Links for 2/19/17

Dem Häuptlingssohn, bestaunt im kolonialen Menschenzoo, gelang ein rasanter Aufstieg. Martin Dibobe kam 1896 aus Kamerun nach Berlin. Er wurde Schlosser, Zugführer, Beamter. Und Vorkämpfer für die Rechte der Afrikaner.

Source: Martin Dibobe, preußischer Afro-Sozi: Black Power im Kaiserreich


Can Preservationists Save L.A.’s Late Modernist Landmarks? – Architecture Lab


When strong winds prevented filmmaker Jo Ruxton from sending a submarine to her chosen recording location off the coast of Marseille, she was naturally nervous.

Source: Our seas have become a plastic graveyard – but can technology turn the tide?


That Sushi May Contain a Tract-Invading Parasitic Tapeworm


Carbon Tracker Initiative’s Luke Sussams says the dropping costs of renewable energy could see global demand for oil and coal peak by 2020

Source: Solar Created More Jobs in 2016 Than Oil, Gas and Coal Combined


Despite having celebrated a victory against the corporation who was constructing the Dakota Access Pipeline, water protectors everywhere might be having to head out into the freezing cold once again to defend the sacred land and valuable waterways. This is because President Donald Trump is expected to go forward with plans to sign an executive

Source: Trump to Sign Executive Order Pushing Through Construction of DAPL & Keystone XL Pipeline – The Ring of Fire Network

Links for 2/18/17

The European Commission published yesterday its roadmap setting out its objectives on the issue of plastics. In particular, it intends to reduce “the leakage of plastics into the environment”. Unfortunately, if we welcome the intention, we can only be critical of the solutions proposed.

Source: European roadmap on plastics: between good intentions and bad solutions – Surfrider


Polynesian ingenuity studied

Source: Science: Sophisticated Polynesian fish ponds fed a dense population on Hawaii |


Eight million tonnes of waste plastic ends up in the sea each year. Fish eat it – and then we do. How bad is it for us?

Source: From sea to plate: how plastic got into our fish | Life and style | The Guardian


A swell so heavy even the most experienced guys out there were exercising extreme caution. –

Source: Grist to the Nazare Grinder –


Presence of manmade chemicals in most remote place on planet shows nowhere is safe from human impact, say scientists

Source: Extraordinary levels of toxic pollution found in 10km deep Mariana trench | Environment | The Guardian

Links for 1/4/17

The use of valuable agricultural resources for the production of snacks and sodas means less fertile land and clean water is available to grow nutritious food for local communities.

Source: This Infographic Shows How Only 10 Companies Control All the World’s Brands


An obscure 30-year-old treaty has landed thousands of Micronesians in poverty and homelessness in Hawaii.

Source: America’s Real Migrant Crisis Is the One You’ve Never Heard Of | Mother Jones


Brazilian Ricardo Stuckert accidentally stumbled on to the tribe after his helicopter was diverted

Source: Photographer captures images of uncontacted Amazon tribe | World news | The Guardian


Solar power becoming world’s cheapest form of electricity production, analysts say


There’s more in common between indigenous and board culture than you might think.

Source: New Winnipeg Art Gallery exhibit fuses indigenous, skateboarding culture | Metro Winnipeg


Study shows down-the-drain disposal is not a major source of pharmaceutical pollution

Quelle: Drugs in the Water? Don’t Blame the Students | Lab Manager

Links for 12/30/16


Video: One Wave Tapas – Wesseled


“I didn’t go to war three times to see this happen to my own people on my own soil.”

Source: Watch these veterans explain why they went to Standing Rock


For the first time, scientists have calculated an estimate of the combined mass of the ‘ technosphere ‘ – a concept that defines all the human-made things on the planet. All your stuff, basically, and everybody else’s too.

Source: The Total Mass of Earth’s ‘Technosphere’ Is 30 Trillion Tonnes



Source: Cover of Norwegian Wood on theremin


Mustafah Abdulaziz has spent years documenting humanity’s relationship to a precious natural resource

Source: The water crisis facing California – in pictures | Environment | The Guardian


The 2016 Good Design Award results were announced recently with awards going to over 1000 entries in several different categories. But the coveted Grand Award of Japan’s most well-known design awa

Quelle: This Map of the World Just Won Japan’s Prestigious Design Award | Spoon & Tamago


Killing Superbugs with Tasmanian Devil Milk


Months after the worst coral bleaching event to hit the reef, Australian conservationist Tim Flannery returns to a tourism hot spot 50km north-east of Port Douglas to witness the destruction wrought by a warming planet

Source: ‘It’s a depressing sight’: climate change unleashes ghostly death on Great Barrier Reef | Environment | The Guardian

Links for 12/24/16

The truth of what happened on Christmas Day at Lake Okeechobee between the Seminoles and U.S. forces is not something you’ll read about in textbooks.

