Links for 1/22/16

8 track album

Source: AL ZMAN SAIB | Habibi Funk Records




Vultures wearing GoPros are patrolling Lima’s skies for polluters—and saving the city from itself

Source: From Zero to Hero


Scientists find that the world’s oceans are storing vastly more heat than before.

Source: This is where 90 percent of global warming is going – The Washington Post




Source: Holy shit: Scarfolk TV is coming | Dangerous Minds


The Beatles’ Revolution 9 brought experimental music to a global audience, but their radio soundworld wouldn’t have been possible without Stockhausen’s ‘music of the whole world’

Source: Crackle goes pop: how Stockhausen seduced the Beatles

Links for 12/28/15

Global Corporations are dictating the Canadian Federal Government to demolish treaties and then assimilate first nation’s people into urban cities.

Source: Sacred Spirit of Water – Top Documentary Films




Previously we’ve posted pictures of abandoned,unwanted and battered Futuro houses in Taiwan. So now it’s time to show the prefabricated homes at the start of their journey, when they were a new, fresh and exciting idea for the future. The Futuro was designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen, he designed the UFO style houses in 1968 to be used as ski-cabins and Summer holiday homes.  The sixties were an optimistic time, and [&hellip

Source: The Futuro House – A Home For Tomorrow – Voices of East Anglia


Report: All Major Oil Companies Knew of Climate Change by 1970s


Links for 11/16/15

The chemical sprayed on the 2010 BP oil spill may not have helped crucial petroleum-munching microbes get rid of the slick, a new study suggests.

Source: Study: Dispersants did not help oil degrade in BP spill


The global environment collapses as in the pursuit of short-term growth, humanity overruns natural ecosystems including the atmosphere that make Earth

Source: Biosphere Collapse: The Biggest Economic Bubble Ever | EcoInternet – Earth Blog


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Links for 11/8/15

Source: Giant sculptures made entirely of beach waste to make you rethink plastic use


Thousands of the fires raging through the forests of Indonesia were deliberately started to clear land for industrial use. The results have been deadly

Source: Setting a country alight: Indonesia’s devastating forest fires are manmade | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian


It’s our time to act. Boldly and bravely. It starts with 24 Hours of Reality: The World Is Watching. #WhyImWatching

Source: 24 Hours of Reality and Live Earth: The World Is Watching | Climate Reality


The findings follow a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration study two weeks ago that said the world is in the midst of a third global coral bleaching event.

Source: How we are all contributing to the destruction of coral reefs: Sunscreen – The Washington Post


Links for 10/17/15

Get essential tools and recipes for the at-home bartender with this set from MakersKit

Genocide, not genes: indigenous peoples’ genetic alcoholism is a racist myth

Shaken: cocktail kits by mail

Ocean life or acid trip? Photos of psychedelic jellyfish


Nestle–that’s who. And they’re profiting big time. Watch the movie and take action.

Source: Guess Who’s Illegally Occupying Public Land in California?


Where have all the tuna gone, and where are all the cod?

Source: Popular Science


Beat the microbead is an international campaign against plastic microbeads in cosmetics.

Source: Beat the Microbead – Beat the Microbead


I’m well aware that with Paris looming it’s time to be hopeful, and I’m willing to try. Even amid the record heat and flooding of the present, there are good signs for the future in the rising climate movement and the falling cost of solar. But before we get to past and present there’s some past to be reckoned with, and before we get to hope there’s some deep, blood-red anger.

Source: Exxon’s Climate Lie: ‘No Corporation Has Ever Done Anything This Big or Bad’ | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community


#NoAdriaticDrilling Croatia! – Citizens say NO to @VladaRH Adriatic #fossilfuel plans for Croatia #COP21

Source: #NoAdriaticDrilling Croatia! – HeadTalker

Links for 9/17/15

Revealed: how Indigenous Australian storytelling accurately records sea level rises 7,000 years ago

What’s the difference between a $20 ukulele and a $1000 ukulele

Take a vacation, or die young

This is how blue the skies were when Beijing banned 2.5 million cars for two weeks

This guy’s drive through California’s Valley Fire looks like a scene from a horror flick

Invasion of the Lionfish

Vintage Vinyl: 1963 Vintage photographs available as fine-art prints or digital stock images