Links for 7/7/17

The Archivist: The Aquatic Ape | The Surfers Journal


Has Keystone XL Become Obsolete?


Sabine Jessen discusses Trudeau’s plans to increase offshore oil exploration that undermine oceans protection commitments Canada has made.

Source: Canada Undermines Targets for Protecting Oceans by Increasing Oil Exploration




Journey-based charts from the past can help us track the progression of transportation technology.

Source: Atlas Obscura


Mexico markets Trump themed tp, proceeds help migrants

Source: Boing Boing


Yet another white guy cast in a non-white starring role


Links for 2/7/17

In another one of our occasional posts on crazy continental architecture here we look at a groovy German coastguard station on the island Rugen in northern Germany. It may look like it’s in the middle of a field but don’t let these photos deceive you – it’s not, it’s by the sea, where it should [&hellip

Source: Space Age German Lifeguard Station – Voices of East Anglia


Confirmed: California Aquifers Contaminated With Billions Of Gallons of Fracking Wastewater | DeSmogBlog




There are numerous ruins of Tiahuanaco origin which were later occupied by the Incas. These are sacred places for the peoples of the Andes.

Source: The Precursors of the Inca – Top Documentary Films



It started back in the 1950s. Bill Haley and Elvis burst onto the scene. Rock ‘n’ roll was born. The guitar took center stage, and it never left.

Source: The Story of the Guitar: The Complete Three-Part Documentary | Open Culture



Last month, we highlighted for you The Strange Case of the Cosmic Rays, a largely-forgotten 1957 educational science film. The production is notable partly because it was shot by Frank Capra, the influential director who had won not one, not two, but three Oscars for best director.

Source: Frank Capra’s Science Film The Unchained Goddess Warns of Climate Change in 1958 | Open Culture

Links for 6/18/17

Santa Monica Pier is LA County’s most polluted beach – Curbed LA


Hawaii is considering creating a universal basic income


Catch of the Week: Surf Shacks – A surfer can never leave the sea behind!


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Source: The three-minute story of 800,000 years of climate change with a sting in the tail


Brian Wilson talks to 6 Musict about playing Pet Sounds in its entirety for the last time

Source: BBC Radio 6 Music


India’s Biggest Skateboard Park In This Village Is Challenging The Caste System And Other Odds

Links for 6/2/17

Australian convict pirates in Japan: evidence of 1830 voyage unearthed | Australia news | The Guardian


Vintage Air India route map on a souvenir hand fan

Source: Boing Boing



Source: Forget Everything You Learned In Economics. You Were Totally Lied To.


Dakota Access Pipeline already Leaking Oil & not Completed


We just discovered A Future on Wheels, a longboarding project in Cambodia, that teamed-up with local NGO OBT (Organization for the basic training) to bring

Source: A Future on Wheels – Longboarding Project in Cambodia » Blog Archive » Longboard Girls Crew


The Decolonial Atlas | Re-imagining the world.

Links for 5/29/17

John Severson, Surfer Who Illustrated Allure of Waves, Dies at 83

Source: The New York Times


Journey-based charts from the past can help us track the progression of transportation technology.

Source: Atlas Obscura




Tiki is making a comeback. Since the mid-90s, tiki subculture has morphed from sub rosa to vibrant in California.

Source: Kooky for Tiki? Check out this guy’s amazing Huntington Beach backyard – Orange County Register




Last fall The Ocean Cleanup found 1,000 large pieces of plastic in two hours in the Pacific Ocean during their first aerial reconnaissance mission. The Dutch foundation announced today they’ve…

Source: The Ocean Cleanup raises $21.7 million to begin cleaning Pacific Ocean

Links for 5/15/17

My mother was a dictionary. She was one of the last ?uent speakers of our tribal language. She knew dozens of words that nobody else knew. When she died, we buried all of those words with her. My m…

Source: Eulogy, a Poem by Sherman Alexie | Literary Hub


‘Listen to the dead whale’s wake-up call, look closer and see what plastic pollution does to the ocean.’

Source: A Giant Beached Whale Illustrates the Plastic Pollution Problem — Plastic Pollution Coalition




The Italian design firm Stefano Boeri Architetti is planning a “forest city” for China, modeled after the firm’s completed green towers in Milan.

Source: Stefano Boeri Architetti builds tree-covered skyscrapers in China


One of only two dozen ever made, a super rare vintage BTR-3 tape machine from Abbey Road Studios has been found in Southampton University.

Source: Super rare Abbey Road tape machine discovered at student radio station



Links for 5/6/17


This guy makes good covers of Beach Boys songs

Source: This guy makes good covers of Beach Boys songs / Boing Boing


This Is How We Fight Back | NRDC



For an artist whose legend is built around being a studio genius, Brian Wilson is surprisingly excited to perform Pet Sounds live once again.

Source: Brian Wilson on How It Feels to Retire Performing ‘Pet Sounds’ | | Observer


Pioneers of Sound: Watch our documentary on the story of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop – The Vinyl Factory


The Italian design firm Stefano Boeri Architetti is planning a “forest city” for China, modeled after the firm’s completed green towers in Milan.

Source: Stefano Boeri Architetti builds tree-covered skyscrapers in China


‘Hobbit’ species did not evolve from ancestor of modern humans, research finds | Science | The Guardian

Links for 5/4/17

This floating speaker is the perfect summer companion

Source: This floating speaker is the perfect summer companion


The scientific community went into a frenzy this week over a new report claiming humans were in North America 130,000 years ago. Could it possibly be true? And why were people losing their minds?

Source: Were Humans Really in America 100,000 Years Before We Thought?


A Gorgeous Theremin Cover of ‘The Ecstasy of Gold’ From the Film ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’


Surfing Publication and Newsagency, we provide surfers all the news, Board Buyers Guide, Contest Reports, Big Wave Events, Airshows, Image Galleries, Shapers, Schools and Camps directories, Surfing magazine, Learning to Surf tips

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


The substances stick around in the environment for a long time, which makes them likely to be inhaled or ingested by people and animals

Source: Former Pesticide Ingredient Found in Dolphins, Birds, and Fish | Lab Manager


New Zealand anger as pristine lakes tapped for bottled water market | World news | The Guardian

Links for 4/30/17

Peruvian songstress Yma Sumac, a pioneer of exotic, was a legend. That legend was built in Los Angeles.

Source: On the trail of Yma Sumac: The exotica legend came from Peru, but her career was all Hollywood – LA Times


“We’re being overwhelmed by our waste.”

Source: How The Oceans Became Choked With Plastic


The Archivist: Wild At Heart | The Surfers Journal


Self-Sustainable Lifestyles are Becoming Illegal | Homestead Guru


Tiki bar site Critiki has named Portland’s Hale Pale as the third best tiki bar in the entire world—for the second year in the row.

Source: Portland Bar Named the Number 3 Tiki Bar in the World – Willamette Week


André Staltz – An off-grid social network


Il compositore, direttore d’orchestra e arrangiatore Alessandro Alessandroni è morto a Roma. Aveva da poco compiuto 92 anni. Celebre il suo

Source: Addio ad Alessandro Alessandroni, il ‘fischio’ western più famoso del mondo – Musica – Spettacoli –


Dublin’s Science Gallery hosted an evening of talks by Sea for Society featuring people whose lives revolve around the ocean.

Source: Sea for Society: Surfers Against Sewage and the Science of Ireland’s Water – HeadStuff