection, scientists reveal | Science | The Guardian


Global research group will trace Totten glacier’s history back to last ice age, in hope of predicting future melting patterns

Source: Epic Antarctic voyage maps seafloor to predict ocean rise as glacier the size of California melts | World news | The Guardian


Repeated bouts of warm weather could send Arctic sea ice to a record low winter peak as Antarctic sea ice sets an all-time record low.

Source: Sea Ice Hits Record Lows at Both Poles

Links for 2/25/17

Ready for a rabbit hole?

Source: How to access 375,000 beautiful, copyright-free images from New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art — Quartz


Classic Surf Vehicles Set To Make a Big Splash At Kingscliff

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Wahtiki Island Lounge in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China | Critiki


Iraq Museum takes unusual step of allowing objects to leave country to show their significance amid Isis’s ‘nihilistic’ destruction

Source: Answering cultural genocide: Iraqs looted treasures to be displayed at Venice Biennale | World news | The Guardian


The ocean is going to be significantly higher than previously understood, according to the latest national assessment of sea level rise.Will President Trump and his appointees roll back policies to address the impacts of climate change—like sea level rise.

Source: As Seas Rise, How Far Will Trump’s Anti-Climate Agenda Go? | NRDC

Links for 2/24/17

New Zealand Duke Festival – the Program, the Party

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


What is ‘cultured meat’ and how can it address the most pressing global problems? Let us introduce you to some of the brilliant minds behind it.

Source: How can Cultured Meat solve World Hunger and Global Warming?


Police brutality against protesters is reminiscent of civil-rights battles like Selma. And the state has borrowed millions to fund it.

Source: Taxpayer-Funded Horror at Standing Rock – The Daily Beast


It’s up to progressives to fight back against this idiocy-promoting rhetoric and save the Earth

Source: Climate scepticism is a far-right badge of honour – even in sweltering Australia | Opinion | The Guardian


Tiny, poor, diabetes-wracked Pacific island nations want to ban junk food, despite risk of WTO retaliation

Source: Tiny, poor, diabetes-wracked Pacific island nations want to ban junk food, despite risk of WTO retaliation


Growing alternatives to petroleum-based packaging

Source: Case Studies


Sky Ocean Rescue


Landscape architect Kristina Hill focuses on helping cities adapt to climate change, particularly sea level rise. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, she discusses the challenges, solutions, and costs of saving cities from encroaching oceans.

Source: Rethinking Urban Landscapes To Adapt to Rising Sea Levels – Yale E360



How to turn old plastic bottles into 56 different items

Source: How to turn old plastic bottles into 56 different items / Boing Boing

Links for 2/14/17

Nik Stain, Andrew Wilson, Hjalte Halberg, Roman Gonzales and more make the most of blue skies and beer fuelled night sessions.

Source: Jesse Alba and Polar in Puerto Rico – Sidewalk Skate…


On the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s lawsuit. Why was the lawsuit brought? Who is the lawsuit against? Find out.

Source: FAQ: Standing Rock Litigation | Earthjustice


Dear family, friends, fellow skaters and supporters..I write this message for all those who love the internet and for all those who hate it and those of you wh

Source: Why Longboarding for Peace? | Concrete Wave Magazine


Holy Barbarians: Beat Culture on the West Coast


Source: Turning America into a Global Climate Outcast | NRDC



Bioluminescent beaches

Source: Bioluminescent beaches / Boing Boing



Source: Paris Truck Co.: Paris in Beijing Video Release

Links for 2/12/17

Follow the money: Will Trump repay Putin by ending Russian sanctions and killing the Paris climate deal?

Source: Did Putin help elect Trump to restore $500 billion Exxon oil deal killed by sanctions


Is buying something with the click of a mouse worse for the planet than picking it up off the shelf and taking it home yourself? And if it is – would it change the way you shopped?

Source: Online vs offline shopping: which is better for the environment? | DW Environment




I was delighted to see giant basking sharks on a recent trip to Scotland, but such moments of wonder are rare. Creating fishing reserves would allow our oceans to recover – and preserve this incredible feeling

Source: The primal thrill of sharks: the emotional case for rewilding the sea | The Guardian


At current rates of deforestation, rainforests will vanish altogether in a century. Stopping climate change will remain an elusive goal unless poor nations are helped to preserve them

Source: We are destroying rainforests so quickly they may be gone in 100 years | The Guardian


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Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

Links for 2/6/17

The continent broke off of Pangaea and sank into the ocean, but there’s still some evidence remaining on at least one island.

Source: Scientists Found a ‘Lost’ Continent in the Indian Ocean


Video: Hobie Team Bootleg, Early ’60s

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events



Source: 1000-year old windmills still in use / Boing Boing


  Mark Zuckerberg is the 6th richest person on the planet. Facebook is the 6th largest company in the world by market cap.  By any measure Facebook is the world’s largest media company a…

Source: #F*ckTheZuck: It Appears the World’s 6th Richest Man/Company Does Not Pay Songwriters | The Trichordist


Global research group will trace Totten glacier’s history back to last ice age, in hope of predicting future melting patterns

Source: Epic Antarctic voyage maps seafloor to predict ocean rise as glacier the size of California melts | World news | The Guardian

Links for 2/1/17


Source: What happens if all Earth’s coral dies?


Video: Last of the Great Surfing Hippies
Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


“My conclusion,” writes the Indus script scholar Asko Parpola, “is that the Indian Rsyasrnga legend goes back to the Harappan religion, where the unicorn bull depicted on thousands of seals has a real local animal, the nilgai antelope, called rsya in Sanskrit. His single horn, the length of which is exaggerated, has a phallic connotation and emphasizes the importance of this animal as a symbol of fertility.”

Source: The Harappan Unicorn in Eurasian and South Asian perspectives


Get ready to say good-bye to the Legos of yesteryear.

Source: Good-bye plastic: Lego announces a huge change in the future of its toys.


His aerial shots of the lakes forming on the Arctic ice cap are a beautiful but chilling reminder of the impact of climate change

Source: ‘What should be pristine white is littered with blue’ – Timo Lieber’s Arctic photography | Art and design | The Guardian


Do you ever wonder what life is like without Facebook?

Source: 99 days of freedom

Links for 1/22/17

Source: Mark Zuckerberg sues over 100 Hawaiians to force them to sell them their ancestral land


The neuroscience of changing your mind


The worst could happen if Colorado River flows fall as low as they were from 2000 to 2005.

Source: Lake Powell could dry up in as little as six years, study says | Local news |


It was the apogee of ‘yacht rock,’ the ineluctable, smooth sound then dominant in southern California. Slick production, highly melodic music, and clean vocals were the hallmarks of the genre. Thematic concerns ranged from personal ads to margaritas.

Source: The Yacht Rock Counterrevolution | Jacobin