Links for 3/4/18

Tissue box covers styled like midcentury modern architecture


On Track to 3.5 C Temperature Increase by 2100


Homo erectus may have been a sailor – and able to speak


In the early 1800s, an escaped convict spent 32 years living among the aborigines of southeastern Australia


‘Plastic in All Sizes’ Found Everywhere in Once Pristine European Arctic


US military agency invests $100m in genetic extinction technologies


That Time Buddy Holly Called the Record Company to Ask for his Songs Back (and Recorded the Call)

Links for 2/27/18

Surf Rock alla Turca




White Settlers Buried the Truth About the Midwest’s Mysterious Mound Cities


scott foss, mellows ditch, hawaii @ ozzieausband


New waves: make a break for the ‘crown jewel’ of India’s surf scene in Tamil Nadu


The million-dollar mouse: navy heads to remote Antarctic islands to hunt out pest


25 years ago, a mutant American crayfish turned to asexual reproduction, and all of Europe’s lakes are filling up with its clones


Plastics Sicken Coral Reefs


Houses that can float, to survive climate flooding