Links for 1/31/18

Within The Context Of All Contexts: The Rewiring Of Our Relationship To Music


After The Vinyl Revival, The Vinyl-Playing Jukebox Is Back


These 11 innovations will tackle the causes of ocean plastic pollution, not just the symptoms


Pacific Beach locals – another day in San Diego


The story behind Cecilia Ann


Scotty Moore’s Royal Legacy: Bearing Witness at the Birth of Rock and Roll


‘Soul-crushing’ video of starving polar bear exposes climate crisis, experts say


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Links for 12/10/17

Hidden Beat-era Enclave Could Get National Historic Status




Is This The Solution To Plastic Waste Pollution?


Octopus tiki mug


How to Etch Aluminum / Etched Guitar Pedals


The article that changed my view … of humanity’s impact on the planet






Fmr FBI Agent Turned Surf Guitarist Using Her Voice To Advocate For The LGBTQ Community. She released her ‘Love Is’ compilation in October

Source: Fmr FBI Agent Turned Surf Guitarist Using Her Voice To Advocate For The LGBTQ Community – GirlTalkHQ


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Source: Blackboy: A Portrait of Deni Firdaus


The Jetsons is actually a bone-chilling dystopia – The Verge

Links for 10/21/17

Source: ‘This is a really big deal’: Canada natural gas emissions far worse than feared | World news | The Guardian


Distant volcanic eruptions disrupted climate, a new study suggests, causing life-giving rains along the Nile to fail.

Source: How Volcanoes Caused Violent Uprisings in Cleopatra’s Egypt


The Pacific Southwest Exposition embodied the spirit of 1920s Hollywood: spectacle for its own sake, cheerful vulgarity, and commercial hard sell.

Source: Flappers and Indians in the Dream City: The Jazz Age Ends in Long Beach




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Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Source: Caliber Truck Co. – Microcosm – SKATE[SLATE]




Source: Lace Music Products – The Teliki – Custom Electric guitar from Lace.


Source: When Wall Street Owns Main Street — Literally | naked capitalism

Source: Moondog: the Man on the Street : Free Streaming : Internet Archive


Source: One of world’s largest marine parks created off coast of Easter Island | Environment | The Guardian


Source: Elektroauto Jaguar E-type Zero: “Das schönste Elektroauto der Welt” | heise online


Source: Soul & Mod – Mod Subculture Directory & Soul Events Advertising – Mods

Links for 2/7/17

In another one of our occasional posts on crazy continental architecture here we look at a groovy German coastguard station on the island Rugen in northern Germany. It may look like it’s in the middle of a field but don’t let these photos deceive you – it’s not, it’s by the sea, where it should [&hellip

Source: Space Age German Lifeguard Station – Voices of East Anglia


Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater | DeSmogBlog




There are numerous ruins of Tiahuanaco origin which were later occupied by the Incas. These are sacred places for the peoples of the Andes.

Source: The Precursors of the Inca – Top Documentary Films



It started back in the 1950s. Bill Haley and Elvis burst onto the scene. Rock ‘n’ roll was born. The guitar took center stage, and it never left.

Source: The Story of the Guitar: The Complete Three-Part Documentary | Open Culture



Last month, we highlighted for you The Strange Case of the Cosmic Rays, a largely-forgotten 1957 educational science film. The production is notable partly because it was shot by Frank Capra, the influential director who had won not one, not two, but three Oscars for best director.

Source: Frank Capra’s Science Film The Unchained Goddess Warns of Climate Change in 1958 | Open Culture

Links for 6/25/17


Source: The Impossible Hamster


In his native Detroit, Jack White—White Stripes frontman and one of the most active and influential musicians of the last twenty years—has built a beautiful, efficient, and fully staffed record manufacturing plant. Why? Because records are better.

Source: Welcome to Jack White’s Temple to Vinyl


The perennially popular bar style stays fresh

Source: A primer on tiki culture


The Hukulea’s crew did not use any modern navigational devices, instead relying on the stars, waves, and clouds to guide them

Source: Traditional Polynesian Vessel to Complete Round-the-World Journey | Smart News | Smithsonian




Dick Dale: The Father of Surf Music | Fender Stratocaster

Links for 3/24/17

American Whoa: The American Pro Jazzmaster’s Peculiar Pickups | Mike & Mikes Guitar Bar





American jazz guitarists,” Ray admits of only one rival—Parisian gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt, whom Emmett worships, obviously patterns himself after, and can’t stand to see in person without fainting dead away.

Source: Django Reinhardt Demonstrates His Guitar Genius in Rare Footage From the 1930s, 40s & 50s | Open Culture




High-Selectivity Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Ethanol using a Copper Nanoparticle/N-Doped Graphene Electrode – Song – 2016 – ChemistrySelect – Wiley Online Library

Links for 1/18/17

Source: Holy Barbarians: Beat Culture on the West Coast – Artwire Press Release from


Source: Groovy vintage ads for classic guitars | Dangerous Minds



The Latin soul craze that hit New York 50 years ago only lasted a few years, but its effects still linger – Oliver Wang takes a look at the defining songs of the scene

Source: We like it like that: the songs that defined New York Citys boogaloo craze | Music | The Guardian


Rex Tillerson dodges question about who knew what when at ExxonMobil about company’s history of promoting and funding climate science denial, as state AG probes continue.

Source: Tillerson Dodges Discussing Who Knew What When about ExxonMobil’s Efforts to Deceive the Public on Climate Change | naked capitalism


Global sea ice levels are at their lowest in recorded history, according to new statistics from the U.S. National Snow & Ice Data Center.In the Arctic, the loss is due to climate change and extreme weather events that are likely influenced by global warming, while the changes in the Antarctic may be attributed to natural variability, the center said.

Source: Global Sea Ice Hits Lowest Levels ‘Probably in Millenia’


Make driving safer by replacing air bags with daggers that stab you in the heart


Many researchers previously argued that giant animals became extinct soon after the arrival of the First Australians

Source: Megafauna and Indigenous Australians coexisted for at least 17,000 years | Australia news | The Guardian