Links for 2/19/17

Dem Häuptlingssohn, bestaunt im kolonialen Menschenzoo, gelang ein rasanter Aufstieg. Martin Dibobe kam 1896 aus Kamerun nach Berlin. Er wurde Schlosser, Zugführer, Beamter. Und Vorkämpfer für die Rechte der Afrikaner.

Source: Martin Dibobe, preußischer Afro-Sozi: Black Power im Kaiserreich


Can Preservationists Save L.A.’s Late Modernist Landmarks? – Architecture Lab


When strong winds prevented filmmaker Jo Ruxton from sending a submarine to her chosen recording location off the coast of Marseille, she was naturally nervous.

Source: Our seas have become a plastic graveyard – but can technology turn the tide?


That Sushi May Contain a Tract-Invading Parasitic Tapeworm


Carbon Tracker Initiative’s Luke Sussams says the dropping costs of renewable energy could see global demand for oil and coal peak by 2020

Source: Solar Created More Jobs in 2016 Than Oil, Gas and Coal Combined


Despite having celebrated a victory against the corporation who was constructing the Dakota Access Pipeline, water protectors everywhere might be having to head out into the freezing cold once again to defend the sacred land and valuable waterways. This is because President Donald Trump is expected to go forward with plans to sign an executive

Source: Trump to Sign Executive Order Pushing Through Construction of DAPL & Keystone XL Pipeline – The Ring of Fire Network

Links for 2/18/17

The European Commission published yesterday its roadmap setting out its objectives on the issue of plastics. In particular, it intends to reduce “the leakage of plastics into the environment”. Unfortunately, if we welcome the intention, we can only be critical of the solutions proposed.

Source: European roadmap on plastics: between good intentions and bad solutions – Surfrider


Polynesian ingenuity studied

Source: Science: Sophisticated Polynesian fish ponds fed a dense population on Hawaii |


Eight million tonnes of waste plastic ends up in the sea each year. Fish eat it – and then we do. How bad is it for us?

Source: From sea to plate: how plastic got into our fish | Life and style | The Guardian


A swell so heavy even the most experienced guys out there were exercising extreme caution. –

Source: Grist to the Nazare Grinder –


Presence of manmade chemicals in most remote place on planet shows nowhere is safe from human impact, say scientists

Source: Extraordinary levels of toxic pollution found in 10km deep Mariana trench | Environment | The Guardian

Links for 1/4/17

The use of valuable agricultural resources for the production of snacks and sodas means less fertile land and clean water is available to grow nutritious food for local communities.

Source: This Infographic Shows How Only 10 Companies Control All the World’s Brands


An obscure 30-year-old treaty has landed thousands of Micronesians in poverty and homelessness in Hawaii.

Source: America’s Real Migrant Crisis Is the One You’ve Never Heard Of | Mother Jones


Brazilian Ricardo Stuckert accidentally stumbled on to the tribe after his helicopter was diverted

Source: Photographer captures images of uncontacted Amazon tribe | World news | The Guardian


Solar power becoming world’s cheapest form of electricity production, analysts say


There’s more in common between indigenous and board culture than you might think.

Source: New Winnipeg Art Gallery exhibit fuses indigenous, skateboarding culture | Metro Winnipeg


Study shows down-the-drain disposal is not a major source of pharmaceutical pollution

Quelle: Drugs in the Water? Don’t Blame the Students | Lab Manager

Links for 12/29/16

A spate of extreme warmth is linked to climate change, and may lead to shrinking ice coverage and even more warming in the region, scientists said.

Source: Spiking Temperatures in the Arctic Startle Scientists


Video: Chuns Reef, December Day 2016

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Around 2005 or 2006, I spotted something on craigslist that I wanted and agreed to meet up at the guy’s house. When he told me his address, I was shocked – it was a less than 3 minute drive from my house and he had, to say the least, a large and impressive collection of guitars and amplifiers. This was pretty odd to find in our neighborhood and we hit it off immediately.I don’t recall exactly what I was buying (or selling), but what I do remember is that he kept putting guitars in my hands to check out, many of which weren’t even for sale – we were just geeking out and he was happy to share.I recall two guitars from that day that really moved me: one was a 1982 AVRI Fullerton 50’s Strat that must have been played for hours in damp & smokey bars nightly for years – it was far more beat than most actual 50’s Strats I’ve ever seen. The second one was a 1955 Gibson ES-295 that had been refinished in Sonic Blue:

Source: • View topic – NGD: 1955 Gibson ES-295 Sonic Blue


Broadcast targeted speakers of language still spoken by 4 million Peruvians, symbolically ending centuries of marginalisation

Source: Peru airs news in Quechua, indigenous language of Inca empire, for first time | World news | The Guardian


Handmade wooden sunglasses


Video: Lanka Daze


Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events




Show this cartoon to anyone who doubts we need huge action on climate change – Vox


Farmed Salmon – One of The Most Toxic Foods in the World – CHere1st

Links for 11/6/16

We have been at war in Syria over pipelines since 1949. This is just the next mad phase.