Source: The Seminole Christmas Gift of Freedom – Indian Country Media Network


A Reuters analysis of blood lead-test results across the U.S. finds thousands of communities with poisoning rates above those seen in Flint, Michigan

Source: Reuters finds lead levels higher than Flint’s in thousands of locales


Scientists say they are concerned at the rapid rate at which methane is gathering in the atmosphere.

Source: Methane surge needs ‘urgent attention’ – BBC News





Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events



Links for 12/18/16

The best guitar necks are made of mahogany, and the most sustainable guitar companies are finding innovative ways to source the wood without destroying its stock.

Source: Building a Sustainable Guitar: Mahogany | World Resources Institute


The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth – its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.

Source: Latin America Green News: 12/2 – 12/15 | NRDC



Video: Basque Beachbreak
Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Ta’u island in American Samoa will rely on solar panels and Tesla batteries as they do away with diesel generators

Source: South Pacific island ditches fossil fuels to run entirely on solar power | Environment | The Guardian


100% Skateboarding Magazine, including longboarding. “The ride is the reward”

Source: Concrete Wave Magazine


U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) sent a letter to President Barack Obama Friday requesting he intervene to protect Native Americans peacefully protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Quelle: Sanders Calls on President to Intervene in Dakota Access Pipeline Dispute – Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont


The Jersey Shore circa 1905. “In the surf at Asbury Park.” Having a wonderful time; wish we were still here. 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative.

Quelle: Landing Party: 1905 | Shorpy Historic Picture Archive



The Trans-Pacific Partnership will undermine the ability of countries to control polluting and extractive industries, says Ben Lilliston

Source: TPP Will Effectively Kill Climate Treaties

Links for 12/11/16

Companies and individuals have a duty to recycle everything possible and to create and use more sustainable packaging

Source: Modern life is rubbish: we dont need all this packaging | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian


After many young people fled in the face of worsening droughts, tropical storms, coral bleaching, coastal inundation and flooding, some are choosing to return

Source: Despite climate change exodus, some Marshall Islanders head back home | World news | The Guardian


Video: Band of Frequencies – Men of Wood & Foam

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


Source: Santa Monica’s lost Googie diner may reopen





Links for 12/9/16

Faces of Longboarding ist ein Projekt von Andre Kniekamp. Mit dem Buch hat er ein analoges Portrait der Szene geschaffen. Vor dem Verkaufsstart hatten wir ein Interview it ihm gemacht. Dieses wurde in der Ausgabe vier der 40inch veröffentlicht. Hier das Interview. Bestellungen für „unter den Weihnachtsbaum“ können unter der Webseite durchgeführt werden. Hier der …

Source: Weihnachtsgeschenk gesucht? Faces of Longboarding verschenken! – 40inch Longboardmagazin


Despite a recent victory at Standing Rock, water protectors are preparing to continue the fight under Trump’s administration.

Source: It’s Official: Donald Trump Supports the Dakota Access Pipeline


The story of the blind, homeless composer named Moondog is too weird not to be true

Source: The weird and true story of Moondog –


Indigo Skate Camp in Rural South Africa | National Geographic Short Film Showcase




Video: Aidan Cashin – Way South NSW

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


When remote Inuit met the mad, desperate remnants of the Franklin Expedition, they couldn’t rule out that they had been invaded by demons

Source: ‘They’re not human’: How 19th-century Inuit coped with a real-life invasion of the ‘walking dead’


The Arctic is super-hot, even as a vast area of cold polar air has been displaced over Siberia.

Source: The North Pole is an insane 36 degrees warmer than normal as winter descends – The Washington Post


The prehistoric discovery places humans in the area 10,000 years earlier than previously thought.

