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Seit einiger Zeit mal wieder eine Pressemittelung vom DWV
Rettet Scheveningen-Süd
Wir müssen zusammenhalten
Am kommenden Donnerstag, den 12. Februar 2009, versuchen sich hunderte Nordeuropäische Surfer gegen das weltweit erste „Spotverbot“ zu wehren.
Die Gemeinde Den Haag, hat bekannt gegeben einen der besten Surfspots in Nordeuropa schließen zu wollen, Scheveningen-Süd.
Auch wenn seit über 50 Jahren an denen hier gesurft wird, noch nie ein Surfer zu Schanden gekommen ist, will die Gemeinde das Wellenreiten dort verbieten.
An guten Tagen fahren zahllose Deutsche Surfer nach Scheveningen um gemeinsam dort mit Surfern aus den Niederlanden und Belgien die besten Wellen der Region zu teilen.
In a Surfers Way werden hunderte Surfer mit dem Hawaiianischen Ritual, dem Circle of love, versuchen Aufmerksamkeit zu wecken für das unsägliche Vorgehen der Gemeinde Den Haag und vielleicht das Unheil doch noch abzuwenden.
Im Anschluss wird eine Gruppe von Surfern dann durch die Grachten von Den Haag paddeln um der Gemeinde im Rathaus die Petition zu überreichen.
Präsident Jan Groenendijk kommentiert
Da der Deutsche Wellenreit Verband seit Jahren gute Kontakte unterhält zum Holländischen Surfverband werden wir natürlich an der Aktion teilnehmen. Ich selbst habe lange dort gewohnt und gesurft. Ich war sogar lange Zeit dort im Verband aktiv und werde am Donnerstag in Scheveningen mit aufs Meer rauspaddeln und versuchen die Stimme der Surfer gemeinsam laut werden zu lassen.
Treffpunkt in Scheveningen: Ende des Houtrustweg (Unter der großen Windmühle) Datum: 12 Februar 2009
Zeit: 15.30 Uhr
Die Deutsche Delegation wird Donnerstag um 10:30 Uhr aufbrechen.
Interessenten (Fahrer wie Mitfahrer) können sich direkt beim Jan.Groenendijk at melden.
Weitere Informationen gibt es im Internet unter
Quelle: DWV | Jan Groenendijk
Fotos: © DWV | hsa
Check out the videos Waitiki put up on the web. Some from this summer’s Wassermusik, which took place in Berlin. I was there, and it was very special and otherwordly and beautiful.
The following is quoting professahhummingflowah / Randy from the opening post in a Waitiki video thread on Tiki Central.
As you may know, this summer Waitiki launched a new project that has been christened The Waitiki All-Star Exotica Septet. In other words, a 7 member ensemble dedicated to the preservation and performance of classic and modern exotica.
The group is comprised of: Abe Lagrimas & Randy Wong (Waitiki co-founders; drums and bass, respectively), Tim Mayer (‘The Mayor of Exotica’ – sax/flutes), Jim Benoit (Berklee vibraphone wunderkind, of the Phil WIlson Rainbow Big Band), Helen Liu (dazzling violinist, a.k.a. “Ms. Helenini”), Zaccai Curtis (Latin jazz pianist with Paquito D’Rivera, Christian Scott, Wallace Roney), and Lopaka Colon (percussion and birdcalls; son of original Martin Denny percussionist and birdcaller, Augie Colon).
For your listening & viewing pleasure, here are some selected videos from our two recent performances—The Wassermusik Festival (Berlin, Germany) and the Retro Cocktail Hour’s 500th Broadcast Anniversary (Lawrence, Kansas). We will be mixing and mastering audio from the Retro Cocktail Hour show, as well as recent studio and other live performances, for an upcoming commercial release. Stay tuned.
In the meantime:
From our European debut – videography by Jochen Hirschfield of Armchair Travelling and ‘The DVD of Tiki’
Coronation, shot in Berlin. Featuring Lopaka Colon (son of original Martin Denny percussionist, Augie Colon), bongos & birdcalls.
Primativa, shot in Berlin. Featuring Tim Mayer (Waitiki’s Mayor of Exotica), saxophone.
Tiki, shot in Berlin. Featuring TIm Mayer (sax) and Zaccai Curtis (piano).
From our American debut
Sweet Pikake Serenade, shot in Lawrence. A composition by Randy Wong, in the style of Arthur Lyman’s great exotica ballads. Featuring Lopaka Colon (birdcalls/percussion), Jim Benoit (vibraphone), and Zaccai Curtis (piano).
Left Arm of Buddha, shot in Lawrence. Arrangement by Tim Mayer, of Martin Denny’s classic. Featuring Tim on alto flute and Jim Benoit.
L’Ours Chinois (‘The Chinese Bear’), shot in Lawrence. A composition by Randy Wong, in the style of Fritz Kreisler, Martin Denny, and Maurice Ravel. Featuring Helen Liu (Ms. Helenini) as violin soloist.