Source: Gaius Publius: Syria Is Another Pipeline War | naked capitalism


North Dakota regulators accuse company of failing to disclose the discovery of Native American symbolic stones on a site where construction was planned

Source: Dakota Access: company under scrutiny over sacred artifacts in oil pipelines path | US news | The Guardian



Source: Video: a Weekend At Malibu


Cawelo Study Fails to Test for Dozens of Oilfield Chemicals in Wastewater Used to Irrigate California Food Crops | YubaNet


The Modernist Utopia that never was

Source: The Modernist Utopia that never was




Source: The Turtles began a meteoric rise to 1960s music stardom in Westchester | South Bay History

Links for 10/22/16

Could Science Save Rapidly Depleting Global Fish Stocks? – May 11 2016 01:28 AM – Breaking News – Labmate Online


The Global Human Settlement Layer was launched at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).

Quelle: New satellite image database maps the dynamics of human presence on Earth – European Commission


Thom asks whether nature should be protected with rights just like corporations do.

Source: Should Nature Have The Rights Of A Person Like Corporations Do? – Thom Hartmann Program – The Ring of Fire Network



Surfing Publication and Newsagency, we provide surfers all the news, Board Buyers Guide, Contest Reports, Big Wave Events, Airshows, Image Galleries, Shapers, Schools and Camps directories, Surfing magazine, Learning to Surf tips

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Earth is in the danger zone, and every day we burn fossil fuels brings it closer to destruction.

Source: We’re Past the Point of No Return for Climate Change


It’s a musical computer for your home.

Source: Watch A ’60s Magician Play The Mellotron | Atlas Obscura


Kelly Slater has employed his hefty social media following in the search for surfboards stolen from the Malibu home of Beastie Boys rapper Michael Diamond, also known as Mike D.

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Scientists finally catch dolphin talking / Boing Boing

Links for 8/29/16

Ten Clear Signs Our Climate Is Changing | Climate Reality


A California biotech company receives funding to commercialise algae-based prawns, in an attempt to get people switching to more sustainable diets

Source: Synthetic prawns: a bid to make ‘seafood’ that’s sustainable and slavery-free | Environment | The Guardian


Hi-tech imaging has revealed exceptionally rare manuscript overlaid by 16th-century deerhide document held at Oxford University

Source: Hidden codex may reveal secrets of life in Mexico before Spanish conquest | Science | The Guardian


Long before Columbus reached the Americas, Cahokia was the biggest, most cosmopolitan city north of Mexico. Yet by 1350 it had been deserted by its native inhabitants the Mississippians – and no one is sure why

Source: Lost cities #8: mystery of Cahokia – why did North America’s largest city vanish? | Cities | The Guardian


Sound Explosion! Inside LA’s Sound Factory With The Wrecking Crew by . For Wreck-heads everywhere. Record Collector is the world’s leading authority on rare and collectable records

Source: Sound Explosion! Inside LA’s Sound Factory With The Wrecking Crew – Record Collector Magazine


Source: Mory Madness: An Obsession – Electric Deer Guitarworks

Links for 8/27/16

A pair of First Nations are using a monumental 2014 Supreme Court of Canada decisions as legal precedent in their protest against major fish farms on Vancouver Island.

Source: How a historic court decision is driving a new wave of First Nations protests


Drinks that fell out of fashion as the epitome of kitsch are being revived as joyfully composed craft cocktails.

Source: Tiki’s Comeback


Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s “frozen wall of earth” has failed to prevent groundwater from entering th

Source: Panel: TEPCO’s ‘ice wall’ failing at Fukushima nuclear plant?The Asahi Shimbun


Source: Obsession | Jackson Foundation Gallery

Links for 6/11/16

Skate legend Tommy Guerrero was one of the biggest names in skateboarding in the 1980’s. As one of the Bones Brigade, Powell Peralta’s famous skate team, Guerrero would go on to head up…

Source: Skateboards and Guitar Chords: Tommy Guerrero Reflects on a life of Skating and Music Making | blurredvisionary


Visit the post for more.

Source: Individually-shrinkwrapped potatoes are why we must destroy capitalism / Boing Boing




A Walk in the Dead Woods


Star Trek: The Next Generation beachwear

Source: Star Trek: The Next Generation beachwear


Algal bloom ‘of biblical proportions’ has led to protests and health emergency as concerns raised over dumping of rotting salmon in ocean

Source: Toxic ‘red tide’ in Chile prompts investigation of salmon farming | World news | The Guardian

Links for 4/26/16

Enter surfing’s secret garden and get ready for the ride of your life

Source: Enter surfing’s secret garden and get ready for the ride of your life | Richard Williams | Sport | The Guardian


Introducing the Bahne Bamboo Tiki Longboard. This is a top of the line 44″ (111.76cm) classic longboard cruiser featuring a multi-ply hard wood maple & beautiful artisan Bamboo deck, rugged aluminum trucks & durable 70mm PU wheels.

Source: Bahne – Bamboo Tiki 44″ Longboard – Bahne Skateboards


Authorities are investigating whether pollution is to blame for a spate of mysterious mass fish deaths along the country’s central coast

Source: Vietnam investigates mass fish deaths

