Links for 5/13/16

Air quality in sun-baked California area has been identified as the worst in the US. Residents are concerned, but low wages mean long hours in the thick of it

Source: Life in San Joaquin valley, the place with the worst air pollution in America | US news | The Guardian




TTIP Leaks


Byron Bay Malibu Classic – Good Vibes, Fantastic Waves

Source: Pacific Longboarder News / Reviews / Events




California’s kelp forests are disappearing from the north coast. These formerly lush, dense jungles of sea weed provided shelter, food, and in many cases home, for many, many marine creatures…

Source: As Northern California’s kelp forests collapse, so goes the coastal ecosystem

Links for 1/11/16

Christopher Ulman is the four-time national and international whistling champion. Among other tricks, he does not kiss anyone 24 hours before a performance because kissing “makes your lips mu…

Source: Listen to the best whistler in the world




This has been a remarkable year for the oceans. Marine scientist Douglas McCauley presents his list of 2015’s most significant ocean events.

Source: 2015’s top 10 developments for the ocean


Following on from our Sidewalk Surfers post in March 2012 we now go back to the very beginnings of the skateboarding scene with a short 1965 Palme d’Or winning film called Skaterdater. We’ll leave you to guess what the film was about but there are two big clues in the title.  This was the first [&hellip

Source: Skaterdater – 1965 Short Film – Voices of East Anglia


The legislature has been ducking the issue of beach access since time immemorial, but a recent court decision forces the legislators to face the issue

Source: Court decision muddies the waters on beach access; legislators must clear it up | Mulshine

Links for 11/7/15

I wonder what their fossil fuel overlords make of this:

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Tom the Dancing Bug, IN WHICH Hollingsworth Hound infiltrates a meeting of climatologists, and learns the TRUTH!

Source: Hollingsworth Hound Learns the Truth About Climate Scientists!


The best Goldfinger (1964) The gold standard1 for themes. Sweeping, sultry and backed by urgent jazz orchestra horns and quotes from the iconic Bond theme. This John Barry song is not just a Bond theme it is the Bond theme. It defines an entire genre. Its close association with the film and Dame Shirley Bassey’s iconic performance has kept it from becoming a standard, but it’s among the great movie songs of all time. It also casts a long enough shadow that attempts to match it have led to a string of dreary copies and retreads. Dr. No (1962) It’s borderline cheating to rank this one. In a literal sense this is just the Bond theme everyone knows and has heard dozens of times. Duh duh duh-duh, da da duh – the seven notes that denote Bond told with blaring horns and guitar jangle. Is this song venerable because it’s great or great because it’s venerable?

Source: David Putney | Bond title songs, ranked


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Links for 10/16/15

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Like a weird volcano glimmering in the centre of a once rundown park, Koo Jeong A’s new art installation is set to become a cultural destination

Source: Let’s glow: skaters descend on Liverpool’s glow-in-the-dark skatepark


“It’s a great time for records,” said Dave Hansen, an owner of Independent Record Pressing in Bordentown, New Jersey.

Source: Vinyl Records See a Comeback During Music’s Digital Age – NBC News


Source: Melting Permafrost Could Cost World Economy $43 Trillion by 2100: Study | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community