Exotic Guitar Scales

One of these days I have to learn them all, hopefully I already do some of them, without knowing their names. Exotic scales are what sets Surfmusic apart from earlier forms of instrumental rock’n’roll, and connects it with jazz (like early George Benson and Gabor Szabo) and Exotica.

Moderate Drinking and Active Lifestyle = Health

From BBC News website article:

A little alcohol ‘can be healthy’
Experts warned that over-indulgence could pose severe health risks
A little alcohol combined with a healthy active lifestyle may be the best recipe for a longer life.

A European Heart Journal study suggests the combination can cut the risk of heart disease.

A Danish team found people who led an active lifestyle were less prone to heart disease – but the risk was cut still further if they drank moderately.

However, UK experts warned people should not be encouraged to drink, as too much alcohol can be very damaging.

Physical activity has shown greater benefits to heart health and overall health in previous research compared to drinking alcohol
Ellen Mason
British Heart Foundation

The researchers followed nearly 12,000 men and women for nearly 20 years, during which 1,242 died from ischaemic heart disease (IHD).


Jet Set Planet

Here‘s a great little regular music show you might find entertaining:
Jet Set Planet

A program of space age era instrumentals, TV Jazz, and other related music, featuring dismissed, forgotten, or otherwise marginalized vinyl LPs from the record bins of Thrift Store USA.

* Exotica
* Crime Jazz
* Lounge and Cocktail music
* Big Bands in the Stereo Age
* Ping-pong percussion
* Bongos. Bossa Nova, and Latin tunes
* European and American soundtracks
* Jazz for swingers and soft-core sensualists
* E-Z & Sleazy Listening
* Rock-Gone-Wrong
* Juvenile Delinquent music
* the Now Sound
* Songs of the Jet Set
* the Schreee of 10,000 strings
* and Spy jazz

Dick Dale’s Health

Through Surfmusic101 this article by Drew Kampion came to my attention:

A few days ago, a friend told me she’d got the news that Dick Dale (King of the Surf Guitar) was in a serious fight with colon cancer, which had attacked him back in the 1960s and changed his life (he became a vegetarian, an environmental activist, and a man who lives in the moment). Dick retired from performing for a time, but got back into it during the 1980s. When Quentin Tarantino prominently featured DD’s famous “Misirlou” instrumental in his 1994 film, Pulp Fiction, Dick Dale was once again elevated into public consciousness.

article at Surfer’s Path



A resource about environmentally and socially responsible surf related products and lifestyle choices.

Two Tow-Teams Ride Biggest Swell to Ever Hit British Isles

Duncan Scott, 1st December 2007, Mullaghmore Head, Ireland: photo Kelly Allen

from Surfers Villagee (via Surfrider blog)

Surfersvillage Global Surf News, 1 December, 2007 : – – As Ireland was battered today by the largest ocean swells ever predicted by the Marine Institute’s weather buoys (14 metres), a group of four surfers braved the stormy conditions to successfully take on the biggest waves ever ridden in the British and Irish Isles, off Mullaghmore Head, south Donegal Bay, Ireland. Duncan Scott (Newquay, Cornwall, UK), Alistair Mennie (Portrush, N.Ireland), Gabe Davies (Newcastle, UK) and Ritchie Fitzgerald (Bundoran, Co. Donegal, Ireland) motored out at first light on two jetskis to await the arrival of the massive, storm-driven swells.

pics at BBC

video link

What Are You Doing Next Summer?

This sounds really exoting, excuse me, exciting.
Quote from John (Pago Pago) at MySpace

The Pacific Arts Festival is coming to Pago Pago, American Samoa from July 20 to August 2, 2008.
3000 artists from 27 Pacific Island nations will perform traditional arts: dance, song, crafts and customary rituals such as ceremonial greetings, oratory, chants and healing practices. For indigenous islanders the festival will remind us of our common four thousand year old history of voyaging, the life giving links between humankind and nature and the mystical relationship between our spirit, the heavens, the sea and the earth.
In a modern context the Pacific Arts Festival is an opportunity for fusion. The festival is where people of the world; artists, fashionistas, musicians and writers; will come to remind themselves of other cultural ways, new old customs and the singularity of the human spirit manifest in a vibrant collage of color, voice, beat and meditative transcendence. The Pacific Arts Festival, the communal meeting place of Isla Pacifica, is where new world forms of art will take shape from collaboration, observation and the never unchanging need to awaken the creative voice that resides within us all.
Fusion now. The artists are on the page below. Invite yourself to Pago Pago.

