Links for 10/3/14

Henry Miller Memorial Library’s fallen redwood auction

Unprecedented drought puts Sao Paulo water supply at risk Add to …

Take The Pledge to Use Less Plastic Every Day

Idle No More @ Peoples Climate March in New York

Todd Gitlin, As the Globe Warms, So Does the Climate Movement

Meet Surfrider’s New CEO: Chad Nelsen

Plane carbon footprint : I went a year without flying to fight climate change.

Ocean Health Gets “D” Grade in New Global Report Card

Jerry Brown will force open public beach gate locked by billionaire

The Easiest Fall Cocktail Ever

Naomi Klein: Fossil Fuels Threaten Our Ability to Have Healthy Children

Obama Calls For More Ambitious Approach To Climate Change In U.N. Speech

The other side of paradise: Incredible photos show mountains of plastic bottles washed up on idyllic honeymoon islands in Maldives

You are listening to Los Angeles

Why 35,000 Walruses Come Ashore in Alaska

Antarctica Has Lost Enough Ice to Cause a Measurable Shift in Gravity

Links for 9/15/14

Who Owns the Ocean Floor?

This Legendary Accounting Firm Just Ran the Numbers on Climate Change

Why You Should Be Paying Attention to Flooding in Kashmir

Miami port dredging damaging sea life, state inspectors say

Study maps 15 years of carbon dioxide emissions on Earth

Celebrities and billionaires left powerless as their multimillion-dollar Malibu homes are mercilessly battered by huge waves

Solar and wind hybrid power generation system &…