Links for 10/5/16

Spill 46 miles off Shetland is being monitored by air and said to be heading away from land and dispersing

Source: BP platform leaks 95 tonnes of oil into North Sea | Environment | The Guardian


Nations on the North Atlantic, Mediterranean and Black Seas have decided to bolster their tsunami warning systems by giving France, Greece, Italy and Turkey a regionwide alert role.

Source: Europe to strengthen tsunami alert system – UNISDR




Video: Johnny Depp, Harry Roach & Surfing

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events




Hydrofoil surfing on open ocean swells

Source: Hydrofoil surfing on open ocean swells


Entdecken Sie das thematische Angebot von ARTE rund um Wissenschaft, Medizin und neue Technologien: ein origineller Blick auf die Welt von heute und morgen.

Source: Plastik in unseren Meeren | Wissenschaft, Umwelt, Technologie | ARTE Future


Earth’s wilderness decimated


Introduction Five years ago, I met Professor John Sweeney. At the time, Sweeney was the head of the Centre for Climate change in Maynooth. He is now emeritus. Sweeney has also been the IPCC represe…

Source: How climate change is rapidly taking the planet apart. Part 2: amplifying feedbacks, divestment


Ominous music in shark videos makes people more negative about the fish

Links for 10/1/16

Reblogged on

Source: Big Tech’s Latest Artist Relations Debacle: Mass Filings of NOIs to Avoid Paying Statutory Royalties (Part 2) | The Trichordist


“We will only know the true consequences of our time in the water 20 years from now.”

Source: Fukushima’s surfers riding on radioactive waves


The numbers on global warming are even scarier than we thought.

Source: Recalculating the Climate Math | New Republic


By some estimates, the entire population of Native Hawaiians was almost wiped out just a century ago. But now their numbers may be near what they were before their first contact with Europeans.

Source: It Took Two Centuries, But The Native Hawaiian Population May Be Bouncing Back : Code Switch : NPR


When archeologist Hiroyuki Miyagi heard that a bunch of ancient Roman and Ottoman coins had been unearthed from the ruins of an old castle in Okinawa, he initially thought it was a hoax.

Source: Ancient Roman coins found in an old Japanese castle –


Kunststoffmüll verschmutzt die Meere. Tiere verwechseln ihn mit Nahrung und verhungern mit vollem Magen. Nun versucht eine deutsche Insel, ein Zeichen dagegen zu setzen.

Source: Föhr: Die erste plastikfreie Insel Deutschlands? – Gesellschaft – Sü


Video: Logging Braziil

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events



Links for 9/23/16

Why The Streaming Business Model Is Broken – MTT – Music Think Tank


Clues left in genes of modern populations in Australian and Papua New Guinea enable scientists to trace remarkable journey made by first human explorers

Source: Indigenous Australians most ancient civilisation on Earth, DNA study confirms | Australia news | The Guardian



Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events


This map ranks the world’s oceans by the amount of plastic floating on the surface.

Source: Plastic pollution: which two oceans contain the most? | World Economic Forum


Cyrus Sutton & Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events



Links for 9/3/16

A poll from Greenpeace found that almost two thirds of people in the UK think microbeads should be banned

Source: How the microbead ban could help solve a massive problem


Barry Nuttall was a housing protester like no other. Dressed as a second world war US general, he formed a small army to resist Hull council’s demolition plans. When his home was destroyed, he lived in a camp amid the rubble. Thirty years on, Stephen Walsh goes in search of Nuttall’s legacy

Source: The extraordinary story of Hull’s ‘major general’ and the siege of Wyndham Street


Carbios has been granted two key US patents a novel plastic-degrading microorganism and creation of plastics with a customized lifespan.

Source: French Biodegradable Plastics get new key US Patents


‘Bayou Maharajah’, a critically-acclaimed documentary about the life, work and struggles of piano virtuoso James Booker will begin streaming on Netflix.

Source: James Booker Documentary Coming to Netflix in September


Fossil finds in China are challenging ideas about the evolution of modern humans and our closest relatives.