Source: Man searching for toilet finds 49,000 year-old evidence of earliest Aboriginal settlement in Australia


French electronic music producer Jean-Jacques Perrey died Friday at age 87 following a bout with lung cancer, Rolling Stone has confirmed. Perrey was hailed for his work with early electronic keyboards, particularly Moog synthesizers, pioneering a lighthearted, space-age sound that continues to resonate in contemporary electronic pop. He also acquired notable admirers in hip-hop, particularly for his song “E.V.A.,” which has been sampled by artists including A Tribe Called Quest, Gang Starr, and, later, Pusha T. Perrey released his first albums with collaborator Gershon Kingsley in the 1960s. (The Beastie Boys would later borrow the title of the duo’s 1966 debut, The In Sound From Way Out!, for a 1996 instrumental compilation.) Perrey and Kingsley’s best-known song, “Baroque Hoedown,” long served as soundtrack to the Main Street Electrical Parade at Disney theme parks. Perrey went on to release two dozen more albums, many of which—Moog Indigo, Moog Generation, Moog Mig Mag Moog, Moog

Source: R.I.P. Jean-Jacques Perrey, Moog Composer Extraordinaire


New Melody Queen model by Bunting guitars

Quelle: • View topic – New Melody Queen model by Bunting guitars


A newer understanding has explained the apparently odd behaviour of southern ice.

Quelle: Now the Antarctic is melting too – News from Al Jazeera


An international science team recently completed a 4,000-mile expedition to learn more about the long-term fate of two of the world’s largest subsea oil spills, the 1979 Ixtoc-I and the 2010 Deepwater Horizon. The 40-day Gulf of Mexico voyage continued their 2015 field campaign, contributing to a multi-year Gulf-wide analysis of these oil spills and the marine environment’s response and recovery.

Quelle: OneGulf Voyage Gathers Unprecedented Marine Samples for Two Oil Spills


Jake Phelps, the legend behind ‘Thrasher Magazine.’

Source: From the Mag Himself: Opinions on Skating’s Most Opinionated Magazine

Links for 11/18/16


Native Americans at Standing Rock, North Dakota are being sprayed with chemical weapons, according to protestor Candida Rodriguez Kingbird.

Source: Native Woman Claims Chemical Weapons Used At Standing Rock


Created in 1990, Gesac represents more that 1 million rights holders in the areas of music, graphic and plastic arts, literary and dramatic works, and audiovisual as well as music publishers.

Source: Author Societies – New Study: Unlawful US Copyright Exemption Severely Harms European Authors


Long Halftime Walk is cloaked in shiny new tech, but dismal reviews suggest it’ll soon join the scrapheap of big-screen inventions that didn’t take off

Source: Too big? Too loud? Too real? Billy Lynn and other failed cinematic innovations | Film | The Guardian



. . . we attended The Hilltop Haunting, which was a rad downhill halloween skate jam hosted by Muir Skate & Bustin Boards. The event took place on one. . .

Source: The Hilltop Haunting (Event Recap) – Wheelbase Magazine


Scientists have discovered a ‘lake’ in the Gulf of Mexico. Everyone, who enters this pool at the bottom of the sea will suffer horribly.

Quelle: Scientists Have Found a Lake Under the Sea – Those Who Swim There Won’t Come Back Alive – Natural Health Resource – The world’s most widely referenced, open access, natural medicine database, with 20,000+ study abstracts and growing daily

Quelle: A Special Report on Standing Rock: The Environmental and Social Justice Consequences of the Dakota Access Pipeline


Fukushima: The Untouchable Eco-Apocalypse No One Is Talking About


Island known by traditional owners as Me-mel is currently owned and managed by National Parks and Wildlife

Source: Mike Baird’s government to return Goat Island to Indigenous owners | Australia news | The Guardian


Two skeletons have been discovered in a London graveyard which could change our view of the history of Europe and Asia.

Source: Skeleton find could rewrite Roman history – BBC News


Nat Young, San Diego 1966

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

Links for 11/16/16

Ghost houseboat washes ashore in Ireland



The people responsible for national economic policy are economics professors

Source: Why You Should Blame The Economics Discipline For Today’s Problems – Evonomics



Ken Berlin, president & CEO of The Climate Reality Project, issued the following statement regarding today’s announcement by the United States and China of formally joining the Paris Agreement

Source: Climate Reality


The abrasive beads, apart from being harmful to sea life, are found in facial scrubs can ruin your skin. One woman found that the beads in her whitening toothpaste caused her gums to recede.

Source: Microbeads aren’t just poisoning the planet – they can ruin your looks