Links for 10/12/19

Coca-Cola Is Making A Bottle Out Of Ocean Trash and We’re Supposed To Act Like it’s OK


How extreme sea level events are going to increase in Australia


“The Tragedy of the Commons”: how ecofascism was smuggled into mainstream thought


The World’s Oceans Are in Danger, Major Climate Change Report Warns


The Walks on Water


Cocktail of the week: Southside Scran’s pearfect


Scientists set out how to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030


California Mexican-Spanish Cookbook


“Camel Finds Water” on Vimeo


Surfing in Ballinskelligs Bay, Kerry 1967


Killing the Ocean


Everything New is Old, The History of Psuedoarchaeolgy and Archaeology.


Europe is burning just as new research offers a chilling truth about the volatility of climate change


Climate change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months


The California coast is disappearing under the rising sea. Our choices are grim

Links 9/12/19

Plan to Release Radioactive Fukushima Wastewater Into Pacific Ocean Panned by Critics


Salvemos Punta Conejo


U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Weren’t Built for Climate Change


Happy Birthday, Los Angeles! But is the Story of the City’s Founding a Myth?


Apologies for bringing scary news, but here’s the latest on Greenland’s melting ice


San Onofre and Malibu in 1950 surfing time


Rebellion and rock ‘n’ roll: The Sunset Strip in the ’60s


The Amazon Cannot Be Recovered Once It’s Gone


The Archivist: You Crazy Diamonds


Ocean Initiatives, a Success in Spite of Us

Links for 7/29/19

Correcting historic sea surface temperatures reveals simpler pattern of ocean warming


Not every environmental policy is a Green New Deal


Rare West Coast Surf Instrumentals


Mike Romanoff’s On The Rocks restaurant was fit for Hollywood royalty


If Seeing the World Helps Ruin It, Should We Stay Home?


North Atlantic Right Whales Are Dying in Horrific Ways


Coca-Cola, Pepsi highlight the 20 corporations producing the most ocean pollution


The A-Z of Waves


Edward Said – Framed: The Politics of Stereotypes in News

Links for 7/21/19

In too deep: why the seabed should be off-limits to mining companies


Reyn Spooner: Behind the Brand and its Iconic Hawaiian Shirts


Ice sheet collapse: The greatest unknown in climate science


Anti-Nazi youth movements in World War II


Satellite Images Show Vast Swaths of the Arctic on Fire


The Sound of Success, Mobile Food Truck Edition


Humans have made 8.3bn tons of plastic since 1950. This is the illustrated story of where it’s gone


Weird ‘Plasticrust’ Caused by Pollution Forms on Portuguese Island


How Culture Works: Adapt, Teach, Learn.


Sea levels, and heads in the sand


Seafood Without The Sea: Will Lab-Grown Fish Hook Consumers?


For the sake of our health, we need to kick the indoor habit


Psychedelic Vinyl – Vinyl Records LP’s For Sale

Links for 6/25/19

Why are we still pretending ‘trickle-down’ economics work?


Cowboy Throat Singing


Could you be eating a credit card a week?


BTW, You’re Eating And Breathing In Plastic Too


The Literal Translation of Country Names


Bruce Brown Surf Movie Maker On TV 1965

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Smarter people listen to instrumental music: study


Instagram Ruined Travel. A New Generation Of Influencers Is Trying To Fix It.


Where did the Dravidians originate from?


10,000 year old stones found under Lake Michigan. They are arranged in a circle and one even has a mastodon on it.</a

Links for 6/7/19

Scarborough Bay: 1905


A Brief History of the Acoustic Guitar


Protect Our Ocean


Portable Wind Turbine charger that allows you to charge your devices in nature


‘Gas Is a Loser and It’s Time to Move On’: Report Debunks Myth That Natural Gas Can Help Fight Climate Crisis


Billy Childish Man In The Mouth of A Cave Exhibition Prints


UN chief concerned nuclear ‘coffin’ leaking in Pacific


Los Angeles, Sunset Strip, 1965-1969

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Vintage Hawaii 8mm ’69 pt 3

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Links for 6/2/19

Retro wheels: Fiat 500 Jolly Icon-e by Garage Italia


Tiki-style, Hawaiian dress was the all the talk in the 1960s


How were vinyl records made in the 1950s?


What to Know About JFK’s Wild 1960s Bar-Packed Hotel, Opening Today


The Inverted World Map – Variations on a Blue Marble


A man spear fishing at night in Hawaii, 1940s


The zero-waste revolution: how a new wave of shops could end excess packaging


Complex societies gave birth to big gods, not the other way around: study


Hans Hass – Unternehmen Xarifa