Links for 5/13/16

Air quality in sun-baked California area has been identified as the worst in the US. Residents are concerned, but low wages mean long hours in the thick of it

Source: Life in San Joaquin valley, the place with the worst air pollution in America | US news | The Guardian




TTIP Leaks


Byron Bay Malibu Classic – Good Vibes, Fantastic Waves

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events




California’s kelp forests are disappearing from the north coast. These formerly lush, dense jungles of sea weed provided shelter, food, and in many cases home, for many, many marine creatures…

Source: As Northern California’s kelp forests collapse, so goes the coastal ecosystem

Links for 2/26/16

When you mix the tropics with the tundras, this is what you get.

Source: Nordic-Tiki Cocktails: Not as Crazy as You’d Think


Giant Waves Lash Hawaii Oceanfront Homes In Historic Surf Event


The Oscar nominated film’s success owes as much to America’s troubled mindset as to the movie itself

Source: What lies beneath The Revenant | Ato Quayson | Opinion | The Guardian


A collection of vintage travel posters have been found in an attic in Australia with advertisements for flights to exotic destinations around the world, cruise trips and bus holidays.

Source: Vintage Australian travel posters found in storage reveals travel history | Daily Mail Online


One cocktail that we particularly enjoy is the Missionary’s Downfall, which uses pineapple and mint for a cocktail that is both fruity and refreshing. When we have fresh mint, we never fail t…

Source: Missionary’s Landing



Links for 12/17/15

Source: Holy rollers: Church transformed into psychedelic skate park


Encyclical Letter Laudato si’ of the Holy Father Francis on care for our common home (24 May 2015)

Source: Laudato si’ (24 May 2015) | Francis



The native deisgns of New Zealand / Aoteoroa, rendered in SVG

Source: the new code – World Ethnomathematics: Maori Designs in SVG


It pumped out hugely successful cowboy films, heist dramas and Bond-style thrillers. It launched a Hollywood career and made the world’s first Zulu-language film. So does it matter that the explosion of black cinema in apartheid South Africa was funded by Pretoria – and led by an Afrikaner construction boss?

Source: Sollywood: the extraordinary story behind apartheid South Africa’s blaxploitation movie boom

Links for 10/20/15

The Oakland A’s exec is named and shamed for excessive water use.

Source: Check Out the Homes of Some of the Bay Area’s Biggest Water Guzzlers—Including Billy Beane | Mother Jones

In an alternate universe version of Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, Eddie Murphy, not Samuel L. Jackson, might have played Jules, the bible-spouting hit man. His partner-in-crime, Vincent Vega, might have been played by Gary Oldman, not John Travolta.

Source: Quentin Tarantino’s Original Wish List for the Cast of Pulp Fiction | Open Culture

It has become one with the jungle since the last human inhabitants abandoned its shores in World War II. Ross Island, or as I’ve come to call it, “Jungle Book Island”, was once […]

Source: Buried by Nature: The Dark Colonial Past of Jungle Book Island

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A new mega-study says ocean life will be unable to recover from climate change

Source: Goodbye, oceans! Study finds ecosystems headed toward a major collapse | Grist


Source: Imperial Punch

Gaia Vince’s Adventures in the Anthropocene has won the Royal Society Winton science book of the year for its account of her travels through an endangered planet. Nick Pattinson captured her journey in photographs

Source: The wild beauty of a threatened world – in pictures | Books | The Guardian

Links for 10/16/15

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Like a weird volcano glimmering in the centre of a once rundown park, Koo Jeong A’s new art installation is set to become a cultural destination

Source: Let’s glow: skaters descend on Liverpool’s glow-in-the-dark skatepark


“It’s a great time for records,” said Dave Hansen, an owner of Independent Record Pressing in Bordentown, New Jersey.

Source: Vinyl Records See a Comeback During Music’s Digital Age – NBC News


Source: Melting Permafrost Could Cost World Economy $43 Trillion by 2100: Study | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community