Links for 9/29/16

Source: False Idol Is a Study in How to Do Tiki Right – SD Sips – Fall 2016 – San Diego


A voyaging canoe built to revive the centuries-old tradition of Hawaiian exploration is circumnavigating the globe. Its crew has already traveled 26,000 miles navigating with the sun, stars and waves.

Source: Hokule’a, The Hawaiian Canoe Traveling The World By A Map Of The Stars


An unidentified man found dead on an Australian beach has baffled investigators for decades. A new DNA analysis links the “Somerton Man” to Thomas Jefferson and Native Americans.

Source: DNA Just Tied A Mystery Death In Australia To Thomas Jefferson – BuzzFeed News

Tamam Shud




Source: • View topic – Uptone Dowser


“It is likely that the average consumer has eaten mislabeled fish,” said an author of the study, which analyzed 25,000 samples from around the world.

Source: Catfished by a Catfish: 1 in 5 Seafood Samples Is Fake, Report Finds

Links for 8/29/16

Ten Clear Signs Our Climate Is Changing | Climate Reality


A California biotech company receives funding to commercialise algae-based prawns, in an attempt to get people switching to more sustainable diets

Source: Synthetic prawns: a bid to make ‘seafood’ that’s sustainable and slavery-free | Environment | The Guardian


Hi-tech imaging has revealed exceptionally rare manuscript overlaid by 16th-century deerhide document held at Oxford University

Source: Hidden codex may reveal secrets of life in Mexico before Spanish conquest | Science | The Guardian


Long before Columbus reached the Americas, Cahokia was the biggest, most cosmopolitan city north of Mexico. Yet by 1350 it had been deserted by its native inhabitants the Mississippians – and no one is sure why

Source: Lost cities #8: mystery of Cahokia – why did North America’s largest city vanish? | Cities | The Guardian


Sound Explosion! Inside LA’s Sound Factory With The Wrecking Crew by . For Wreck-heads everywhere. Record Collector is the world’s leading authority on rare and collectable records

Source: Sound Explosion! Inside LA’s Sound Factory With The Wrecking Crew – Record Collector Magazine


Source: Mory Madness: An Obsession – Electric Deer Guitarworks

Links for 8/21/16






Maps lie: countries that fit inside other countries

Source: Maps lie: countries that fit inside other countries


Die Forscherin Sylvia Earle warnt vor einer historischen Krise der Ozeane. 90 Prozent der großen Fische und die Hälfte aller Korallen sind bereits verschwunden. Ist der Ozean noch zu retten?

Source: Bedrohter Ozean: „Das Paradies geht verloren“


With the Summer Olympics upon us, we are reminded of the highest levels of human athleticism. Swimming is an event closely related to all bodysurfers. At an Olympic level, swimming is an incredible…

Source: Competitive Swimming and Bodysurfing | Swell Lines


This Crazy Vintage Ceramic Guitar Is a Mystery No More—Here’s Who Made It



Links for 8/11/16

Down In The Jungle Room by Elvis Presley. Conclusive proof that Presley’s crown hardly slipped at all. Record Collector is the world’s leading authority on rare and collectable records

Source: Down In The Jungle Room – Record Collector Magazine


Carolina talks Theremin – An overview for composers and music lovers was uploaded by: carolinaeyckvideosDuration: 1008Rating:

Source: Everything You Wanted To Know About The Theremin, But Were Afraid To Ask – Synthtopia


Harvesting Guitars from the Bones of New York City | GuitarPlayer


Ocean waste is a serious problem for companies emotionally and physically connected to the sea, said the founder of outdoor clothing company Finisterre in a recent Guardian debate, but that connection also gives them a strong incentive to find solutions. Here we profile some of the companies doing just that

Source: Wooden surfboards to mushroom handplanes: the surf companies tackling ocean waste – gallery | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian


Smart About Sharks: a great new children’s book from illustrator Owen Davey – Creative Review


Los Angeles Video

Links for 8/5/16







David Bald Eagle, who died July 22 at 97, was known for an eclectic mix of passions, especially his work in motion pictures. But he also left a legacy of activism for the Native American community, including his service as the first chief of the United Indigenous Nations of the Americas.

