Hukilau 2008

Great art, as always!


live acts:
Tikiyaki Orchestra – Los Angeles
Martini Kings – Los Angeles
Fisherman – New York City
Haole Kats – Florida
Intoxicators – Florida

exotic activities and special guests:
Jeff “Beachbum” Berry presents Potions of the Caribbean
Sven Kirsten – author of The Book of Tiki and Tiki Modern
Hukilau Games – Beach Volleyball and other activities
Tiki Carving with the Masters – on the Beach!

Hula Workshops (in Deutschland…

…darum auf deutsch)
Aus dem Hula News Newsletter:

Das Allerwichtigste vorweg:
Letzter Hula-Tanz-Workshop am kommenden Wochenende.

Zweites Advent-Wochenende – 08./09.12.2007
Weihnachts-Hula-Special-Weekend in 78355 Hohenfels-Mindersdorf in unserem neuen Hula-Tanz-Studio “Hale Kalehua” . Wir lernen 2 Hula-Choreografien (Auana- und Kahiko-Style) zu den schönsten,! hawaiianischen Weihnachtsliedern.

Euer sehnlichster Wunsch wurde erhört. Nun gibt es das Weihnachts-Special-Hula-Tanz-Event gleich im Doppelpack.
Am 08. und 09. Dezember 2007 habt Ihr Gelegenheit, zwei der schönsten und romantischsten hawaiianischen Weihnachts-Hulas zu erlernen.
Die Songs zu den Choreografien sind:
1. Tag: Hula-Auana-Style: “Kanaka Wai Wai”
2. Tag: Hula-Kahiko-Style: “Little Drummer Boy” (Keiki Kane Ho’okani Pahu) – hier seht Ihr einen Videoclip mit Kalehua, die den “Drummer Boy” tanzt…
Beide Choreografien sind relativ leicht zu erlernen und sind deshalb auch für Hula-Anfänger geeignet.
Eine Trainings-DVD als Langzeitgedächtnis zu beiden Liedern kann an den Kurstagen erworben w! erden!

Dieses Hula-Wo chenende in besonders feierlicher Stimmung ist auch zugleich der letzten Hula-Workshop im alten Jahr 2007.

What Are You Doing Next Summer?

This sounds really exoting, excuse me, exciting.
Quote from John (Pago Pago) at MySpace

The Pacific Arts Festival is coming to Pago Pago, American Samoa from July 20 to August 2, 2008.
3000 artists from 27 Pacific Island nations will perform traditional arts: dance, song, crafts and customary rituals such as ceremonial greetings, oratory, chants and healing practices. For indigenous islanders the festival will remind us of our common four thousand year old history of voyaging, the life giving links between humankind and nature and the mystical relationship between our spirit, the heavens, the sea and the earth.
In a modern context the Pacific Arts Festival is an opportunity for fusion. The festival is where people of the world; artists, fashionistas, musicians and writers; will come to remind themselves of other cultural ways, new old customs and the singularity of the human spirit manifest in a vibrant collage of color, voice, beat and meditative transcendence. The Pacific Arts Festival, the communal meeting place of Isla Pacifica, is where new world forms of art will take shape from collaboration, observation and the never unchanging need to awaken the creative voice that resides within us all.
Fusion now. The artists are on the page below. Invite yourself to Pago Pago.

Le Festival d’Arts Pacifique vient ; Pago Pago, le Samoa Americain du 20 juillet au 2 2008.
3000 artistes de 27 nations d’le de Pacifique excuteront des arts traditionnels comme la danse, la chanson, les artisanats et les rites habituels comme la salutation monielle, l’art oratoire, en scandant des slogans et en gurissant. Pour les insulaires indignes le festival nous rappellera notre histoire de quatre mille ans commune de voyaging, la vie donnant des liens entre l’humanite et la nature et le rapport mystique entre notre esprit, le paradis, la mer et la terre.
Dans un contexte moderne le Festival d’Arts Pacifique est une opportunite; pour la fusion. Le festival est les gens du monde, les artistes, fashionistas, les musiciens et les auteurs viendront pour se rappeler d’autres voies culturelles, nouvelle vieille douane et la singularite du manifeste d’esprit humain dans un collage plein de vie de couleur, voix, battront et transcendance ditative. Le Festival d’Arts Pacifique, le lieu de rencontre communal d’Isla Pacifica, est de nouvelles formes mondiales d’art prendront la forme de la collaboration, l’observation et le besoin jamais immuable de veiller la voix atrice qui side dans nous tous.
Fusion maintenant. Les artistes sont sur cette page ci-dessous. Invitez-vous Pago Pago.

