Links for 4/22/14

Discoveries Challenge Beliefs on Humans’ Arrival in the Americas –

Bureo Fishnet Skateboards For Cleaner Oceans


The Best Way to Deal With Ocean Trash

Diver Jason Dimitri, wearing GoPro camera, comes face-to-face with Caribbean reef shark

Links for 4/7/14

Vintage Photos of The Ink Well, Santa Monica Beach during the Early 20th Century

Surf Legend Kelly Slater Attacks GMOs and Biotech Giants in Hawaii

How Jack London Introduced Surfing to California


Furniture made from recycled boat-wood : Forums : Interesting shows at SURFER JOE DINER next weeks

Two maps that show the evolution of global shipping

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 search shows extent of ocean trash

Real-life Indiana Jones busted with thousands of cultural artifacts

Links for 3/11/14

Ukraine crisis is about Great Power oil, gas pipeline rivalry

[100 m3 overflow] “Who turned on the wrong valve and why ?” / Still not identified

The Elegant Secrets Of Flying Snakes : The Protojournalist

Dangers of Fracking

BUSTED! Largest whale shark slaughter house found in China

Oil Sands Raise Levels of Cancer-Causing Compounds in Regional Waters

Study finds sea levels rising fast; concerns grow about Shore

GMOs Are Killing the Bees, Butterflies, Birds and . . . ?

Four years after oil spill, 1,250-pound tar mat washes ashore in Florida


Links for 3/8/14

Global warming may imperil Statue of Liberty, Tower of London

Tidal flooding in Marshall Islands has caused widespread damage

Extreme weather is ‘silver lining’ for climate action: Christiana Figueres

Greening China’s power brings down cost of renewable energy for all

Eme Tiki – Bill Justis: “The Dark Continent Contribution”…

BBC News – ‘Carbon bubble’ threatens stock markets, say MPs

Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

Oil From the Exxon Valdez Spill Lingers on Alaska Beaches

IEA Report: Wind and Solar Can Carry Bulk of Energy Transformation

Links for 2/26/14

2014 Performer Submission | Springboard South 2014

World begins 2014 with unusual number of extreme weather events

Say no to corporate power grabs – reject the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Huge Solar-Powered Plastic Bubbles to Fight Beijing’s Smog | CreativeHunt

1966 Showman w 2 JBL D-140Fs for sale

Nassau, Bahamas, Early 1950s

Obama’s top Trans-Pacific Partnership officials were given millions by banks before taking the job

Portrait In Reverb: Billy Mure Hawaiian Percussion 1961

Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events

The Koch Brothers Left a Confidential Document at Their Last Donor Conference

25 Images of Markets “Regulating Themselves”