Links for 12/29/15



Here’s a Tiki carving skateboard deck.

Source: Mindless Longboards Tribal Rogue II Deck online kaufen bei




This methane gas disaster is worse than can be sufficiently described in words.

Source: Unstoppable California Gas Leak Being Called Worst Catastrophe Since BP Spill

Links for 11/24/15

It was the era of sex, drugs and pop revolution, but also of anti-war protest and inner-city riots. Jon Savage describes a year that’s still freaking out the establishment

Source: 1966: the year youth culture exploded


There is no legal protection for climate change refugees. That’s inexcusable.

Source: There’s No Such Thing as a Climate Change Refugee


Could climate change trigger another genocide?

Source: Black Earth


finest handcrafted Longboards,wakgsboards, Esslingen am Neckar

Source: wakgsboards – Coolangatta 6.5

Links for 10/6/15

Skateboards gibt es in unzähligen Formen, Farben und Materialien. Wenn du auf hochwertige Bretter aus Holz stehst, solltest du das schwedische Unternehmen Malmötrafiken im Auge behalten. Gegründet wurde es von den IndustriedesignernOskar Lundgren und Isabe

Source: Malmötrafiken schnitzt Skateboards in Handarbeit


Broken kingpins and misc skateboard junk

Source: Broken Kingpins


Source: sa ka roulé !: Retro Vintage 59


An algae cultivator, a surf company and a team of Southern California academics have joined forces to create a sustainable surf board.

Source: Have surfers discovered the future of sustainable design? | 2degrees Community | 2degrees


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Video:: The Blu / Stable Fistral Classic 2015


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