Source: How China is rewriting the book on human origins


Cars restricted to 5mph over 60 blocks of Financial District at weekend, as transport department runs Shared Streets event inspired by Bogotá and Paris

Source: A new New York? Manhattans oldest neighbourhood goes car-free, kind of …

Lawrence O’Donnell on the Standing Rock Protests


Source: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on the Standing Rock protests / Boing Boing


update: Mercenaries Just Attacked Dakota Pipeline Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray (video)


update II:

Our ancestors are looking at the people with tears in their eyes because they know all the pain and suffering yet to come. They know there is no tomorrow for those yet to be born.


update III: Support the Indigenous led movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline


update IV: Arrest Warrant Issued for Amy Goodman in North Dakota After Covering Pipeline Protest


update V:

Following a court decision to deny an injunction blocking the Dakota Access pipeline, the feds impose a limited temporary halt on building.


update VI: Erased by False Victory: Obama Hasn’t Stopped DAPL


update VII: Militarized Police Approaching Peaceful Gatheres


update VIII:

The charges against Goodman are a clear attack on journalism and freedom of the press.

Source: Amy Goodman Is Facing Prison for Reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline. That Should Scare Us All. | The Nation


update IX:

As pipeline protests continue, law enforcement has stepped up its message, saying more forcefully that it is going to take a hard line.

Source: Questions raised as protest policing takes proactive approach | North Dakota News |


update X:

Riot police accompanied by armored vehicles and helicopters arrested protesters and injured dozens.

Quelle: Police Fire at Dakota Water Protectors in Eviction Crackdown


update XI: Amnesty International just sent human rights observers to North Dakota to protect water protectors


update XII:

Even though the North Dakota Pipeline isn’t primarily a climate issue, this new documentary shows the powers that the water protectors are facing.

(Leonardo di Caprio video has since been removed)


update XIII:

Protesters opposing the controversial pipeline reported being hit with teargas, rubber bullets and percussion grenades during the standoff

Source: Standing Rock protest: hundreds clash with police over Dakota Access Pipeline | US news | The Guardian


update XIV:

Sophia Wilansky is a water protector from New York. She left New York City several weeks ago to help with the struggle at Standing Rock. She been an active participate and family to the activist groups NYC Shut It Down and Hoods4Justice. Sophia has always been committed to confronting injustice through vigilance and resistance.
Sophia was giving out bottles of water to protectors holding down the space when she was shot with a concussion grenade. This was the response of police and DAPL mercenaries as she and other brave protectors attempted to hold the line against the black snake in service of protecting our water. As of last night, we found out she was air lifted to County Medical Center in Minneapolis were she’s currently undergoing extensive, hours-long surgery from injuries sustained from the blast.
Please consider donating to help pay for her treatment. We must to support our comrades when they need us the most. She needs all of us right now. After all she is our family. #StandWithStandingRock #WaterIsLife

Source: Medical Fund for Sophia Wilansky by Michael Basillas – GoFundMe


update XV:

Amid a media blackout of the Standing Rock protests, law enforcement targets the rare journalists on the scene

Source: Amid a media blackout of the Standing Rock protests, law enforcement targets the rare journalists on the scene


update XVI:

Governor orders thousands of activists to leave the encampment, citing ‘harsh winter conditions’, but does not authorize police to carry out evacuation

Source: Standing Rock protest: North Dakota governor orders immediate evacuation | US news | The Guardian


update XVII:

Standing Rock Supporters Celebrate Pipeline Plan Denial

Source: NBC News


update XVIII:

US Court of Appeals Rules Against Standing Rock Tribe in Dakota Access Pipeline Case


update XIX:

Despite having celebrated a victory against the corporation who was constructing the Dakota Access Pipeline, water protectors everywhere might be having to head out into the freezing cold once again to defend the sacred land and valuable waterways. This is because President Donald Trump is expected to go forward with plans to sign an executive

Source: Trump to Sign Executive Order Pushing Through Construction of DAPL & Keystone XL Pipeline – The Ring of Fire Network


update XX:

Today, Tuesday February 7, the US Army Corps gave notice of intent to grant the final easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross the Mni Sose (Missouri River). The Indigenous Coalition at Standing Rock is calling for February 8th to be an international day of emergency actions to disrupt business as usual and unleash a global intersectional resistance to fossil fuels and fascism.

