Links for 4/28/17

Nuclear shelters: Japanese civilians are installing tropical island-themed bunkers to prepare for a nuclear war — Quartz


Defend the Sacred: How Could the Peace Movement Prevail?


Red Bull CEO’s Breitbart-Idolizing Politics


The Jersey Shore circa 1901. “Driveway and beach at Long Branch.” 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

Source: The Sandpeeper: 1901 | Shorpy | #1 Old Photos


L.A.’s Concrete River Gets Real | NRDC


Going Lala | The Surfers Journal


US Navy schedules latest war games exercise in Gulf of Alaska, without due regard for environmental or community concerns.

Source: War in the Gulf (No, Not That Gulf!): The U.S. Navy’s Anti-Environmental Broadside in the Gulf of Alaska



Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

Links for 4/7/17

Von null auf Tempo hundert in 2,5 Sekunden: Drei Brüder aus Österreich haben einen legendären Rennwagen von Porsche mit einem Elektroantrieb ausgestattet. Das Auto begeistert – wirft aber eine Frage auf.

Source: Porsche mit Elektroantrieb: Kreisel-Brüder rüsten Rennwagen um


We’re seeing an unusual twist on automotive desirability today that would be quite interesting if it extended to all product design. The twist is this: People want new stuff that’s old, or depending on how you look at it, old stuff that’s new. Here’s what we mean: In America,

Source: Beyond Retro Design: People Want New Things That are Old, or Old Things That are New – Core77


6 Ways To Make Sure You’re Leaving Nothing On The (Merch) Table – MTT – Music Think Tank


Source: A curated catalogue of artists Shag’s creativity over the past three decades / Boing Boing


Congress OKs Ruthless Killing of Iconic Wildlife—What Next? | NRDC



With an estimated 1.4 million trillion plastic microfibers in our ocean today, it’s time to get informed and take action. WATCH the movie, LEARN about the problem, TAKE ACTION with The Story of Stuff Project!

Source: The Story of Microfibers – The Story of Stuff Project


Say aloha to David and Amy Carter’s Tabu Tiki Room.

Source: Tiki collectors escape winter in their basement paradise | Space | Chicago Reader

Links for 4/4/17

Historical Series of Phenological data for Cherry Tree Flowering at Kyoto City(and March Mean Temperature Reconstructi

Source: Cherry blossom phenology and temperature reconstructions at Kyoto


A Message From the End of the World – The New York Times


‘We’ve left junk everywhere’: why space pollution could be humanity’s next big problem | Science | The Guardian




Forget Winnetou! | Indiegogo


Are we trashing the places we love? The toxic truths at the heart of surfing | Jock Serong


WannaSurf – Free illustrated atlas of surf spots and surfing worldwide with maps of surf spots, detailed descriptions and photos. All the best weather and forecast maps. An interactive environment provides messages, reports and data editing.

Source: Mozambique – WannaSurf, surf spots atlas, surfing photos, maps, GPS location


This is awesome! (be sure to watch the video)

Source: Dutch Trains Are World’s First to Run on 100% Wind Power

Links for 4/1/17

The last known Tasmanian tiger died more than eight decades ago. It has become the stuff of textbook sketches and yellowing photographs. But now, researchers are launching a new search.

Source: Back From The Dead? Reported Sightings Fuel Hope For Return Of Tasmanian Tigers : The Two-Way : NPR


Hundreds of millions of salmon are presumed dead along the US west coast amid fears that ocean life is being wiped out following the Fukushima disaster.

Source: Hundreds Of Millions Of Salmon Feared Dead On US West Coast – Your News Wire


Trump presidency opens door to planet-hacking geoengineer experiments | Environment | The Guardian


One company wants to turn pollution into shelter.

Source: Can Ocean Plastics Make Homes For The Poor? | Popular Science


Source: Incredible Afrobeat music from Mali / Boing Boing


The Angkor Wat alternative: exploring Cambodia’s forgotten ruins | Travel | The Guardian


The Ruins of the Unsustainable




Mosambik + Madagaskar Surf Reports und Surf Forecasts

Links for 3/19/17

The Carbon Bubble is about to pop / Boing Boing


New Zealand river granted same legal rights as human being | World news | The Guardian


The health of the Great Barrier Reef has entered “uncharted territory” after researchers found there had been mass coral bleaching for two summers in a row for the first time in history.

