Links for 1/18/17

Source: Holy Barbarians: Beat Culture on the West Coast – Artwire Press Release from


Source: Groovy vintage ads for classic guitars | Dangerous Minds



The Latin soul craze that hit New York 50 years ago only lasted a few years, but its effects still linger – Oliver Wang takes a look at the defining songs of the scene

Source: We like it like that: the songs that defined New York Citys boogaloo craze | Music | The Guardian


Rex Tillerson dodges question about who knew what when at ExxonMobil about company’s history of promoting and funding climate science denial, as state AG probes continue.

Source: Tillerson Dodges Discussing Who Knew What When about ExxonMobil’s Efforts to Deceive the Public on Climate Change | naked capitalism


Global sea ice levels are at their lowest in recorded history, according to new statistics from the U.S. National Snow & Ice Data Center.In the Arctic, the loss is due to climate change and extreme weather events that are likely influenced by global warming, while the changes in the Antarctic may be attributed to natural variability, the center said.

Source: Global Sea Ice Hits Lowest Levels ‘Probably in Millenia’


Make driving safer by replacing air bags with daggers that stab you in the heart


Many researchers previously argued that giant animals became extinct soon after the arrival of the First Australians

Source: Megafauna and Indigenous Australians coexisted for at least 17,000 years | Australia news | The Guardian

Links for 11/18/16


Native Americans at Standing Rock, North Dakota are being sprayed with chemical weapons, according to protestor Candida Rodriguez Kingbird.

Source: Native Woman Claims Chemical Weapons Used At Standing Rock


Created in 1990, Gesac represents more that 1 million rights holders in the areas of music, graphic and plastic arts, literary and dramatic works, and audiovisual as well as music publishers.

Source: Author Societies – New Study: Unlawful US Copyright Exemption Severely Harms European Authors


Long Halftime Walk is cloaked in shiny new tech, but dismal reviews suggest it’ll soon join the scrapheap of big-screen inventions that didn’t take off

Source: Too big? Too loud? Too real? Billy Lynn and other failed cinematic innovations | Film | The Guardian



. . . we attended The Hilltop Haunting, which was a rad downhill halloween skate jam hosted by Muir Skate & Bustin Boards. The event took place on one. . .

Source: The Hilltop Haunting (Event Recap) – Wheelbase Magazine


Scientists have discovered a ‘lake’ in the Gulf of Mexico. Everyone, who enters this pool at the bottom of the sea will suffer horribly.

Quelle: Scientists Have Found a Lake Under the Sea – Those Who Swim There Won’t Come Back Alive – Natural Health Resource – The world’s most widely referenced, open access, natural medicine database, with 20,000+ study abstracts and growing daily

Quelle: A Special Report on Standing Rock: The Environmental and Social Justice Consequences of the Dakota Access Pipeline


Fukushima: The Untouchable Eco-Apocalypse No One Is Talking About


Island known by traditional owners as Me-mel is currently owned and managed by National Parks and Wildlife

Source: Mike Baird’s government to return Goat Island to Indigenous owners | Australia news | The Guardian


Two skeletons have been discovered in a London graveyard which could change our view of the history of Europe and Asia.

Source: Skeleton find could rewrite Roman history – BBC News


Nat Young, San Diego 1966

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

Links for 11/6/16

We have been at war in Syria over pipelines since 1949. This is just the next mad phase.

Source: Gaius Publius: Syria Is Another Pipeline War | naked capitalism


North Dakota regulators accuse company of failing to disclose the discovery of Native American symbolic stones on a site where construction was planned

Source: Dakota Access: company under scrutiny over sacred artifacts in oil pipelines path | US news | The Guardian



Source: Video: a Weekend At Malibu


Cawelo Study Fails to Test for Dozens of Oilfield Chemicals in Wastewater Used to Irrigate California Food Crops | YubaNet


The Modernist Utopia that never was

Source: The Modernist Utopia that never was




Source: The Turtles began a meteoric rise to 1960s music stardom in Westchester | South Bay History

Links for 10/20/16

A new study by Belgian scientists has decided to test the mutual benefits of beer and music.

Source: Lab Times online: Editorial – A Perfect Combination


We all know that our LGC Russian Ambassador Kate Voynova is a beast. What we didn’t know is that her boyfriend Timur shreds too. Check out their new video

Source: LGC Russia’s Kate Voynova – Autumn Longboarding » Blog Archive » Longboard Girls Crew


Vivienne Westwood: Hillarys evil | CNBC International – YouTube


The foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, says he does not know what the Commonwealth flag looks like

Source: Boris Johnson unfamiliar with Commonwealth flag – video | Politics | The Guardian


US biologist Ryan Killackey spent seven years filming a polemical account of a remote forest community under pressure from US and Chinese oil companies

Source: Yasuni Man film is an intimate portrait of a beautiful land under siege for its oil | World news | The Guardian


The Center for Biological Diversity today urged the Canadian government to reject Kinder Morgan’s proposal to build a 613-mile pipeline so it can transport dirty Alberta tar sands oil to the United States and China. The pipeline would run from Edmonton, Alberta to Burnaby, British Columbia, where the oil would be loaded onto tankers and shipped through critical habitat for endangered Southern Resident killer whales, a species with fewer than 85 individual animals left.

Source: Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project in Canada Threatens Critically Endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community



Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events



Links for 10/13/16

The third in a series of international conferences focussed on invasive alien species (IAS) on islands, their impact and management.

Source: Island Invasives Conference, 2017


Military-style troops confronted Dakota Access water defenders recently, underscoring the common narrative U.S. tribes share with the world’s Indigenous Peoples.

