Surfing Sixties
Jack Eden at Tristan’s Gallery

Exhibition on 60s surfing photographer in Cornwall – found via Pacific Longboarder:

Surfing Sixties

Jack Eden

This summer Tristan’s Photographic Gallery in Wadebridge, North Cornwall, takes advantage of both its status as one of the few international fine art photographic galleries outside of London and its sunny location amidst the surf beaches of North Cornwall to present a collection of rare, hand-printed, black and white images by the founding father of Australian surf photography, Jack Eden. Described as the ‘photographic biographer’ of Australian surfing history, Eden shot the majority of the images displayed between the late fifties and late sixties mainly around the beaches of Sydney for use in his magazine ‘Surfabout’ learning developing and printing techniques by correspondence with legendary American landscape photographer Ansel Adams.This period was a time of great transition, growth and development in surfing, as both new materials and designs allowed for great progression in the water and more young people pursued a relaxed and carefree lifestyle after the war years such as that offered by the beach. Jack Eden captured both the action taking place on the waves and also the fashions, cars, musicians and attitudes of the blossoming Australian beach scene which has since developed to become a national stereotype. The sixties were the decade when Australian came of age on the waves – the surfing evolution and revolution.…

Tristan’s Gallery
Wadebridge, Cornwall

Waikiki Beachboys by Brian Chidester

Brian Chidester, co-author of Dumb Angel Magazine 4 and the upcoming Pop Surf Culture book (among other things) has a short film about the Waikiki Beachboys on YouTube currently.

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Quote from Tiki central:

It’s a short documentary that I directed four years ago, as a teaser to a larger project about the Waikiki Beachboys… native Hawaiian surf instructors and nightclub entertainers from the jazz age up through the ’60s. There were two great generations of Beachboys, and even though there are still beachboy concessions on Waikiki Beach today, the music and scene is nowhere near what it was back in the day.
I hope you enjoy the clip. I have tons of interview footage ‘in the can.’

Deutsche Meisterschaften des DWV im Wellenreiten 2008

My old band (The Looney Tunes) played at the first DWV contest in Germany, 2004 on the island of Sylt. That led to many german bands playing at their meetings and contests. Soon after the Sylt contests they change the preferred location back to the french Atlantic coast.


Deutsche Meisterschaften des DWV im Wellenreiten 2008Der Deutsche Wellenreit Verband veranstaltet vom 27. September bis 4. Oktober 2008 in Seignosse an der südfranzösischen Atlantikküste die Deutsche Wellenreit Meisterschaft. Die DM geht damit in ihr 13. Jahr.

Deutsche Meisterschaften des DWV im Wellenreiten 2008

Wild Water Days zum dritten Mal auf Sylt


Wild Water Days zum dritten Mal auf Sylt
Für Naturschutz und Umwelt die Schulbank drücken und einen einwöchigen Aufenthalt auf Sylt als Projektwoche für die ganze Klasse gewinnen! Alle Infos dazu findet Ihr hier.Wild Water Days 2008. Ihr seid zwischen 9 und 14 Jahre alt und Pink Floyd haben mit ihrem Song “We Don’t Need No Education” euren Zuspruch gefunden? Na, dann haben wir hier genau das Richtige für euch! Denn ein bisschen Bildung hat noch niemandem geschadet, insbesondere, wenn es sich um Umweltschutz und das Wellenreiten handelt. Und genau aus diesem Grund veranstaltet die Quiksilver Foundation vom 2. bis 6. Juni 2008 zum dritten Mal die Wild Water Days auf Sylt. Dass die Quiksilver Foundation weiß, wovon sie spricht, beweist ihr Engagement beim Thema Naturschutz: Neben der Überwachung von Korallenriffen, der Kontrolle der Wasserqualität in bekannten Surf-Revieren und Strandsäuberungsaktionen investiert die Quiksilver Foundation all ihre Energie, damit wir weiterhin in sauberem Wasser surfen können.

Wild Water Days 2008

Wild Water Days zum dritten Mal auf Sylt

Pacificlongboarder Announcing Article on Surfmusic

Whether it’s about Aussie Atlantics type, Jack Johnson mode, California instro, Beach Boys style or all of them was not specified yet.

Volume 7 Number 4
80 pages plus cover

Face Moves: Twelve Longboard Apostles
The Kingdom of Tonga
Surf Music Lives
Once Were Groms
Profiles: Beau Young & Manly Malibu Club

When Tiki Meets Surfboard

Some of these look good to me, of course they’re impracticle as surfboards, more like ritual paddles, spears and guaras.

*HUA Sculptured Surfboards

HUA (Polynesian Soul) SCULPTURES are the work of Aaron Kereopa – a young Maori surfer and artist.
Aaron designs and then carves these characters into stripped back, old – dis-used surfboards. Each of them represents a part of a Maori warrior tree.
Aaron’s works are now only available by commission. – the Art, the Sport and the Lifestyle of Surfing

Surfilm Festibal

This spanish surf film festival looks great!

But wait, the poster is proper, and there’s going to be surfbands playing!

At the Surfilm Festibal there’s always been live music… but it seems that this year they are going one step beyond by inviting some very first-rate bands, and even starting an offshoot: the FestiBaila, a music festival within the Surfilm Festibal. In this first edition the FestiBaila will feature the followings bands: Delorean, Los Coronas, Los Tiki Phantoms and Discípulos de Dionisos (click on the names to learn more about each band). I’ve just spoken to Sancho, one of the organizers, to find out more about the FestiBaila.

Here’s the english blog.
Surfilm Festibal 6 Concurso Internacional de Cortos

Trestles – They Still Don’t Get It!

Here’s a quote from

The TCA isn’t done with their toll road through Trestles yet. They’ve successfully appealed to the US Fish And Wildlife Service to reject the findings of the Coastal Commission. There is some insight into how the agency has been infiltrated by capitalistic pigs on the erBB. Keep fighting. » Blog Archive » The TCA Thinks You Are Lazy And Powerless

older articles 1, 2 and 3.

‘Woody’ Brown Died

From the Honolulu Advertiser:

KAHULUI, Maui — Renowned surfer Woodbridge Parker “Woody” Brown died Wednesday at Hale Makua, Kahului. He was 96.

“He was the essential surfer, an iconoclast: extremely independent, futuristic and, most especially, healthy — which explains why he lived for 96 very productive, wonderful years,” said Hemmings, the 1968 world surfing champion who inaugurated the world professional surfing circuit in 1975. “… I only hope more of us who call ourselves surfers can live the way Woody lived.

Brown, who surfed regularly until he was 90, rubbed shoulders with Charles Lindbergh, Duke Kahanamoku and old Hawaiians who lived the life of a former era, he said.