Das Pazifische Kunstfest kommt zu Pago Pago, Amerika Samoa vom 20. Juli bis zum 2. August 2008.
3000 Kunstler von 27 Pazifischen Inselnationen werden traditionelle Kunste durchfuhren: Tanz, Lied, Handwerke und bliche Rituale wie feierliche, Redekunst, Singen und Heilpraktiken.
Damit erinnert das Fest die einheimischen Inselbewohner an die viertausendjahrige Geschichte von voyaging, dem Erleben, das Verbindungen zwischen der Menschheit und Natur und der mystischen Beziehung zwischen unserem Geist, dem Himmel, dem Meer und der Erde gibt.
Aber in einem modernen Zusammenhang ist das Pazifische Kunstfest auch eine Gelegenheit das Zusammenkommen und gemeinsame Erleben der Menschen und Kulturen. Zu diesem Fest kommen Leute ; Kunstler, Reisende, Musiker und Schriftsteller- aus allen Teilen der Welt, um andere kulturelle Wege und die Eigenartigkeit des menschlichen Geistermanifests in einer vibrierenden Collage der Farbe, der Stimme und des Klanges zu erleben.
Das Pazifische Kunstfest ist wahrend dieser Zeit der zentrale Treffpunkt der Isla Pacifica. Hier werden durch die Zusammenarbeit, Erfahrung und der in jedem Menschen schlummernden kreativen Stimme, neue Formen der Kunst Gestalt annehmen!
Fusion jetz! Die teilnehmenden Kunstler sind auf dieser Seite unten vertreten. Fuhle dich herzlich nach Pago Pago eingeladen!

Enchanted Tiki and Luau This Weekend at Egyptian (repost)

tiki shag

Friday, July 6 – 7:30 PM
Hawaii, 1966, MGM Repertory, 161 min.
Director George Roy Hill’s (Throughly Modern Millie) adaptation of James Michener’s sprawling South Seas epic was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Cinematography (Russell Harlan) and Best Music Score (Elmer Bernstein). Max Von Sydow is the puritanical missionary who marries disappointed-in-love Julie Andrews just before they set sail to do the Lord’s work in the early 19th century island paradise. But they get more than they bargained for, squeezed between an onslaught of natural disasters and strange native customs. Their Calvinist devotion to a fire-and-brimstone worldview clashes head-on with the uninhibited, Dionysian headiness of the tropical lifestyle. With Richard Harris as Andrews’ former flame, Gene Hackman, Carroll O’Conner, Jocelyne LaGarde (who received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress).

Saturday, July 7 – 4:00 PM
Rare Tiki Island-Themed TV
Approx. 60 min. Artist Kevin Kidney hosts an entertaining hour of vintage tiki-themed television from the early 1960s – including some special surprises! *Tickets available to this program at the door only UNLESS purchased with the Luau Dinner ($20).

Saturday, July 7 – 5:00 PM
Luau Dinner
Following the 4 PM program, join us in the Egyptian Courtyard at 5 PM for a Royal Southern California-style Luau with live music from King Kukelele and his Friki Tikis, the Polynesian Paradise Dancers, vendors and a bountiful island-themed dinner.

On Saturday, July 7th, you have three special ticket price options:
Movies Only (valid for all movies on Saturday only):
General: $12; Senior/Student: $10; Cinematheque Member: $9

Luau Dinner Only: $20 (includes film admission for 4 PM show and dinner.)

All Movies (4 PM and 7:30 PM Movies), plus the Luau Dinner:
General: $27; Senior/Student: $25; Cinematheque Member: $24

*A limited number of dinners will be sold at the door. To guarantee a dinner ticket please purchase in advance.

Vendors in the Courtyard may include: Tiki Tony, Adrift Clothing, Crazy Al’s Bone Productions, “Dumb Angel” Magazine authors Dominic Priore and Brian Chidister, Tiki Diablo, Falling Cocos, Coconut Kids Clothing, Tiki Farm, the American Cinematheque selling poster and others…

Saturday, July 7 – 7:30 PM
Double Feature:
The Sophisticated Misfit, 2007, Smee Entertainment, 65 min.
Mark Chervinsky directed this four-year exploration of the world of Shag, the unlikeliest of Los Angeles artistic icons. Shag’s work doesn’t reflect the multicultural urban milieu of contemporary Los Angeles but rather an entirely different era. Think post-WWII boom years, suburban tracts sprawling across the landscape, Disneyland opening its doors and designers embracing the space-age motifs of Sputnik and the mission to the moon. Shag’s world is one of early 1960’s furniture, cocktail hours, sprawling ranch houses, built-in wet bars, and jet-set style. He embraces a simpler time. But his artwork is filled with subtle, humorous winks of the eye acknowledging that this period wasn’t quite so simple. The smiling women in their mod dresses hold secrets. The festive party scene in the go-go ’60’s home isn’t really what it seems. With Whoopi Goldberg, Patton Oswalt, Paul Frank and Shag. Winner of the Maverick Filmmaker Award at the 2007 Newport Beach Film Festival.

