The unit of survival is organism plus environment. We are learning by bitter experience that the organism which destroys its environment destroys itself. – Gregory Bateson
The major influences on ocean chemistry today are hydrothermal flow (hot water that has circulated through the crust) and surface weathering (the river transport of material eroded from land into the ocean)
Source: Life in Ancient Oceans Enabled by Erosion from Land | Lab Manager
A knee-buckling new state-commissioned report warns that if nothing changes, California’s coastal waters will rise at a rate 30 to 40 times faster than in the last century.
The fundamental unit of biology is not the self, but the network — and this view has practical consequences, says David George Haskell, author of The Song of Trees.
Source: David George Haskell Explores Life’s Network’s In ‘The Song of Trees’
The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth – its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.
WannaSurf – Free illustrated atlas of surf spots and surfing worldwide with maps of surf spots, detailed descriptions and photos. All the best weather and forecast maps. An interactive environment provides messages, reports and data editing.
The last known Tasmanian tiger died more than eight decades ago. It has become the stuff of textbook sketches and yellowing photographs. But now, researchers are launching a new search.
Source: Back From The Dead? Reported Sightings Fuel Hope For Return Of Tasmanian Tigers : The Two-Way : NPR
Hundreds of millions of salmon are presumed dead along the US west coast amid fears that ocean life is being wiped out following the Fukushima disaster.
The health of the Great Barrier Reef has entered “uncharted territory” after researchers found there had been mass coral bleaching for two summers in a row for the first time in history.
In India, 6,000 tonnes of plastic waste lies uncollected every day. Some of this washes up in Tamil Nadu state where it pollutes and contaminates the food and water of communities living along the Bay of Bengal
Climate change is a different prospect of calamity—not just elementally but morally different from nuclear exchange in a manner which has not been properly dealt with.
I pledge to stand in resistance to Donald Trump’s assault on America’s clean air, clean water, climate, wildlife, civil rights, reproductive rights, gender and racial equality, and freedom of speech and religion.
Source: Pledge of Resistance to Donald Trump’s Assault on America’s Environment, Democracy and Civil Rights