Links for 7/20/24

AI’s Bizarro World, we’re marching towards AGI while carbon emissions soar

This New Map Reveals The Predicted Future Climate Where You Live

The father of Chicano art photography

These States Are Actually Aiming for More Pedestrians to Die On Their Roads This Year — Streetsblog USA

Berlin In The Summer of 1957 by Willy Pragher


A World Without Insurance: A Climate-Future Look at Property Values

Tech bro fascism looks like a lot like old-fashioned fascism

Gremmie Skateboards

“I’m not a climate change guy,” says a guy about to lose his home to climate change

New research supports Thor Heyerdahl’s theory on South Americans in the Pacific

Trawling the bottom of the ocean is kicking up tons of carbon dioxide

Links for 7/13/24

In ‘Kiosk,’ Visit the Tiny Disappearing Urban Shops of Eastern Europe

Program: Climate change threatening Australian live music

Hawai‘i Gov. Josh Green signs bill banning seabed mining in state waters | Kauai Now

The Delusion of Advanced Plastic Recycling Using Pyrolysis — ProPublica

The Simpler Way

The Delusion of Infinite Economic Growth

The economics of enough: Dan O’Neill at TEDxOxbridge

Brutal heatwaves and submerged cities: what a 3C world would look like

Mike Doyle – Surfing Memories – the Early Years

The New Jersey Review of Beach Trash

The US Is Ugly. THIS is Why.

Marshall Brain: This is the worst possible time for “climate change optimism” | WRAL TechWire

Links for 6/15/24

Creating a throw-away culture: How companies ingrained plastics in modern life

‘Underwater bicycle’ propels swimmers forward at superhuman speed

‘We’re in our 20s but live in the 1940s’

A response to Hannah Ritchie:  How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Economic Growth  

2-5 years to sci-fi level AI? Former OpenAI employee sounds alarm

Papa Doo Run Run America’s Music ~ California’s Band

Public has no right to swim in sea, claims firm that dumped sewage at bathing spot

“I Don’t Believe in Growth”

Why We Need “Degrowth” ? Current Affairs

California town asked to return a beachside hotel

Spencer’s Shenanigans

Links for 6/1/24

The world’s oceans just broke an important climate change record

B.C. government affirms Haida Nation title over all of Haida Gwaii in draft agreement

Brandi Morin: The Apache stronghold standing in the way of a massive copper mine

Enough Is Enough: Full Film

Read Steve Albini’s famous essay on the music industry’s problems

Guitar amps made with home-made vacuum tubes

The Hawaiian steel guitar changed American music. Can one man keep that tradition alive?

The climate is doomed if we continue to be fixated by economic growth

Tech doesn’t make our lives easier. It makes them faster

Morocco’s Imsouane and its wonderful righthander and thriving surf tourism – the shock development for locals

Radioactive waste, baby bottles and Spam: the deep ocean has become a dumping ground

Kapitän Harmsen – Adios, Kopenhagen!

‘More unzipping of the landscape’: Arctic permafrost could crumble into rivers, unleashing devastating feedback loop

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Links for 5/12/24

Roger Corman, Pioneering Independent Producer and King of B Movies, Dies at 98

While plastic is destroying the planet, fossil fuel lobbyists try drown out Indigenous voices and scientists

A call for economic degrowth

Book Review: Confronting the Slow Calamity of Climate Migration | naked capitalism

On Technology and Degrowth

Stealing Paradise: Sand Mafias, Beach Thefts

Ditch the pursuit of happiness and seek out wonder instead

The uncertain future of the Bay Area’s 90-year-old Tiki bar

A response to Daniel Driscoll: Another slice of degrowth bashing

Huge ancient lost city found in the Amazon

Links for 3/3/24

Plastic industry knew recycling was a farce for decades yet deceived the public, report reveals

Curious shift in ocean currents is having chilling impact on Outer Banks, experts say

Net-Zero Targets Face Reality Check

The Streetdog

Fossil Companies Face $50B Lawsuit Over 2021 Heat Dome Deaths

How archivists are working to capture not just tapes of old TV and radio but the experience of tuning in together

Record ocean temperatures put Earth in ‘uncharted territory’, say scientists

How Corporations Are Changing Skateboarding and Why It Matters – Jenkem Magazine

A Compendium of Vintage Pool Parties

‘We are very vulnerable’: cyclone-hit Vanuatu pins climate hopes on UN vote