Links for 12/22/24

Spotify uses ghost artists to “shape listening behavior” and avoid paying real ones

Navajo Nation Uranium Waste

San Diego band ‘The Unknowns’–on the verge of success in 1981

A Glimpse into the Future: The 2023 Ocean Temperature and Sea Ice Extremes in the Context of Longer-Term Climate Change

Ocean spray emits more PFAS than industrial polluters, study finds

Argentina cult worships “King” President Milei as peso becomes worthless

Pluralistic: Unpersoned (22 Jul 2024)

Mapped: Reform UK’s Anti-Green Network

Study Warns of ‘Irreversible Impacts’ From Overshooting 1.5°C, Even Temporarily

John Fullerton: “Regenerative Economics: New Economic Paradigms, Living Systems, & Holistic Thinking”

How Plastics Fuel Climate Change

Links for 10/20/24

Evidence confirms an anthropic origin of Amazonian Dark Earths

Holding the California Oil Industry Accountable

Millan Millan and the Mystery of the Missing Mediterranean Storms

A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow

History of Hobie Skateboards (Explained) | Concrete Waves

What Happened To Longboarding? (Industry Report)

What Greenland’s nine-day mega-tsunami tells us about climate change

‘Absolutely incorrect’: The evidence is in on whales and offshore wind farms

New research shows surfers, swimmers and runners face higher risk of melanoma

The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI.

Stealing Paradise: Sand Mafias, Beach Thefts

Locals in Imsouane under threat by mega resort development

Kapitän Harmsen – Adios, Kopenhagen!

Shocking Wake-Up Call: First Marine Fish Declared Extinct Due to Humans

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Links for 10/5/24

The Plastic Crisis | Jane van Dis

Pacific islands submit court proposal for recognition of ecocide as a crime

The surfer and tribal chief fighting to save a 550km South African coast

A critical system of Atlantic Ocean currents could collapse as early as the 2030s, new research suggests

Facing a Future of Fewer and Less: “Tell Them at Least What You Say to Yourself”

Program: Climate change threatening Australian live music

Find out how illegal miners in the Amazon use Elon Musk’s internet to evade surveillance

‘Underwater bicycle’ propels swimmers forward at superhuman speed

Community attempts to use sand to stop the ocean and fails

Plastic industry knew recycling was a farce for decades yet deceived the public, report reveals

Links for 9/7/24

A new plan seeks to protect California’s coast against a rising ocean: It doesn’t require sea walls

Power-hungry AI is driving a surge in tech giant carbon emissions. Nobody knows what to do about it

A Brief History of South American Surf Rock

What Earth Could Look Like in 2050 If We Do Nothing About Climate Change

How climate change is messing up the ocean’s biological clock, with unknown long-term consequences

Marc Andreessen Is Wrong About Everything

Lab-grown meat is now approved for sale in the US. Will it help the climate?

Links for 5/12/24

Roger Corman, Pioneering Independent Producer and King of B Movies, Dies at 98

While plastic is destroying the planet, fossil fuel lobbyists try drown out Indigenous voices and scientists

A call for economic degrowth

Book Review: Confronting the Slow Calamity of Climate Migration | naked capitalism

On Technology and Degrowth

Stealing Paradise: Sand Mafias, Beach Thefts

Ditch the pursuit of happiness and seek out wonder instead

The uncertain future of the Bay Area’s 90-year-old Tiki bar

A response to Daniel Driscoll: Another slice of degrowth bashing

Huge ancient lost city found in the Amazon

Links for 2/18/23

Down to Earth: The Arizona teen whose death in extreme heat is a warning of tragic things to come

Instead of planting trees, give forests back to people

Geoengineering in Latin America may create more problems than it solves

Curl Radio

How did the genocide of indigenous Americans impact the health of planet Earth? | Boing Boing

Sanxingdui: A Bronze Culture that is Rewriting History

The world is struggling to figure out conservation. First Nations have some ideas.

Check out these films by Indigenous filmmakers

Ruins of Detroit: Before & After

Links for 7/3/22

High Tide Lefts – Tosh Tudor

A Plastic Bag’s 2,000-Mile Journey Shows the Messy Truth About Recycling

These 36 World Cities Will Be Underwater First

Hawaii: The Stolen Paradise (Full Documentary)

Dreaming Big on the Open Web – The History of the Web

Crate Diggers Australia | Keb Darge

A Brief History of Classic Ska

Partying At Fresno State College – 1963

The problem with the internet that no one is talking about

From Wendy Harmer: As Australia battles wild weather and coastal erosion, we should learn from our mistakes

Robert Louis Stevenson Museum

Feed your moths and hide your trousers: the expert guide to making clothes last for ever

What too much artificial light steals from our night skies

ImillaSkate: an indigenous Bolivian skateboard collective – photo essay

Recording, ’50s Style

Beyond The Reef – Kerri Shannon Trio

Music For Airplanes – A collection of instrumental showpieces and scores for Egyptian films and TV-series (1973-1980)

Mapping Southern California’s history of oil extraction and spills

Jackson Palmer @ummjackson on Crypto Currencies