Source: Emma Niles: Truthdigger of the Week: David Bald Eagle, Lakota Chief and Native American Rights Activist – Truthdigger of the Week – Truthdig




Biodiversity across much of Earth has recently dropped below safe levels. Here are some of the species we’ve lost just this century.

Source: Animals That Went Extinct In The 21st Century [Infographic]




Insect populations are declining dramatically in many parts of the world, recent studies show. Researchers say various factors, from monoculture farming to habitat loss, are to blame for the plight of insects, which are essential to agriculture and ecosystems.

Source: Vanishing Act: What’s Causing Sharp Decline in Insects and Why It Matters by Christian Schwägerl: Yale Environment 360

Links for 6/1/16

Vulnerable Twenty Group (V20) Foundation Press Release: 8 October 2015, Lima – Finance Ministers of the Vulnerable Twenty (V20)

Source: Vulnerable Twenty Group V20 – Founded


She influenced Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and countless others, but Sister Rosetta Tharpe was a legend in her own right.

Source: The First Badass Female Guitarist: Meet Sister Rosetta Tharpe, the Godmother of Rock ‘n’ Roll




In a rare move to shun tourism profits for environmental protection, 10 popular dive sites have been shut down in a bid to slow a coral bleaching crisis

Source: Thailand closes dive sites over coral bleaching crisis | Environment | The Guardian



Links for 5/3/16

If the idea of a cross-country road trip to five Tiki bars in five different states seems daunting, The Hukilau will make it easy for you during the 15th annual gathering of Polynesian Pop enthusia…

Source: The Hukilau guests to take a Tiki Road Trip; new Shag merchandise in the works




History ( part 1 ) | Murph Guitars


Meet The Liverbirds: The all-girl Beatles who once toured with the Kinks and Rolling Stones | Dangerous Minds


Archaeologists say the mummified remains, found near one of the oldest cities in the Americas, probably belong to a noblewoman aged 40 to 50

Source: Discovery of 4,500-year-old female mummy sheds light on ancient Peru



Links for 4/9/16

An inglorious Columbus; : Vining, Edward P. [from old catalog] : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive


The more egalitarian a society, the smaller the chance its citizens being ritually burned, bludgeoned or crushed to death under a new canoe, research shows

Source: Study shows human sacrifice was less likely in more equal societies | Science | The Guardian




Dirty Old Wedge is a 62 minute documentary about Southern California’s own bodysurfing magnet wave. We sat down with Director/Producer, Tim Burnham to learn more about his film and his proces…

Source: Dirty Old Wedge with Tim Burnham | Swell Lines


Here Today! The Songs Of Brian Wilson by Various Artists (Songwriter Series) on Ace Records

Source: Various Artists (Songwriter Series) – Here Today! The Songs Of Brian Wilson – Ace Records



Links for 4/6/16

Water bottle made of algae by Ari Jansson from Iceland – Ambalaj


Migrant workers dumped on islands after being abandoned by boat captains when Indonesia banned foreign fishing

Source: 4,000 foreign fishermen stranded on remote Indonesian islands




We are living in the Anthropocene age, in which human influence on the planet is so profound – and terrifying – it will leave its legacy for millennia. Politicians and scientists have had their say, but how are writers and artists responding to this crisis?

Source: Generation Anthropocene: How humans have altered the planet for ever


Despite regular coastal cleanups around the world, the problem of ocean garbage continues. Now, two Australians say they’ve found the solution

Source: Brain wave: the surfers who made a trashcan for the ocean | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian


Surfing Publication and Newsagency, we provide surfers all the news, Board Buyers Guide, Contest Reports, Big Wave Events, Airshows, Image Galleries, Shapers, Schools and Camps directories, Surfing magazine, Learning to Surf tips

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

Links for 3/28/16

Flaws in Government’s Analysis of Offshore Fracking and Acidizing Exposed by Environmental Groups


Surfing Publication and Newsagency, we provide surfers all the news, Board Buyers Guide, Contest Reports, Big Wave Events, Airshows, Image Galleries, Shapers, Schools and Camps directories, Surfing magazine, Learning to Surf tips

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Scratches And Dents: Keeping Your Guitar Safe On The Road – MTT – Music Think Tank





Manmade noise is everywhere—even 7 miles under the sea

Source: Mic Drop