Le Festival d’Arts Pacifique vient ; Pago Pago, le Samoa Americain du 20 juillet au 2 2008.
3000 artistes de 27 nations d’le de Pacifique excuteront des arts traditionnels comme la danse, la chanson, les artisanats et les rites habituels comme la salutation monielle, l’art oratoire, en scandant des slogans et en gurissant. Pour les insulaires indignes le festival nous rappellera notre histoire de quatre mille ans commune de voyaging, la vie donnant des liens entre l’humanite et la nature et le rapport mystique entre notre esprit, le paradis, la mer et la terre.
Dans un contexte moderne le Festival d’Arts Pacifique est une opportunite; pour la fusion. Le festival est les gens du monde, les artistes, fashionistas, les musiciens et les auteurs viendront pour se rappeler d’autres voies culturelles, nouvelle vieille douane et la singularite du manifeste d’esprit humain dans un collage plein de vie de couleur, voix, battront et transcendance ditative. Le Festival d’Arts Pacifique, le lieu de rencontre communal d’Isla Pacifica, est de nouvelles formes mondiales d’art prendront la forme de la collaboration, l’observation et le besoin jamais immuable de veiller la voix atrice qui side dans nous tous.
Fusion maintenant. Les artistes sont sur cette page ci-dessous. Invitez-vous Pago Pago.

Das Pazifische Kunstfest kommt zu Pago Pago, Amerika Samoa vom 20. Juli bis zum 2. August 2008.
3000 Kunstler von 27 Pazifischen Inselnationen werden traditionelle Kunste durchfuhren: Tanz, Lied, Handwerke und bliche Rituale wie feierliche, Redekunst, Singen und Heilpraktiken.
Damit erinnert das Fest die einheimischen Inselbewohner an die viertausendjahrige Geschichte von voyaging, dem Erleben, das Verbindungen zwischen der Menschheit und Natur und der mystischen Beziehung zwischen unserem Geist, dem Himmel, dem Meer und der Erde gibt.
Aber in einem modernen Zusammenhang ist das Pazifische Kunstfest auch eine Gelegenheit das Zusammenkommen und gemeinsame Erleben der Menschen und Kulturen. Zu diesem Fest kommen Leute ; Kunstler, Reisende, Musiker und Schriftsteller- aus allen Teilen der Welt, um andere kulturelle Wege und die Eigenartigkeit des menschlichen Geistermanifests in einer vibrierenden Collage der Farbe, der Stimme und des Klanges zu erleben.
Das Pazifische Kunstfest ist wahrend dieser Zeit der zentrale Treffpunkt der Isla Pacifica. Hier werden durch die Zusammenarbeit, Erfahrung und der in jedem Menschen schlummernden kreativen Stimme, neue Formen der Kunst Gestalt annehmen!
Fusion jetz! Die teilnehmenden Kunstler sind auf dieser Seite unten vertreten. Fuhle dich herzlich nach Pago Pago eingeladen!

Surf Art! by Rodney Sumpter

surf art book rod sumpter

Surf legend Rod Sumpters guide to the art and graphics of surfing. Hundreds of images of everything from old movie posters, logos, surf shop signs spanning decades and providing a great resource for designers, collectors or anyone interested in the graphic history of surfing. Items include valuations.

Surf Art! at Amazon

British Airways Bans Surfboards And Canoes

from Pacific Longboarder

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

A British Airways ban on bulky sports equipment could wreck the fast growing holiday world of independent active travel, it was claimed today.

From November 6, the airline will refuse to carry hang gliders, windsurfing boards and sails, surfboards, kayaks, canoes, pole vaults and javelins.…

read it all here