Source: Standing Rock Joins the World’s Indigenous Fighting for Land and Life by Jenni Monet — YES! Magazine



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Source: contemporama : Photo




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Source: OSTRICH – Alternative Longboards


The Fukushima nuclear disaster has contaminated the world’s largest ocean in only five years and it’s still leaking 300 tons of radioactive waste every day.

Source: Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It’s Going To Get Worse) | Zero Hedge


Giant collection of fishing nets, plastic containers and other discarded items called a ‘ticking time bomb’ as large items crumble into micro plastics

Source: ‘Great Pacific garbage patch’ far bigger than imagined, aerial survey shows | Environment | The Guardian


Scientists simulate tiny bacteria-powered ‘windfarm’


Experts say human impact on Earth so profound that Holocene must give way to epoch defined by nuclear tests, plastic pollution and domesticated chicken

Source: The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age | Science | The Guardian


I was fortunate to meet up with Joe Davies during my recent trip to Jersey, Channel Islands. This is a short edit filmed during the few hours that the waves cooperated.

Sam Hanks

Source: Joe Davies / Jersey

Links for 9/20/16

Muschelsand ist weiß, Vulkansand schwarz und nur ein Seeglas-Strand leuchtet in allen Farben. Bei Fort Bragg in Kalifornien haben die Gezeiten aus Abfall Kunst geschaffen – und einen unnatürlich schönen Strand.

Source: Seeglas-Strand in Kalifornien: So schön glitzert nur Müll


xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline




One man told the NewsHour he had never seen a greater assembly of Native Americans than at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.

Source: Meet the Native Americans fighting against the North Dakota pipeline



Links for 9/17/16

This year is on track to be the third consecutive hottest year on record. Where does that heat go? The oceans, mostly.

Source: Oceans Are Absorbing Almost All of the Globe’s Excess Heat


Former residents and environmental campaigners to launch a lawsuit against Pentagon’s plans to use the Marianas islands for bombing practice

Source: Pågan: the tropical paradise the US wants to turn into a war zone | World news | The Guardian


Latraac is a skate bowl and social space in a drug-infested area of Athens – part of a new wave of creative projects transforming the city’s fortunes.

Source: The architect building his own skate oasis in the ruins of the Greek crisis


teleSUR spoke with the lawyer coordinating legal advice and representation for protesters at the North Dakota camps.

Source: What You May Not Know About the Dakota Access Pipeline | Opinion | teleSUR English


WPRK Salutes “Love & Mercy” Film Release : WPRK FM : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive







Source: His Knibs classic men’s style: Levi’s Vintage Clothing 1960s Casuals Stripe Tee



Links for 4/13/16

Photographs show insight into a dying 1,000-year-old tradition. Sailing peacefully across the river Li in Guilin, men fish without the aid of a rod, hook or bait, instead using a method which was first practised in 960AD

Source: Dying art of Chinese cormorant fishing – in pictures




A new study published in Nature suggests that the key to fighting climate change could be under our feet.

Source: Treating Soil A Little Differently Could Help It Store A Huge Amount Of Carbon | ThinkProgress


A new solar cell prototype developed by a team of scientists in Qingdao, China may change the way we use solar panels in the not so distant future. Solar panel technology has changed the way many people bring energy into their homes, but this type of technology has always posed one concern: panels cannot output […]

Source: Future Solar Panels Will Generate Energy From Raindrops –


The 1960s-style Berlinetta is an all-new sports car

Source: Retro To Go: The 1960s-style Berlinetta is an all-new sports car


Last month was the hottest March on record. The Arctic was literally was off-the-charts warm as its been all winter, which led to a record for the lowest maximum sea ice extent ever observed.

Source: Last Month Was The Hottest March In The Global Satellite Record, And The Arctic Is Still Sizzling


The U.S. Forest Service is proposing to give Nestle a five-year permit for bottled water operations in the San Bernardino Mountains.But the permit won’t be issued until a National Environmental Policy Act study is completed and the Fores

Source: New permit proposed for Nestle water extraction in San Bernardino mountains


This “olden style” rendition of the New Order classic Blue Monday uses only instruments available in the 1930s. Performed by Orkestra Obsolete, it features a theremin, a musical saw, a …

Source: Blue Monday performed with obsolete instruments

Links for 1/22/16

8 track album

Source: AL ZMAN SAIB | Habibi Funk Records




Vultures wearing GoPros are patrolling Lima’s skies for polluters—and saving the city from itself

Source: From Zero to Hero


Scientists find that the world’s oceans are storing vastly more heat than before.

Source: This is where 90 percent of global warming is going – The Washington Post




Source: Holy shit: Scarfolk TV is coming | Dangerous Minds


The Beatles’ Revolution 9 brought experimental music to a global audience, but their radio soundworld wouldn’t have been possible without Stockhausen’s ‘music of the whole world’

Source: Crackle goes pop: how Stockhausen seduced the Beatles

Links for 1/18/16

Seismologists’ warnings about hydraulic fracturing and wastewater disposal divide residents, politicians and companies in Colorado and Oklahoma, while temblors increase around the region

Source: Fracking shakes the American west: ‘a millennium’s worth of earthquakes’ | Environment | The Guardian




Improvements in the travel industry are helping us all to be greener globetrotters, writes Lucy Siegle

Source: The eco guide to booking a holiday | Lucy Siegle




Responding to overwhelming consumer demand to be kept in the dark about where meat comes from, the government has relaxed the relevant labeling requirements. After more than a decade of wrangling, …

Source: They don’t have to tell you where meat comes from anymore


TRNN correspondent Dimitri Lascaris talks to former UN Ambassador of Bolivia Pablo Solon, who says the final Paris agreement is headed towards the creation of carbon markets with terms to be settled in future COP meetings

Source: Former Bolivian UN Ambassador: COP21 Draft Text Shows Plans to Further Commodify Nature