The unit of survival is organism plus environment. We are learning by bitter experience that the organism which destroys its environment destroys itself. – Gregory Bateson
Wißt ihr wie ihr im Longboardbusiness in kürzester Zeit eine Million Euro nach Hause bringt? Nein? Ganze einfach: Investiert einfach zwei Millionen. Mit Glück bleibt dann eine Million übrig. Das nicht alles immer nur fun sport ist, bekommen derzeit die amerkikanischen Hersteller zu spüren. Etliche Firmen sind in unruhige Fahrwasser geraten und kämpfen um das …
This handsome and heartfelt documentary takes us into the world of the Gaza Strip’s surfing enthusiasts, and reveals a formidable resilience pulsing within a beleaguered population.
Young ripper Santi Domingorena is probably one of the best groms out there on the Island. He has a great ability to make everything seem much easier than it is.
Source: Santi Domingorena – A secret spot on the Island – Longboard Magazine Europe
At 88, Morricone is a towering presence in film history. As he celebrates 60 years in music, the Italian composer talks shoots, scores and the masterpieces we missed