Source: This Is The #NoDAPL Last Stand


update XXI:

Armed occupation brought an anticlimactic and forlorn end to the camp, which had been home to thousands of activists opposing the Dakota Access pipeline

Source: Police remove last Standing Rock protesters in military-style takeover | US news | The Guardian


update XXII:

Source: In Victory for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Court Finds That Approval of Dakota Access Pipeline Violated the Law – The Indigenous American


update XXIII:

Source: Since Standing Rock, 56 Bills Have Been Introduced in 30 States to Restrict Protests


update XXIV:

Source ‘They’re billin’ us for killin’ us’: activists fight Dakota pipeline’s final stretch

Links for 9/1/16

Microbeads is the term given to the little bits of plastic that are sometimes added to products for their abrasive properties.

Source: Bane of the Oceans (and a Simple Fix)


Joan Rose, a microbiologist who has won the world’s most prestigious water prize, is both depressed and optimistic at progress to make water fit to drink

Source: Cleaning the worlds water: We are now more polluted than we have ever been | Environment | The Guardian



Source: 7 great anecdotes from a photographer of vanishing cultures / Boing Boing




Links for 8/15/16

Ships carry 11 billion tons of goods each year. This interactive map shows where they all go.

Source: This is an incredible visualization of the world’s shipping routes – Vox


Source: 3D-printed Algae packaging – Ambalaj


As two of the quintessentially California band’s members face off with dueling memoirs, James Wolcott assesses the conflict beneath the surface of its suntanned image.

Source: Brian Wilson, Mike Love, and the Psychodrama Behind the Beach Boys’ Sun-Streaked Legacy | Vanity Fair


The Surfrider Foundation broadens its efforts to protect ocean waters by including residential landscape management.

Source: USGBC+ | Sea Change


The story of Donald Crowhurst, who tried to fake sailing around the world in 1968.

Source: The story of Donald Crowhurst, who tried to fake sailing around the world in 1968.

Links for 8/11/16

Down In The Jungle Room by Elvis Presley. Conclusive proof that Presley’s crown hardly slipped at all. Record Collector is the world’s leading authority on rare and collectable records

Source: Down In The Jungle Room – Record Collector Magazine


Carolina talks Theremin – An overview for composers and music lovers was uploaded by: carolinaeyckvideosDuration: 1008Rating:

Source: Everything You Wanted To Know About The Theremin, But Were Afraid To Ask – Synthtopia


Harvesting Guitars from the Bones of New York City | GuitarPlayer


Ocean waste is a serious problem for companies emotionally and physically connected to the sea, said the founder of outdoor clothing company Finisterre in a recent Guardian debate, but that connection also gives them a strong incentive to find solutions. Here we profile some of the companies doing just that

Source: Wooden surfboards to mushroom handplanes: the surf companies tackling ocean waste – gallery | Guardian Sustainable Business | The Guardian


Smart About Sharks: a great new children’s book from illustrator Owen Davey – Creative Review


Los Angeles Video

Links for 7/9/16

Why is a ton of trash washing up on beaches in Hong Kong? It’s a mystery!

But we have a guess.

Source: Why is a ton of trash washing up on beaches in Hong Kong? It’s a mystery!


Whether you are shouting “tax the rich” into a megaphone or urging mass copyright infringement against he MLK estate it’s still important to wear your pearls!   “Progressive…

Source: 90% White Hudson Valley Elects “Progressive” That Organized Mass Copyright Infringement Against MLK Estate | The Trichordist


Atlantic City circa 1908. “Bathing beach and Steeplechase Pier.” With signs advertising Vaudeville as well as what may or may not be the restrooms. 8×10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company.

Source: The Human Tide: 1908 | Shorpy Historic Picture Archive


Video: Surfing the Eisbach