His Majesty O’Keefe, 1954, Warner Bros., 91 min.
Director Byron Haskin (THE NAKED JUNGLE; the original WAR OF THE WORLDS) brings a bracing exuberance to this tall tale of stranded-in-Micronesia sea captain Burt Lancaster’s quest to manipulate his native hosts into helping him build a trading empire. Joan Rice is the enchanting island girl who ends up being queen to his king. The spectacular Fiji Islands locations were stunningly photographed by the great cinematographer Otto Heller (THE CRIMSON PIRATE). Co-starring Andre Morell, Abraham Sofaer, Benson Fong. “…This swashbuckling South Seas adventure feature is ideally suited to Burt Lancaster’s muscular heroics. The Fiji Islands location lensing is a plus…” — Variety Discussion in between films with Shag and director Mark Chervinsky.

Sunday, July 8 – 7:30 PM
Miss Sadie Thompson, 1953, Sony Repertory, 91 min. Dir. Curtis Bernhardt (Possessed).
After having to leave Hawaii when her Honolulu singing job goes kaput, hard-luck dame Sadie Thompson (Rita Hayworth) is stranded on the isle of Samoa which is home to a U.S. Army base. She’s befriended by well-meaning, lovable GI hunk Aldo Ray as well as his soldier pals (including a young Charles Bronson). But dirty-minded lay minister and self-righteous gadabout Jose Ferrer, laying over with his wife on a trip, believes she is nothing more than a common prostitute and is offended by her presence. He takes it upon himself to make Sadie’s life a living hell until he can get her deported back to the States. Although Rita’s singing voice was dubbed by Jo Ann Greer, you would never know it during the musical numbers – she is positively dynamite performing “Hear No Evil,” “The Heat Is On,” and “Blue Pacific Blues.” Originally shot in 3-D, this is a terrific color remake of W. Somerset Maugham’s classic tale Miss Thompson, first filmed in 1932 as RAIN by director Lewis Milestone with Joan Crawford.


French Polynesia to Host Longboarding European Showdown in July

Wow… some guys have all the luck…!

From 24-29 July, the world’s best longboarders will gather in the beautiful archipelago of French Polynesia, on the island of Tahiti for a battle for both women’s and men’s european titles.

The black sand beach of Taharuu, Papara, will be the location for the 4 Star WLT event and is known to offer great surfing potential on all conditions, from 3 to 8+ ft swells.

read all the news here:

Pacific Longboarder

Retro Cocktail Hour

This is a re really good online radio show with usually two hours of big band, lounge and exotica music, mostly old but some really good new stuff thrown in during the second hour. The Retro Cocktail Hour has been going for years and years and Darrell Brogdon keeps the quality level nailed on a high level – he’s deep into this, obviously.

Quote from his homepage:

the likable, eager-to-please instrumental pop of the 1950s and ’60s is back! Sparked by CD reissues from such major labels as RCA and Capitol Records, the lounge music craze encompasses a diverse array of music – the Polynesian sway of Les Baxter and Martin Denny, the eccentric pop confections of Juan Garcia Esquivel, the mambo madness of Perez Prado, “private eye jazz” from TV’s 77 Sunset Strip and Peter Gunn and the cartoon-like caperings of Raymond Scott, among others.

Kansas Public Radio’s Retro Cocktail Hour (Saturdays at 7:00 pm) is our weekly nod to the Space Age Pop revival. Here you’ll find vintage recordings from the dawn of the Hi-Fi Era – imaginative, light-hearted (and sometimes light-headed) pop stylings designed to underscore everything from the backyard barbecue to the high-tech bachelor pad. Darrell Brogdon serves up two hours of incredibly strange music on Kansas Public Radio, so grab a cocktail shaker and join us for The Retro Cocktail Hour.

Power & Taboo Exibition in London!

Quote from The Britiish Museum site:
Power & Taboo explores the power of the gods in the Polynesian islands of
the eastern Pacific. Displaying part of the British Museum’s remarkable early
collections from this region, and illustrated with images made in the
early part of European settlement (1760-1860), the exhibition investigates
Polynesian ideas about the gods and how to manage their power. Rare
examples of feathered cloaks and valuable ornaments of jade and ivory from
islands such as Aotearoa New Zealand, Rapa Nui Easter Island and Hawaii
are also included in the exhibition. Many of these objects had a lasting influence
on 20th century artists such as Henry Moore and Pablo Picasso.