Links for 5/6/17


This guy makes good covers of Beach Boys songs

Source: This guy makes good covers of Beach Boys songs / Boing Boing


This Is How We Fight Back | NRDC



For an artist whose legend is built around being a studio genius, Brian Wilson is surprisingly excited to perform Pet Sounds live once again.

Source: Brian Wilson on How It Feels to Retire Performing ‘Pet Sounds’ | | Observer


Pioneers of Sound: Watch our documentary on the story of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop – The Vinyl Factory


The Italian design firm Stefano Boeri Architetti is planning a “forest city” for China, modeled after the firm’s completed green towers in Milan.

Source: Stefano Boeri Architetti builds tree-covered skyscrapers in China


‘Hobbit’ species did not evolve from ancestor of modern humans, research finds | Science | The Guardian

Links for 2/10/17

Thousands rally across the country to oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline as two city councils have voted to divest billions from the project

Source: Billions Divested from Banks Backing Dakota Access Pipeline


Underground city made from old opal mines has 3,500 residents


Oil may be a big reason behind the Trump Administration’s aggressive stance towards China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea.

Source: Rex Tillerson Backs Aggressive Policy in Disputed South China Sea as Exxon, Russia Eye Region’s Oil and Gas | naked capitalism


RCA Types PB-31, PB-140, PB-144, 44-A, 44-B


The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth – its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.

Source: California Aims to Plug In Almost Everything That Moves | NRDC



Links for 12/31/16

Bears Ears National Monument in southeastern Utah will protect some of America’s most striking landscape—and its earliest history.

Source: This Ancient Place Just Secured Membership in America’s Culture Club | NRDC


Berlin discusses possible reparation payments over massacre of tens of thousands of people in early years of 20th century

Source: Germany moves to atone for forgotten genocide in Namibia | World news | The Guardian


The Sound Recordings catalog comprises over 17,400 digital audio files, beginning with Lomax’s first recordings onto (newly invented) tape in 1946 and tracing his career into the 1990s.

Source: Research Center


Earth-force meets money-force at Standing Rock. I’m so relieved I’m here. It scares me to think that I might have missed this.We get up at dawn. Four hundred people walk slowly in a light snow to the river by the camp. A teacher is talking. His headdress is a crisscrossing of long, narrow feathers. He is of the Havasupai, the people who live by the blue-green waterfalls at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. He calls out across the river. “Water is life! Take me! My heart beats with you!”

Source: Standing Rock: A Moment of Clarity for Progressive Activists


According to a study from Plymouth University, plastic pollution affects at least 700 marine species, while some estimates suggest that at least 100 million marine mammals are killed each year from plastic pollution. Here are some of the marine species most deeply impacted by plastic pollution.

Source: These 5 Marine Animals Are Dying Because of Our Plastic Trash … Here’s How We Can Help


A steady increase in sea levels is pushing saltwater into U.S. wetlands, killing trees from Florida as far north as New Jersey. But with sea level projected to rise by as much as six feet this century, the destruction of coastal forests is expected to become a worsening problem worldwide.

Quelle: Ghost Forests: How Rising Seas Are Killing Southern Woodlands by Roger Real Drouin: Yale Environment 360


We’re inspired every time we have a great cocktail, and we definitely started to feel inspired when we visited Highland Park Bowl the other night and enjoyed a few of their cocktails. The dri…

Quelle: El Capitan Hook


They are thought to be solitary, but new research shows one shark species to be intensely social

Source: Sand tiger sharks: far friendlier than you think | Environment | The Guardian


Source: Mandala Oblongata | A Kaleidoscopic Adventure on the Loaded Boards Tan Tien



Links for 4/18/12

Mastering Then and Now : Recording Magazine

Irradiated whales | Fukushima Diary

Gulf seafood deformities alarm scientists