Firecrackers, shot in Lawrence; the encore to our show. Arrangement by Abe Lagrimas Jr. and Jim Benoit. Features Abe on drums and Jim on vibes.
Hope you like the videos. Sorry that some of the audio isn’t completely synced to the video; I’m still learning how to use Final Cut Express!! Let us know what you think of the group!!
– Randy & The Waitiki All-Star Exotica Septet
Swyng Jacks a pre Pulp Fiction surf band from Hamburg, Germany. Lonely Tubes was the title track of a MC published in 1992 called The Swyng Jacks Play Lonely…
I’m a really unlucky fela with my internet service provider (Freenet). Since about a month or so I can’t listen to anymore. I can tune-in via iTunes as usual, but the stream re-loads at least every 20 seconds. It’s insane. I would do everything I can to support them, except report on shows I have heard – just because that’s not possible for me anymore… They have such great people, who really are into the best music that deserves a place in the spotlights, if not the sun.
If somebody in Germany still can get their program as before, I would be really interested in the kind of connection that you have. Please, please leave a comment here and help me find out what’s wrong. Possibly it’s iTunes, maybe I can listen via VLC Player or something else? I’d appreciate any helpful advice or even just an explanation why I’m having this annoying tech problem.
Here’s the latest news from (for those happy people who can get it alright):
Had he not passed away earlier this month, Louis Teicher would have turned 84 on Aug. 24. In this Sunday’s special Beyondophonic Action Hour, F&T’s long-time manager Scott W. Smith will join your host Tothar to celebrate Mr. Teicher’s legacy.
Via phone, Scott will share swell stories about the twin piano team, including an inside scoop on the duo’s dazzlingly visionary and futuristic ‘prepared piano’ recordings. (Tothar sez, ‘Ten of the most uniquely innovative, ingenious LPs ever made.’) Tothar and Smith will also share some of the F&T tracks that most left them awestruck.PLUS, the Lux F&T memorial extends at 8pm PST/11:00pm EST with a rebroadcast of a 2001 LuxuriaMusic interview with Ferrante & Teicher conducted by The Millionaire!
Check out for some jaw-dropping YouTube footage of F&T performing their ‘prepared’ technique live on the Ernie Kovacs Show. Remember yesterday’s Sound of Tomorrow this Sunday night at 7:00 PST/ 10:00 EST on LuxuriaMusic Internet Radio! Please spread the word to anyone you think should know about it! – Michael ‘Tothar’ Toth
Yesterday was a little calmer, starting with Coconami (I somehow missed snapping a picture of them, sorry!) who used to be in the Tiki Tiki Bambooos, a Surf band from Munich, they now are a Ukulele duo, with mostly female vocals. This has to remind me of Petty Booka, if just by the sound of two ukes and japanese ladies singing. Maybe a smaller venue would benefit their delicate presentation more, but on the other hand Wassermusik successfully aims at presenting a wide range of music styles.
Lushy – the most contemporary sounding act in the Tiki series of events at least, if not the entire set of Wassermusik events. It’s hard to compare Seattle and Berlin for me. However I can say that there is an artificial element, not unlike in the B-52s for example. Like a yellow plastic Tiki mask at Trader Vic’s, they stuck out of the set of Wassermusik performers by having said cartoonish lounge approach coupled with some electronics. I think this could be a really groovy thing, but probably working best with a dancing party crowd in a small club.
My old band (The Looney Tunes) played at the first DWV contest in Germany, 2004 on the island of Sylt. That led to many german bands playing at their meetings and contests. Soon after the Sylt contests they change the preferred location back to the french Atlantic coast.
Deutsche Meisterschaften des DWV im Wellenreiten 2008Der Deutsche Wellenreit Verband veranstaltet vom 27. September bis 4. Oktober 2008 in Seignosse an der südfranzösischen Atlantikküste die Deutsche Wellenreit Meisterschaft. Die DM geht damit in ihr 13. Jahr.
Deutsche Meisterschaften des DWV im Wellenreiten 2008
This summer there is something special happening at the Spree. An open air music festival over three consecutive weekends. One weekend is all about sailor songs from around the globe, then it’s a weekend of Surf, and one presenting Exotica to the unexpecting Berlin masses!
I knew Don Tiki was going to be there. I just recogned from Waitiki’s website, that they are going to be there, too!
Waitiki is Going to Berlin!!!
That’s right … we’re traveling with our favorite tiki comrades from Honolulu &emdash; Don Tiki, and will be making a big exotica splash in Berlin, Germany at the first-ever Wassermusik Festival. We’ll be playing as a septet, joined by our longtime friend (and killin’) Latin jazz pianist Zaccai Curtis.
Meanwhile check out Waitiki and Don Tiki at iTunes.
Here’s a static page that will hold all the updates as I can catch them.
Clayton Hula Hottie guitar picks – now those look great! Have never used or seen Clayton here in Germany.