Links for 10/20/15

The Oakland A’s exec is named and shamed for excessive water use.

Source: Check Out the Homes of Some of the Bay Area’s Biggest Water Guzzlers—Including Billy Beane | Mother Jones

In an alternate universe version of Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, Eddie Murphy, not Samuel L. Jackson, might have played Jules, the bible-spouting hit man. His partner-in-crime, Vincent Vega, might have been played by Gary Oldman, not John Travolta.

Source: Quentin Tarantino’s Original Wish List for the Cast of Pulp Fiction | Open Culture

It has become one with the jungle since the last human inhabitants abandoned its shores in World War II. Ross Island, or as I’ve come to call it, “Jungle Book Island”, was once […]

Source: Buried by Nature: The Dark Colonial Past of Jungle Book Island

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A new mega-study says ocean life will be unable to recover from climate change

Source: Goodbye, oceans! Study finds ecosystems headed toward a major collapse | Grist


Source: Imperial Punch

Gaia Vince’s Adventures in the Anthropocene has won the Royal Society Winton science book of the year for its account of her travels through an endangered planet. Nick Pattinson captured her journey in photographs

Source: The wild beauty of a threatened world – in pictures | Books | The Guardian

Links for 10/17/15

Get essential tools and recipes for the at-home bartender with this set from MakersKit

Genocide, not genes: indigenous peoples’ genetic alcoholism is a racist myth

Shaken: cocktail kits by mail

Ocean life or acid trip? Photos of psychedelic jellyfish


Nestle–that’s who. And they’re profiting big time. Watch the movie and take action.

Source: Guess Who’s Illegally Occupying Public Land in California?


Where have all the tuna gone, and where are all the cod?

Source: Popular Science


Beat the microbead is an international campaign against plastic microbeads in cosmetics.

Source: Beat the Microbead – Beat the Microbead


I’m well aware that with Paris looming it’s time to be hopeful, and I’m willing to try. Even amid the record heat and flooding of the present, there are good signs for the future in the rising climate movement and the falling cost of solar. But before we get to past and present there’s some past to be reckoned with, and before we get to hope there’s some deep, blood-red anger.

Source: Exxon’s Climate Lie: ‘No Corporation Has Ever Done Anything This Big or Bad’ | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community


#NoAdriaticDrilling Croatia! – Citizens say NO to @VladaRH Adriatic #fossilfuel plans for Croatia #COP21

Source: #NoAdriaticDrilling Croatia! – HeadTalker

Links for 10/16/15

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Like a weird volcano glimmering in the centre of a once rundown park, Koo Jeong A’s new art installation is set to become a cultural destination

Source: Let’s glow: skaters descend on Liverpool’s glow-in-the-dark skatepark


“It’s a great time for records,” said Dave Hansen, an owner of Independent Record Pressing in Bordentown, New Jersey.

Source: Vinyl Records See a Comeback During Music’s Digital Age – NBC News


Source: Melting Permafrost Could Cost World Economy $43 Trillion by 2100: Study | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community


Links for 10/12/15


By Stefan Rahmstorf via Scilogs The past 2000 years of climate change have now been reconstructed in more detail than ever before by the PAGES 2k project.

Source: Most Comprehensive Paleoclimate Reconstruction Confirms Hockey Stick


Joining the chorus of watchdogs who say Volkswagen (VW) must pay for its corporate crime, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) on Tuesday released an analysis charging that financial penalties for the company’s environmental violations should be no less than $25.1 billion in the United States alone.

Source: Not Just Consumer Fraud, VW Scandal Called ‘Crime Against Climate’


This is How Americans were Enjoying Their Beaches in 1948


Check out this clip of Jan and Dean lip-syncing Sidewalk Surfin’ on American Bandstand. August 22, 1964. Dick Clark talks with audience a little bit about skateboarding (a young man’s g…

Source: Jan and Dean, which one was a poser?

Exklusive Premiere: Dieser Kinobesuch verändert alles!

Ein Kinoerlebnis der anderen Art: ein fesselnder Film über eine globale Bewegung die sich Konzernen und Regierungen in den Weg stellt um die Klimakrise noch zu stoppen. Ganz exklusiv lädt Campact zu einer Vorab-Premiere des neuen Naomi Klein Films “Die Entscheidung: Kapitalismus vs. Klima” ein.

Source: Exklusive Premiere: Dieser Kinobesuch verändert alles!


Wann:  19:00 Sonntag, den 27. September 2015 

Wo:      Babylon-Kino, Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30, 10178  Berlin, Deutschland 

This Changes Everything
Toronto International Film Festival Bell Lightbox Cinema 1

Directed by journalist and filmmaker Avi Lewis (The Take) and produced in conjunction with Naomi Klein’s bestselling book of the same name, this urgent dispatch on climate change contends that the greatest crisis we have ever faced also offers us the opportunity to address and correct the inhumane systems that have created it.

Source: | This Changes Everything