Source: Great Barrier Reef suffers historic ‘back-to-back’ mass coral bleaching –


Okeanos Explorer | Expeditions | NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer: 2017 American Samoa Expedition: Suesuega o le Moana o Amerika Samoa | Daily Updates | Dive 06: Cosmic Jellyfish


In India, 6,000 tonnes of plastic waste lies uncollected every day. Some of this washes up in Tamil Nadu state where it pollutes and contaminates the food and water of communities living along the Bay of Bengal

Source: Plastic pollution blights Bay of Bengal – in pictures | Global development | The Guardian

Links for 3/11/17

How to recycle coffee cups and why we should


From NYC to Topanga Canyon and Bondi Beach, this new book by surf culture blog Indoek offers a glimpse into the homes of surfing’s most creative minds

Source: Inside the Homes of Surfing’s Most Creative Minds – “Surf Shacks” Book Documents the Surfing’s Coolest Hideaways | The Field


Climate change is a different prospect of calamity—not just elementally but morally different from nuclear exchange in a manner which has not been properly dealt with.

Source: The Slow Confiscation of Everything | Laurie Penny



Lost Continent Found Under Indian Ocean – The Daily Beast

Links for 3/5/17

After the fires killed 11 and devastated vast swaths of land in January many are asking if subsidised timber plantations are to blame

Source: Did Pinochet-era deregulation cause Chile’s worst-ever wildfires? | World news | The Guardian


Mozambique Surf Guide | GoSurfAfrica


“Awful,” says writer and painter Ben Shattuck – but in the good way.

Source: What’s It Like to Be the Artist-in-Residence at America’s Least Visited National Park? | NRDC


Climate change: Apocalypse by 1000 cuts


“I’m glad I packed extra anti-depressants on this trip.” – Mark Cunningham

Source: Jack Johnson’s Film On Ocean Plastic Pollution | The Inertia


Housed in a memorial lighthouse, this museum relays the history of surfing, beginning with the antics of royal Hawaiian teenagers.

Source: How Surfing Was Brought to Santa Cruz By Three Teenage Hawaiian Princes

Links for 3/3/17

A new study of deep-sea amphipods living six miles beneath the sea’s surface finds surprising levels of toxic chemicals.

Source: The Most Unexplored Habitat on Earth Is Packed with Pollution | NRDC


Nobel Prize winner Kenneth Arrow’s most celebrated theorem illustrates why economics isn’t just wrong-headed but actually destructive.

Source: Bill Black: Kenneth Arrow’s (Ignored) Impossibility Theorem


Surfing Publication and Newsagency, we provide surfers all the news, Board Buyers Guide, Contest Reports, Big Wave Events, Airshows, Image Galleries, Shapers, Schools and Camps directories, Surfing magazine, Learning to Surf tips

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Dravidians and Africans


Tropical gardening is all too often associated with expense and poor results. But choose your plants wisely and you can turn your patch into a slice of verdant jungle, says James Wong

Source: Grow your own jungle: easy exotic plants

Links for 2/28/17

From Cambodia to California, industrial-scale sand mining is causing wildlife to die, local trade to wither and bridges to collapse. And booming urbanisation means the demand for this increasingly valuable resource is unlikely to let up

Source: Sand mining: the global environmental crisis you’ve never heard of | Cities | The Guardian


Shocking new video exposes PepsiCo’s ties to deforestation in the Leuser Ecosystem

Source: Shocking rainforest destruction linked to Pepsi


Water unaffordable for millions of Americans


How to turn old plastic bottles into 56 different items

Links for 2/24/17

New Zealand Duke Festival – the Program, the Party

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


What is ‘cultured meat’ and how can it address the most pressing global problems? Let us introduce you to some of the brilliant minds behind it.

Source: How can Cultured Meat solve World Hunger and Global Warming?


Police brutality against protesters is reminiscent of civil-rights battles like Selma. And the state has borrowed millions to fund it.

Source: Taxpayer-Funded Horror at Standing Rock – The Daily Beast


It’s up to progressives to fight back against this idiocy-promoting rhetoric and save the Earth

Source: Climate scepticism is a far-right badge of honour – even in sweltering Australia | Opinion | The Guardian


Tiny, poor, diabetes-wracked Pacific island nations want to ban junk food, despite risk of WTO retaliation

Source: Tiny, poor, diabetes-wracked Pacific island nations want to ban junk food, despite risk of WTO retaliation


Growing alternatives to petroleum-based packaging

Source: Case Studies


Sky Ocean Rescue


Landscape architect Kristina Hill focuses on helping cities adapt to climate change, particularly sea level rise. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, she discusses the challenges, solutions, and costs of saving cities from encroaching oceans.

Source: Rethinking Urban Landscapes To Adapt to Rising Sea Levels – Yale E360



How to turn old plastic bottles into 56 different items

Source: How to turn old plastic bottles into 56 different items / Boing Boing