Links for 1/18/17

Source: Holy Barbarians: Beat Culture on the West Coast – Artwire Press Release from


Source: Groovy vintage ads for classic guitars | Dangerous Minds



The Latin soul craze that hit New York 50 years ago only lasted a few years, but its effects still linger – Oliver Wang takes a look at the defining songs of the scene

Source: We like it like that: the songs that defined New York Citys boogaloo craze | Music | The Guardian


Rex Tillerson dodges question about who knew what when at ExxonMobil about company’s history of promoting and funding climate science denial, as state AG probes continue.

Source: Tillerson Dodges Discussing Who Knew What When about ExxonMobil’s Efforts to Deceive the Public on Climate Change | naked capitalism


Global sea ice levels are at their lowest in recorded history, according to new statistics from the U.S. National Snow & Ice Data Center.In the Arctic, the loss is due to climate change and extreme weather events that are likely influenced by global warming, while the changes in the Antarctic may be attributed to natural variability, the center said.

Source: Global Sea Ice Hits Lowest Levels ‘Probably in Millenia’


Make driving safer by replacing air bags with daggers that stab you in the heart


Many researchers previously argued that giant animals became extinct soon after the arrival of the First Australians

Source: Megafauna and Indigenous Australians coexisted for at least 17,000 years | Australia news | The Guardian

Links for 1/14/17

7 Reasons Why Music Is Important To World Cultures  – MTT – Music Think Tank


Coral in the Sekisei lagoon in Okinawa has turned brown and is covered with algae, according to a government study

Source: Almost 75% of Japans biggest coral reef has died from bleaching, says report | World news | The Guardian


Earlier this year, message boards and forums lit up with rumors of Fender’s 2017 American Pro series guitars, especially the Jazzmaster and Jaguar models in the range. Appearing to be a more afford…

Source: Fender American Pro Jazzmaster & Jaguar: First Impressions and In-Depth Review | Mike & Mikes Guitar Bar


David Bowie’s last album was last year’s most popular vinyl in the UK

Source: The Quietus | News | UK Vinyl Sales At 25-Year High


An extract from Liberatum’s documentary In this Climate, in which a range of cultural and environmental figures respond to the threat of climate change

Source: David Attenborough on climate change: The world will be transformed – video | Environment | The Guardian



Links for 1/5/17

The debate over the so-called global warming ‘pause’ just got reopened.

Source: NOAA challenged the global warming ‘pause.’ Now new research says the agency was right – The Washington Post


Honey Skateboards


Source: Drinking Your Way Through ‘The Waldorf Astoria Bar Book’


Handmade models of classic midcentury Palm Springs houses.

Source: Palm Springs midcentury modern in miniature: Mini City by McKean Studio | Retro to Go


Melanesians may carry genetic evidence of a previously unknown extinct human relative.

Quelle: DNA data offer evidence of unknown extinct human relative | Science News

Links for 1/4/17

The use of valuable agricultural resources for the production of snacks and sodas means less fertile land and clean water is available to grow nutritious food for local communities.

Source: This Infographic Shows How Only 10 Companies Control All the World’s Brands


An obscure 30-year-old treaty has landed thousands of Micronesians in poverty and homelessness in Hawaii.

Source: America’s Real Migrant Crisis Is the One You’ve Never Heard Of | Mother Jones


Brazilian Ricardo Stuckert accidentally stumbled on to the tribe after his helicopter was diverted

Source: Photographer captures images of uncontacted Amazon tribe | World news | The Guardian


Solar power becoming world’s cheapest form of electricity production, analysts say


There’s more in common between indigenous and board culture than you might think.

Source: New Winnipeg Art Gallery exhibit fuses indigenous, skateboarding culture | Metro Winnipeg


Study shows down-the-drain disposal is not a major source of pharmaceutical pollution

Quelle: Drugs in the Water? Don’t Blame the Students | Lab Manager

Links for 12/29/16

A spate of extreme warmth is linked to climate change, and may lead to shrinking ice coverage and even more warming in the region, scientists said.

Source: Spiking Temperatures in the Arctic Startle Scientists


Video: Chuns Reef, December Day 2016

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Around 2005 or 2006, I spotted something on craigslist that I wanted and agreed to meet up at the guy’s house. When he told me his address, I was shocked – it was a less than 3 minute drive from my house and he had, to say the least, a large and impressive collection of guitars and amplifiers. This was pretty odd to find in our neighborhood and we hit it off immediately.I don’t recall exactly what I was buying (or selling), but what I do remember is that he kept putting guitars in my hands to check out, many of which weren’t even for sale – we were just geeking out and he was happy to share.I recall two guitars from that day that really moved me: one was a 1982 AVRI Fullerton 50’s Strat that must have been played for hours in damp & smokey bars nightly for years – it was far more beat than most actual 50’s Strats I’ve ever seen. The second one was a 1955 Gibson ES-295 that had been refinished in Sonic Blue:

Source: • View topic – NGD: 1955 Gibson ES-295 Sonic Blue


Broadcast targeted speakers of language still spoken by 4 million Peruvians, symbolically ending centuries of marginalisation

Source: Peru airs news in Quechua, indigenous language of Inca empire, for first time | World news | The Guardian


Handmade wooden sunglasses


Video: Lanka Daze


Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events




Show this cartoon to anyone who doubts we need huge action on climate change – Vox


Farmed Salmon – One of The Most Toxic Foods in the World – CHere1st

Links for 12/26/16

Incoming president Donald Trump’s climate change denial has environmentalists worried. But California is proving that local efforts can achieve real progress – independent of Washington.

Source: California to trump federal plans with local climate action


Ten years of effort finally paid off for Las Vegas. The city government has gone entirely green, and 200 more cities want to do the same.

Source: Las Vegas’s city government is now powered by 100% renewable energy, and more cities will follow


Source: In 1906, He Snaps A Quick Photo. What He Captures? Chilling…


Cahokia was bigger than Paris—then it was completely abandoned. I went there to find out why.

Source: Finding North America’s lost medieval city


Impact of dams on climate change has been underestimated, researchers warn, as rotting vegetation creates 25% more methane than previously thought

Source: Hydroelectric dams emit a billion tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, study finds | Global development | The Guardian


Tesla’s new line of energy-harvesting roof tiles are a key part of Elon Musk’s plan to make solar sexy.

Source: Tesla Unveils its New Line of Camouflaged Solar Panels



Links for 12/24/16

The truth of what happened on Christmas Day at Lake Okeechobee between the Seminoles and U.S. forces is not something you’ll read about in textbooks.

Source: The Seminole Christmas Gift of Freedom – Indian Country Media Network


A Reuters analysis of blood lead-test results across the U.S. finds thousands of communities with poisoning rates above those seen in Flint, Michigan

Source: Reuters finds lead levels higher than Flint’s in thousands of locales


Scientists say they are concerned at the rapid rate at which methane is gathering in the atmosphere.

Source: Methane surge needs ‘urgent attention’ – BBC News





Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events



Links for 12/22/16

Temperatures in parts of the Arctic are expected to rise above 0C for the second winter in a row

Source: Ice-melting temperatures forecast for Arctic midwinter | Environment | The Guardian


Wißt ihr wie ihr im Longboardbusiness in kürzester Zeit eine Million Euro nach Hause bringt? Nein? Ganze einfach: Investiert einfach zwei Millionen. Mit Glück bleibt dann eine Million übrig. Das nicht alles immer nur fun sport ist, bekommen derzeit die amerkikanischen Hersteller zu spüren. Etliche Firmen sind in unruhige Fahrwasser geraten und kämpfen um das …

Source: Lobo Wheels – longboard wheels – 40inch Longboardmagazin


This handsome and heartfelt documentary takes us into the world of the Gaza Strip’s surfing enthusiasts, and reveals a formidable resilience pulsing within a beleaguered population.

Source: Gaza Surf Club


Horace Poolaw’s photography is unearthed at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian

Source: A Rare Insider’s View of Native American Life in Mid-20th-Century Oklahoma


Young ripper Santi Domingorena is probably one of the best groms out there on the Island. He has a great ability to make everything seem much easier than it is.

Source: Santi Domingorena – A secret spot on the Island – Longboard Magazine Europe


Very Cool: Heat Pump Water Heaters Save Energy and Money | NRDC


At 88, Morricone is a towering presence in film history. As he celebrates 60 years in music, the Italian composer talks shoots, scores and the masterpieces we missed

Source: Drips, pop and Dollars: the music that made Ennio Morricone | Film | The Guardian



Logging With Love / Norway

Links for 12/16/16

The majority of the Earth’s terrestrial carbon is stored in the soil. If anthropogenic warming stimulates the loss of this carbon to the atmosphere, it could drive further planetary warming.

Source: Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming : Nature : Nature Research



Video: the Island Escape

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


“The political parties come and go but the values of the regional cultures are always at play.”

Source: This map shows the US really has 11 separate ‘nations’ with entirely different cultures


Exclusive: In Under the Surface, a special Guardian film, the writer and environmental campaigner Naomi Klein travels to the Great Barrier Reef with her son, Toma, to see the impact of coral bleaching caused by climate change

Source: Naomi Klein at the Great Barrier Reef: what have we left for our children? – video | Environment | The Guardian




Our waters have borne the brunt of global warming for decades, but dying corals, extreme weather, and plummeting fish stocks are signs that it can handle no more.

Source: The Oceans Can’t Protect Us Anymore—Here’s Why